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Your favorite unit studies?


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I love the looks of Far Above Rubies.:) I purchased the older edition used and have been collecting resources for it from Paperback Swap and used book sales.


We have not used it yet, but we plan to start when dd is in seventh grade. She will be in sixth next school year. That will give me time to obtain more books and we should be all set.


I looks like somethink I will be able to pull of even though I am not a typical unit study type of mom.:D

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What age range were you looking for?


I just finished George Washington Download n Go by Amanda Bennett. I used it with just a few George Washington books I had around the house. I thought it was ok, but my kids really liked it and retained the information so I bought a 4 unit study. I think we are going to do Pizza Party next.


I also use homeschoolshare.com stuff. I am getting things ready for my son do some of the Sir Cumference books.


When my ds was smaller we did FIAR.

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The unit studies that work for are of the 'rolling' variety. That is, not really a planned unit study, instead it is an ongoing interest for one or more of the kids. We then just gravitate to doing things related to that subject. Over the months we'll have done things like projects, fieldtrips, movies, writing, etc all about that topic. So it adds up to a unit study but it isn't done on any timetable, but just as the interest naturally unfolds in our family. I have noticed there is great retention from letting things happen this way.


Usually though if I went to a lot of trouble to do unit studies, I'd wind up frustrated because my kids would balk and I'd be kind of burned out by all the planning.


But there have been exceptions. Long ago when I first started homeschooling, we did a year of Konos in a group where we met 3 Friday afternoons a month and my kids loved that. Unfortunately that only lasted a year. And about 4 years ago we did the Beautiful Feet Geography thru Lit. Though for that we didn't really do most of the projects. I just read the books aloud and we looked up stuff in our maps and then colored the maps from the unit.


All that said, I am about to do a Time Travelers unit on the Early 19th C in Am. So we'll see how it goes!

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