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I have a question re: "blog etiquette"

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I think many folks just put up a friends list.

But I think it's nice to ask first :)


For lil personal blogs anywho...bigger places I wouldn't/don't (like PW, I have her linked, but never asked)


I like for folks to ask me first. I just like to know where those 'strangers' come from :)

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I don't think you need to ask, most people are happy to be linked, happy to be liked...it's kind of fun to be clicking around and find yourself on someone's sidebar. It's polite I think to mention someone and link if you are borrowing an idea from them or a meme or sharing something they found.

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I'm linked at a few places, but was only asked once. It's kind of fun to find out where I'm linked. I'd love to link people from my blog, but I don't want my mom or SIL following me around the web. Not because they're freaky stalkers, or anything, but because I'd like to leave a bit of where I go off their radars because they cause me the need to vent now and again, and while I normally don't indulge I like to know I have that option! :eek:

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I don't think you need to ask, most people are happy to be linked, happy to be liked...it's kind of fun to be clicking around and find yourself on someone's sidebar. It's polite I think to mention someone and link if you are borrowing an idea from them or a meme or sharing something they found.


I haven't asked permission to link to other blogs. I do tend to comment on blogs that I link to, so I imagine my blog address doesn't come as a surprise. You might leave a comment when you link to the effect that you've really been enjoying the blog and wanted to share.


I do link to the home page of a blog when I link to something. (Ex. "Petunia at The Natty Nest has some great ideas for recycling plastic bread bag twisties." I would have a link to the post on " great ideas" and I would have a link for The Natty Nest for the main page of the blog).


If you do a post that is a spinoff of an idea you got somewhere else you can give credit to where you found the idea (for example, Petunia's sister Rose had a post about an article from the Greenwood Township Times Register that you then wrote about. You linked to the original article and wrote: Hat Tip to Rose at Rambling Trellis - with a link to Rose's blog.)


This is nice because it gives embeded links to the places that you like to get info. Your readers can visit other blogs or resources that you like. And sometimes the other blogs will begin to link to you.



Percival Blakeney Academy

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