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My toddler won't nap!!!

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Help!! Recently my 32 month (2 1/2+) year old has been very difficult to put down for a nap. It doesn't matter if we stay at the park for long stretches or are at home, she has a hard time falling asleep. I know she is tired, but napping is still difficult.


When she doesn't get a nap, she is a little rambunctious later in the day. She can be hard to handle at times and drives my husband a little nuts. However, the good thing is that she goes to sleep pretty early, giving me a much needed break!


On the other hand, when she does nap, she stays up WAY too late and it takes FOREVER for her to fall asleep! This drives ME nuts!!


I don't know if she is outgrowing a nap of if it is just a stage. Okay all you experienced moms, PLEASE GIVE ME SOME SAGE ADVISE!!


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Well, 3 out of 4 of my dc were/are like that. My youngest is almost 2 and if I can get him up at 6am and get him down for an early nap, he will go to bed at a decent hour. But, if he wakes up after 7:30 am he is up for the day but down by 7pm which I really like. I know some mom's implement a quiet time for their little ones that don't nap, so there is still time for mom in the afternoon. I didn't know about this with my older 2 and my youngest isn't in a crib and wouldn't stay in his room alone without mischief. I am sure there are some moms who can give some good advice about quiet time, but just know this is normal for some children. :)

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Help!! Recently my 32 month (2 1/2+) year old has been very difficult to put down for a nap. It doesn't matter if we stay at the park for long stretches or are at home, she has a hard time falling asleep. I know she is tired, but napping is still difficult.


When she doesn't get a nap, she is a little rambunctious later in the day. She can be hard to handle at times and drives my husband a little nuts. However, the good thing is that she goes to sleep pretty early, giving me a much needed break!


On the other hand, when she does nap, she stays up WAY too late and it takes FOREVER for her to fall asleep! This drives ME nuts!!


I don't know if she is outgrowing a nap of if it is just a stage. Okay all you experienced moms, PLEASE GIVE ME SOME SAGE ADVISE!!



Mine both stopped napping well by age 1 1/2 (especially ds, my older). I went to having "quiet time" in the afternoons for an hour instead - they stay in their rooms and do something quietly. And we started getting into a good bedtime routine and had early bedtimes. As they've gotten older, this has transitioned into just being in their rooms fairly early at night but they can stay up until their lamps go off (they each have a lamp on a timer).

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Here too. My twins both gave up napping sometime the year they were 2. I did institute "quiet time" during nap time instead - I put on a one-hour tape and they had to stay in their room till it was over and managed to get another year or two out of that.


My youngest only ever napped in her sling or in the car. :glare:

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What is that? My kids never took naps, after they got out of baby stage and into toddlerhood. I can't remember the age exactly, but I just avoided late afternoon driving when they might fall asleep and change their schedule. If no napping is the norm, it needs to be that way all the time. I structured evenings to be one thing after another, dinner, game/play/group read/walk, bath, bed reading, lights out. I never got dishes done till midnight, cause the earlier bedtime meant I could do some things.


Oh, I did try laying down for naps with the kids and that worked well for a little while, into toddler stage. I think they always just were sure something fun was going on and they'd miss it. Boring mom, falling asleep on the couch, at least meant quiet play. Usually.


I couldn't institute quiet time in their rooms, or they'd have built things with the crib after taking it apart.

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Very common and perfectly normal not to nap at 2 1/2, and there is usually a transition period (acting up or being cross) when they eliminate a nap or change the schedule in any way. You'll get through the transition quickest if you give up naps entirely, rather than having her take them occasionally.


Also? "a bit rambunctious" and "two-and-a-half" go pretty much hand-in-hand for most kids ;).


I would move to "quiet time" rather than a nap, where dd has to stay in her room and only do certain pre-approved quiet activities, like playing with stuffed animals, drawing, or listening to a book on tape. This gives you a little break and gives her a bit of a rest and time to calm down from the park, etc.

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All my children never did nap - just go, go, go all day long till they would fall into a long deep sleep at night. As their 'blessed' mom I had to think ahead, be creative and let them be involved in all that I did so they picked up practical life skills, kitchen science, etc. in the process. Big fun for them and me too. Must admit that I was/am tired but was/am willing to give in for their sake. :-) Accepting it and diving into it is my two cents.

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Thank you SO much!! I thought I was going crazy or something. At least I know this is "normal" and now I can move on with my life. I am taking most of your advice and I am going to forgo a nap. This saves my sanity and I can have some peace and quiet time with my husband. YEAH!!!


Thanks for the support:grouphug:

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