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Chalk dust question - Alg I/II

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How many problems do you assign from each section? We started out doing the odds, then I read that most do every fourth. That still seem excessive - 50-60 problems a day?


I feel like the boys (one in Alg I and the other in Alg II) are doing very well with Chalk dust but on average it takes almost 2-3 days per section.


Day one Lecture and go over the examples in text book (with younger son - 8th grade), and older son does on own (11th grade).


day 2-3 Problems form the book.


I was talking to the kids piano teacher today - and he said he did not remember having more than 20-30 problems for home work. So I was wondering if perhaps assigning 5 or so problems randomly from each section would be okay.


Then we can use the other problems for extra practice if needed. I think 5 problems might be okay in most cases for my boys.


They do ALL the problems on the mid chapter quizzes and tests..


Thank you in advance for your advice...

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He usually spends 2 days per section, 1 day for the mid-chapter quiz, 2 days for the review section, and 1 day for the test. On the days that start a new section, he watches the video and does some problems, maybe 1-30 every other odd. The next day he finishes the problems (every other odd).


I tried to do all of the odds but it was just too many. I always keep up with what he is doing and will assign all the odds if he is not getting a certain type of problem. I also make sure he understands the word problems thoroughly.


This pace works well for us and we should finish the entire book on time.

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I'm on my third child with Chalkdust, and we are doing Albebra I the same way as you do.


- Day 1: Watch DVD, read section, do Integrated Review. The IR could be skipped if you have a strong math student, but mine needs the extra practice.


- Days 2-3: Do every fourth problem - 1, 5, 9, 13, etc.


- Mid-Chapter quizzes: One day each, every problem.


- Chapter Reviews: Two days each, every fourth problem.


- Chapter and Cumulative Tests: One day each, every problem.



We are taking it at a steady, but not accelerated pace. Ds works about an hour a day during the school year. He also does math a couple of hours a week in the summer. At this pace, it takes slightly over a school year to finish a book. If your child can do CD faster, go for it!


It sounds as if you are doing fine!



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