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Placement in Singapore and Miquon math programs


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I just want to get some feedback to see if I am on the right track for placing ds in math. He took the placement tests for Singapore and got 100% on the test for 1A and 64% on the test for 1B. According to the website, he should be placed in level 1B. I do think he would very bored with 1A.


I'm just a little concerned that he hasn't had any exposure to Singapore's way of doing math, and that seems important for continuing in the program. I'm thinking about getting him 1B and maybe getting the blue downloads for grades 1-3 in Mammoth Math if he needs extra practice with the conceptualization. Is this what you recommend? The SM 1B with the MM for extra practice or explanation?


Also, I want to try Miquon with him. He's already had some exposure to some higher math concepts (fractions, multiplication, negative numbers), so I'm thinking about skipping the orange book and going for the red book. Would this be a mistake? (Still can't quite wrap my mind around Miquon without actually seeing it in action.)

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I just want to get some feedback to see if I am on the right track for placing ds in math. He took the placement tests for Singapore and got 100% on the test for 1A and 64% on the test for 1B. According to the website, he should be placed in level 1B. I do think he would very bored with 1A.


I'm just a little concerned that he hasn't had any exposure to Singapore's way of doing math, and that seems important for continuing in the program. I'm thinking about getting him 1B and maybe getting the blue downloads for grades 1-3 in Mammoth Math if he needs extra practice with the conceptualization. Is this what you recommend? The SM 1B with the MM for extra practice or explanation?


Also, I want to try Miquon with him. He's already had some exposure to some higher math concepts (fractions, multiplication, negative numbers), so I'm thinking about skipping the orange book and going for the red book. Would this be a mistake? (Still can't quite wrap my mind around Miquon without actually seeing it in action.)


I put my very mathy 5yo in 1A. He loved it. We just finished 1B and, despite the fact that nothing in either book has been a new concept for him, it has been great. I was nice that the material wasn't hard so that we could really focus on the Singapore way of doing things especially mental math. The exercises are pretty short so it wasn't just busy work for him. We finished both 1A and 1B pretty quickly, but I feel he has a solid foundation for starting 2A in April. We'll be finishing up CWP 1 in the meantime.


I also recently bought him Miquon Orange and he's about 15 pages into it (not in order :tongue_smilie:). I just didn't feel like there was any reason not to start in Orange, KWIM? They're so young and there's no reason to rush through it IMO. I do think he'll end up skipping some of the counting pages. He did about 9 of them, but just doesn't seem too excited about the rest. No big deal... He loves the clock, shapes, and multiplication pages, though.

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Don't skip Miquon Orange. jmho.


I think starting in the Orange book will be a good way to introduce the Singapore thinking. The rod trains in Miquon and the number bonds in Singapore are one in the same.


If you want to do Miquon, I would jump in with the Orange book and bring in SM 1B when you feel he's ready. MM isn't necessary. Although, this is coming from the mom of a ds with visual issues which means MM just doesn't "speak his language"....I'm admittedly biased towards programs that are essentially NOT "workbook-ish." (I like what I've seen of MM, to be fair. ;) If your ds is a workbook lover, MM might be the way to go.)

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Start with 1A & Orange. . .but do buy the next books NOW as your child can/will probably go through them very quickly.


Be sure to read through the SM Text before setting him loose on the corresponding exercises. . . and then just let him fly. He might be ready for 1B and/or Red within a few weeks. He'll slow down when he gets to a good challenge level.

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