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How far along are you in "school" this year?

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I'm just curious... or maybe a bit nosy...:D


Tomorrow is day 121 for us. I'm so excited!! I don't think we've ever before been that far along by this time of year. We're usually major slackers after the holidays. :tongue_smilie:


We do school all year, but for the purpose of our records we count the days. Can't remember the exact day we started counting, but it was sometime in August...

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We are officially on week 21 of 36 with our virtual academy. Unofficial, we are a week behind where I planned to be but that is okay because we typically finish most of our curriculum a month or so early. We have plenty of time to finish before the official end of the year.

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we haven't officially started yet. the beginning of the school year here in Australia is the start of Feb. but we started our summer holidays late, we have friends visiting from Alice Springs, they homeschool and the only holiday that both our families have every year is when we get together for one month.

we will be starting our school year in a week and a half.

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We are on day 112 according to my HST.

I usually don't pay attention to this or try to keep up with the ps schedule, but the other day we were at some friends' house and the little boy came home from school having celebrated the 100th day of the school year. I wondered to myself how many "school" days we had had and when I got home and checked we were right around 100 also. I was surprised! Time flies!

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This is week 26 of 36 weeks.


We have to school 9 months with reasonable breaks and holidays. We use TOG and so we school for 36 weeks. It works out nicely. :-)


This year we will have our spring break late according to curriculum. We usually take a week off between every 9 weeks of school. But our co-op and dd's writing class both take off 2 weeks later. We will take off the same week just so it really is a week off - no curriculum at home + no co-op + no writing= no school!

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We are on day 125!:party:Every day, we mark of a tally and change the "number of days in school" on our big whiteboard. The dc love it.


We use a lot of different things, so at the beginning of the year, it was a lot of unit studies & lapbooks, and then we started trying to encorporate MFW & HOD-we're only on week 3 of their guides!

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I do know that we are most of the way through minor subjects like spelling/geography etc. We are at least 1/2 way through major subjects like math, reading, grammar etc.


We don't follow a schedule and tend to school in informal time chunks instead of structured days. This may mean that entire school day is grammar and reading, accomplishing many lessons in one day, instead of breaking each day down into 7 subjects. DD11 (my only hser) often will do a weeks worth of one subject in one sitting, and then move on to the next subject on a following day. She learns better with mastery of large chunks that smaller pieces of spiral learning.

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Depends on the kid and the subject.



physics - in ch 19 out of 37 that we'll cover (definitely will be working through the summer)

precalculus - just started ch 5 out of 9 (definitely will be working through the summer to finish)

history - week 22 out of 36, not bad

English doesn't really have a schedule



biology - in ch 23 out of 42 (will work through the summer)

geometry - in ch 13 out of 17 (will finish in March or April and then move on to Algebra II)

history - week 27 out of 36 (will finish up early and then use the SAT subject test book to study for the SAT-II)

English - doesn't really have a schedule



science - should finish up in May or June

math - working in four different Key to series, just keep doing the next thing

history - week 20 out of 36 (will work through summer until finished)

English - no actual schedule

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We're on week 30 of 28 accelerated weeks for the school year, so we're ahead. We switched Math curricula in the middle so we're behind there but through all of history, logic, and science for this year and are just learning whatever interests us in those. There's always more to add in for LA, so the kids don't remember we were supposed to be done by now.;)


The plan was to be done by Feb for the birth of a baby, but that didn't pan out so I'm thinking of schooling ~60 weeks till the baby is really born this September.:D

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We started our school year on June 1st, sooo...we're almost finished with everything. I had to buy more stuff because I wasn't sure what else to do...


I think the 2nd grader is a solid 3rd grader, but I'm stalling before we officially move into 3rd grade work. The 1st grader is doing wonderfully in everything except writing (he struggles with writing).

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We just finished day 119. :) We are on week 23 (but my weeks are counted whether we miss days or not, so my day count is the one we go by).


We should finish officially the second week of May...BUT, we did a lot of curriculum switching in the middle of the year and we will finish each one before we call it "done" for the year. We do math over the summer to keep it going and this year, we will be doing English over the summer for my older ds (started R&S mid year, a grade level below).

Edited by Tree House Academy
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We school year-round and are on day 136. We're required to do 180 days, so we're getting very close to that requirement! We will just keep going, taking days off whenever needed, and won't start the next grade's materials until July. We'll use the rest of the school year to delve deep into things that interest us and to review anything that may not have been learned to mastery.

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