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I never knew I was depriving my son by not using textbooks!

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I've always gathered living books and a variety of books for science, but Nathan saw science textbooks at the homeschooling bookstore. He was so excited to describe to me how much information is in a science textbook. He acted like I had never seen one before. It was the funniest thing.


So, I bought two of them for him -- fourth and fifth grade. He has read 70 pages so far. Today he informed me I should have used it when we studied entomology. He has spewed more facts than your average person can absorb. He even brought it to the dinner table. He is now sitting on the couch with dad telling him about rocks.

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Call me crazy, but I have actually always really enjoyed textbooks, my husband too. The logical sequence, the organized layout, the shiny pictures.....they just always appeal to me. You should have seen how excited I was this past weekend to find an old college text of mine at my parent's house. I thought I had lost it and was planning on buying a replacement.

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Call me crazy, but I have actually always really enjoyed textbooks, my husband too. The logical sequence, the organized layout, the shiny pictures.....they just always appeal to me. You should have seen how excited I was this past weekend to find an old college text of mine at my parent's house. I thought I had lost it and was planning on buying a replacement.


:iagree: I thought I was the only crazy one!

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Call me crazy, but I have actually always really enjoyed textbooks, my husband too. The logical sequence, the organized layout, the shiny pictures.....they just always appeal to me. You should have seen how excited I was this past weekend to find an old college text of mine at my parent's house. I thought I had lost it and was planning on buying a replacement.


My 19 yo is the same way. He likes to read encyclopedias too. :glare::D

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Is this your Aspie boy? I can see a book of facts being verrrry attractive! lol

Whatever works...


I think you may be thinking of Ben (I've posted about him lately regarding some issues. He's why I've been reading the Raising Your Spirited Child book). This is Nathan (my other son with issues, LOL. His issues are fewer and farther between).



Oh man, I always get so jealous when people say stuff like that! My kids never do those sorts of things! However I will overcome my child- envy to congratulate you on having a wonderful young learner there. :001_smile:


Oh please. I have three sons, and only one of them is like this. Just a few minutes ago, he was reading about an archaeologist's Ancient Egyptian discoveries to Ben, and Ben finally said, "I'm not interested in this, can you stop reading aloud?"


It's actually nice because Nathan does have an insatiable desire to learn while Ben takes his sweet time. We study science and history together, but Nathan usually takes off on his own pursuits, learning more deeply than we would. This removes the guilt I have regarding Ben's disinterest holding Nathan back.

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Call me crazy, but I have actually always really enjoyed textbooks, my husband too. The logical sequence, the organized layout, the shiny pictures.....they just always appeal to me. You should have seen how excited I was this past weekend to find an old college text of mine at my parent's house. I thought I had lost it and was planning on buying a replacement.

I like the organization of most text books. We are just starting to use them. I always felt like I was leaving things out when we were using just the living books.

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I've always gathered living books and a variety of books for science, but Nathan saw science textbooks at the homeschooling bookstore. He was so excited to describe to me how much information is in a science textbook. He acted like I had never seen one before. It was the funniest thing.


So, I bought two of them for him -- fourth and fifth grade. He has read 70 pages so far. Today he informed me I should have used it when we studied entomology. He has spewed more facts than your average person can absorb. He even brought it to the dinner table. He is now sitting on the couch with dad telling him about rocks.


That is HYSTERICAL! :lol:


And so typical....I buy lots of science text books because my boys LOVE them...hahaha. I let them read them like encyclopedias...and as a jump off point for other studies...nature studies etc. My boys are known to sleep with their text books...LOL!!!!


Glad he is so happy!



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LOL. My guess is all those living books are filed away in his head. Now those textbooks are just acting as memory triggers.


My daughter said something similar when she discovered a CA history textbook. But I asked her if she hadn't read Island of the Blue Dolphins, By the Great Horn Spoon, Esperanza Rising, etc. would the textbook have been as interesting? I don't think so. The textbook acts as an informative guide to all that living literature.

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. He likes to read encyclopedias too. :glare::D


So do my kids!!! It cracks me up!!! And my dd8 has claimed a book of mine(when she was 3) called Armed and Dangerous, all it contains is topics and Bible verses. She used to pretend to read it at 3 and still won't give it up for anything! I love it, but just seemed strange that she loved a book w/o pictures so young!

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My middle dd complained to me that we shouldn't use Usborne and other books of that nature for science when she was in 4th grade. She told me that those were fun books and using them for school was wrong. That summer, she found a couple of Prentice Hall Science Explorer books at Half-Price Books. She was so happy with them that she actually started crying. She begged me to let her use them for school. She was super excited to have found "science that's on my level!" So I bought the entire series and we used them for science for 5th-8th grades. She is Aspie.

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