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I'm sorry I hit you in the throat and dragged you off the beach, but...

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but since you clearly have no idea what the heck is going on, you are free to go. :confused: And now, Sawyer suddenly wants to leave the island with crazy dead Locke? What the heck for?


I am disappointed that we are four hours into the final season, still have no answers and are getting more questions. :001_huh: We only have 13 hours left, they better get busy with the answering of some questions.

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My favorite was Ben's eulogy at Locke's burial: "I'm sorry I murdered you." And the shocked faces of Sun, Lapidus and what's-her-face.


:iagree: Yeah, that was good too. I think we are going to see Ben playin a much more sympathetic character this season. I still have no idea who are the good guys and who are the bad guys. :glare:

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I liked last night, but I'm also having trouble discerning who is good and who isn't--tho I am starting to think Flocke represents the evil side. I think Richard did a pretty good job saying so, and I don't think he's ever been really bad. Also, Flocke is "recruiting," and is preying on James, who is ripe for "evil" to take root--angry, resentful, hurting, drink to forget his pain, etc.


I do think we are seeing the end in the sideways flashes. So far Claire is taken care of (her story has sort of ended, with the idea that she will probably raise her own child), Charlie seems set to go to jail and maybe get help, and Hugo seems to be in an ending place, too--"lucky," things have worked out, he's still a nice guy, etc. Even Locke seems to be in an ending place--we see him FINALLY accept his paralysis, he's with his honey, and he has a job that finally fits him and seems happy there. Ben, too--he's a history teacher and not a bad guy at all.


THings I liked--the dark-haired chick (Ileana?) scooping up Jacob's ashes, the numbers being associated with the Losties (only some of them, notice that?), John Locke accepting his life (just the whole thing--I really like what they had happen to him), a hint that Flocke is scared of one thing--Jacob.


An interesting episode.

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I liked last night, but I'm also having trouble discerning who is good and who isn't--tho I am starting to think Flocke represents the evil side. I think Richard did a pretty good job saying so, and I don't think he's ever been really bad. Also, Flocke is "recruiting," and is preying on James, who is ripe for "evil" to take root--angry, resentful, hurting, drink to forget his pain, etc.


I do think we are seeing the end in the sideways flashes. So far Claire is taken care of (her story has sort of ended, with the idea that she will probably raise her own child), Charlie seems set to go to jail and maybe get help, and Hugo seems to be in an ending place, too--"lucky," things have worked out, he's still a nice guy, etc. Even Locke seems to be in an ending place--we see him FINALLY accept his paralysis, he's with his honey, and he has a job that finally fits him and seems happy there. Ben, too--he's a history teacher and not a bad guy at all.


THings I liked--the dark-haired chick (Ileana?) scooping up Jacob's ashes, the numbers being associated with the Losties (only some of them, notice that?), John Locke accepting his life (just the whole thing--I really like what they had happen to him), a hint that Flocke is scared of one thing--Jacob.


An interesting episode.


Yes, I love the way they finally tied in te numbers to something. I am liking the some of the alternate realities but others not so much. Kate is still on the run, Charlie is in jail, Rose still has cancer, etc. Of course the AR also causes some questions. On the second 815 flight, I did not see Michael and Walt at all. Will Sun still get pregnant. Maybe she will meet Juliet? Is Jin still planning on running away, from the stasj of money it certainly looked like it. Where is Christian's body. I read a theory on the internet that these flashside ways of the AR is what life will be like once Jack fixes everything on the island.


And is anyone else incredulous that both Ben and Richard where following Jacob's bidding for so long with no questions asked and without having a clue what was really going on.

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What's with Ben being a teacher? Hurley is very confident. Why is Richard so afraid of Flocke?


Also, did anyone notice that there is now another sound when flashing sideways.....first couple of episdodes the "swoosh" was gone and no sound was there....now it is that creaking sound.

Edited by TXMary2
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I do think we are seeing the end in the sideways flashes. So far Claire is taken care of (her story has sort of ended, with the idea that she will probably raise her own child), Charlie seems set to go to jail and maybe get help, and Hugo seems to be in an ending place, too--"lucky," things have worked out, he's still a nice guy, etc. Even Locke seems to be in an ending place--we see him FINALLY accept his paralysis, he's with his honey, and he has a job that finally fits him and seems happy there. Ben, too--he's a history teacher and not a bad guy at all.




I disagree. I think the LA X line is the final story. The island has definitely had an impact on their "final" lives, and I don't know exactly how it all works, but I do believe we're going to get the answers more through the LA X line than the island line.

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I love every minute of every episode! And each episode ends with me practially yelling (but not, since the kids are in bed) "NOOO!" at the screen because they always end on yet another new mystery/question. I have a feeling the final episode will do that to me too.



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I disagree. I think the LA X line is the final story. The island has definitely had an impact on their "final" lives, and I don't know exactly how it all works, but I do believe we're going to get the answers more through the LA X line than the island line.


Yes--that's what I meant by sideways flashes--the plane timeline is the end of the story, I think. Is that what you are saying, too?

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No. I think there are two simultaneous timelines going on that will eventually have to be integrated.


An interview I read w/Damon & Carlton (producers?) likened it to a rock in a stream - the water has to split and take different paths on either side the rock, but eventually comes back together.



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An interview I read w/Damon & Carlton (producers?) likened it to a rock in a stream - the water has to split and take different paths on either side the rock, but eventually comes back together.




I just hope that in the end everyone ends up with their best life. Sun & in together with baby, Sawyer & Juliet, Hugo happy and lucky, Locke with Helen and able to walk, Sayid with Nadia, Claire and Charlie alive, together and raising Aaron. Peace of mind for Jack. Desmond & Penny together and well. Daniel sane. And all our questions answered. Ya don't think I am asking for too much do you?

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I love every minute of every episode! And each episode ends with me practially yelling (but not, since the kids are in bed) "NOOO!" at the screen because they always end on yet another new mystery/question. I have a feeling the final episode will do that to me too.


I am thoroughly enjoying this season. I think I would be bored if too many things were answered too quickly. I bet it won't come clear until the last few episodes.

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Funny thing heard about Lost from a late night show....


As the program is moving toward the end of the Lost, we are finally learning some things that is making everything clear. For example, tonight we learned that "Kate" actually a nickname for "Kathryn". Its all so clear now.

From possibly the same late night show--can't remember for sure--Michael Emerson (Ben) let us in on a secret--the number 815 adds up to 14. :D


And Damon and Carlton shared yet another piece of the puzzle--the smoke monster is a fart. :lol:

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