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Question about working...needing advice

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Dh's job isn't going so well...there is a chance that he will be losing his job.


We have be discussing what options I could do to contribute to our income--if need be. I will be starting on the bottom of the food chain--so to speak. I have not worked in 14yrs and I do not have a degree.


Option one---start a preschool and if need be childcare afterwards


Option two---start watching a couple of small children--anytime needed


Option three--- working around dh's job(since he will be the main income) and if need be we could leave dc here for a few hours--they are 12 and 14.


Option four---try to get a job with Live-Ops or something like it


Last option---put dc in school which is our last resort and we both feel like it would be the wrong decision, but we will have to do what we have to do.



With options 1 and 2: I will need to be able to take our dc to their outside activities, so daycare children will need to be able to go with us. So I am limited on how many children I can watch. What are the going rates? What is the going rate for preschool and possible child care afterwards

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My dd5 attends a local preschool 2 mornings per week (9:00-11:30) run by a woman who has taught many of the preschoolers' parents. In other words, she's taught preschool for a long time and is a fixture in the community.


She charges $93/month for tuition. Her classes have 16 students and she has one assistant teacher.

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I'm almost in your same boat. I've not worked since 1997 and just got a job working part time, second shift, at a hospital in the medical records department. They started me a little higher than entry level, and since it's 2nd shift, I got a shift differential which boosted my hourly wage to a dollar an hour more than what entry level is. I also have no college degree, but I do have college credits.


SO, if working the afternoon shift would be doable for your family, you might want to try looking at hospitals. I work 24 hours a week, and got an excellent benefits package, in addition. Hospitals have all sorts of jobs, so even if you're not a medical-type person, there are clerical jobs, food service jobs and others. Might not hurt to look into. And, if you know someone already working at the hospital, ask them to put in a good word. That's how I got my interview for my current job. Initially, they rejected me because I haven't worked in so long. A friend talked to HR, they pulled my application back up, interviewed me and hired me!


Good luck with whatever you end up doing. And, I'm sorry your dh is facing losing his job.

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I've been able to snag a position as a "virtual assistant" doing all my work from home on my computer. It has worked out wonderfully for us. You could check with a local staffing agency and see if they have a need for something like that. I don't do much on the phone (wouldn't work well with hollering kids!) but mostly online research, data entry, communicating with clients via email (phone if necessary), document management (it's a small business that is as paperless as possible, so everything's on a secure server) that sort of thing. The only drawback is that it isn't very many hours per month, but I do have the option of being hired by multiple businesses if I chose. I set my own work hours, too.

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Have you looked at what waitresses in your area make per shift? Dave Ramsey always tells men to deliver pizzas, but I wish he would suggest waiting tables once in a while. I waited tables between college and grad. school, a long time ago, at a mid-market Mexican restaurant, and I could easily make $100/shift. If you are looking for something temporary (it can be physically hard to wait tables, so it isn't something I would want to do forever) and flexible and at night or on weekends, waiting tables can't be beat. It matters a lot, however, where you work. You might clear $30/shift at one restaurant versus three (or more) times that at another. The tip-out policy (how much waitresses tip bus staff and hosts) would also make a difference in how much you clear.



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