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What to use for Algebra I ? (Saxon question.)


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My son, 13, is struggling a lot with math this year. We started homeschooling him in 5th grade, following this sequence:


5th Saxon 6/5

6th Saxon 7/6

7th (current) Saxon 8/7.


He did better the previous years than this year, but I decided to go with 8/7 instead of Algebra 1/2 because it was a little bumpy.


I have been trying to be very disciplined, covering the entire teaching portion of each lesson with him, and having him do the practice problems before I step away. I've tried all problems and odds/evens, but even when he seems to grasp the concepts just fine, he usually fails all the homework and tests. I have him re-do all problems when he scores below 80%. Not sure where to go from here. Could it just be a hormone fog?

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Has his shoe size increased dramatically?



That's when we noticed everything changing in my boy including math issues.

My vote is hormones since it's been going so well. Have you tried Saxon Teacher dvd's? Maybe just a change of pace for a bit.


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I can't say for sure what to do and I can't say for sure how long that fog will last.

We decided he needed more hand holding in the future in regards to math and thought it a good time to switch to Teaching Textbooks. He did fine with 'till chap 6 or so when he had to do a direct turnaround and go back to chapter one, very frustrating. Needless to say he wasn't happy with that but it's proved okay at this point.

I do know I wish I'd found some way to make Saxon work but, can't think on that kind of stuff.


I needed the solutions worked out and now Saxon has that through Saxon teacher, I understand so it might be better with child #2.


Me? I would have him back up a bit to where you first started seeing problems in his understanding. Watch the Saxon teacher lessons and follow closely on his progress monitoring corrections and helping with teaching and the like.

Be gracious and patient are the two biggest things whichever route you go - it's a tough stage. Then before you know it, they're men :)

Edited by momee
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