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calling all Survivor fans

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:iagree: How could they not see this coming like a railroad crossing sign? They must have completely ignored last season. My Survivor tip: Stay far, far away from and don't believe anything Russell says, ever. Of course this is coming from an opinionated, Monday morning armchair quarterback. :lol:


They haven't seen Russell 's season since this one was filmed before the previous one aired. I think this is really to Russel's advantage because I can't believe he would be able to play the same game if they knew all the promises he made and broke last season.

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They haven't seen Russell 's season since this one was filmed before the previous one aired. I think this is really to Russel's advantage because I can't believe he would be able to play the same game if they knew all the promises he made and broke last season.


OOOhhhhhhh I hadn't realized they hadn't seen him play.


That explains a LOT!

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The fact they haven't seen Russell play is the only reason that man wasn't the first to go. I know some people were shocked to see Jeri switch to Camp Russell, but if you think about how Rob has played his past seasons (and Amazing Race), he will lie to your face and backstab you in heartbeat if it advances his game, and she know that. All she knows of Russell is that he gave up his immunity idol with the risk of going home. That looks pretty good to some people. Even last season he was loyal to his alliance that made the merge. That's how they managed to make it as far as they did. I can't wait until next week when Jeri and Coach realize they sold their souls to the devil.

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Guest Cindie2dds
They haven't seen Russell 's season since this one was filmed before the previous one aired. I think this is really to Russel's advantage because I can't believe he would be able to play the same game if they knew all the promises he made and broke last season.


Of course, he had completed the season but it hadn't aired yet. Makes perfect sense now. Okay, cutting more slack now.:D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Cindie2dds

How about last week? I just got to watch it this morning! I am soooo surprised that JT gave Russell the idol. Can you believe it? Just wow! Tonight is going to be very interesting. Anyone else out there?

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I loved the scene with Parvati and Russell about the idol. JT is an idiot, and this decision will come back to bite him in the butt. I predict that they will get rid of Sandra tonight though (totally a guess). It would be gesture of "good faith" to get rid of one of that tribe first and it takes Russell's #1 hater out of the game.

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How about last week? I just got to watch it this morning! I am soooo surprised that JT gave Russell the idol. Can you believe it? Just wow! Tonight is going to be very interesting. Anyone else out there?


I cannot *believe* they gave Russell the idol!! I wonder if he watched Sandra's season. He doesn't seem to know her game, and she's playing him like a fiddle.

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I cannot *believe* they gave Russell the idol!! I wonder if he watched Sandra's season. He doesn't seem to know her game, and she's playing him like a fiddle.


I think he is underestimating Sandra and Pavarti. And I'm glad they gave him the idol. Haven't they yet learned that giving away an idol is always the wrong choice?

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I think he is underestimating Sandra and Pavarti.


I could not agree more. Also, JT is underestimating Amanda, he only thinks he's in charge. Sandra won her season. Parvati won once and was a jury member once. Amanda came in second and third. They all have friends on both tribes.


And I'm glad they gave him the idol. Haven't they yet learned that giving away an idol is always the wrong choice?


I was glad too, I just can't believe they were so stupid! Everyone who has given away an idol has been sorry.

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Guest Cindie2dds
I think he is underestimating Sandra and Pavarti. And I'm glad they gave him the idol. Haven't they yet learned that giving away an idol is always the wrong choice?


:iagree: Even though Pavarti didn't get a chance to watch Russell play, she's smart enough to know not to trust him. I am so glad she's keeping the idol a secret for now. I hope she blindsides Russell eventually. :D


Oh, no, did I just read that JT went home? I'm excited, actually, I think he's a little slimy and wishy-washy; but I haven't watched it yet.:svengo:

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I am so glad to find I am not the only survivor lover here!!


As for the show last night, EVERYBODY just got schooled on how to keep your numbers up by Parvarti!


If you think about it ...it was a very good move on her part to keep her tribe numbers up and provide safety for herself until at least the final five, instead of playing the idols to only save herself twice! AS long as her tribe stays true! lol


I felt bad for Rubert last night because he was trying to tell them...

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Has anyone else noticed how "out of the game" Colby seems to be? He just doesnt' seem to be in the game to win at all. Love the way this is all playing out with Russell. Hope the do another one of these Villians/Heroes as there were others from previous seasons that I think would be fun to watch again in this type of competition.

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Guest Cindie2dds


As for the show last night, EVERYBODY just got schooled on how to keep your numbers up by Parvarti!


If you think about it ...it was a very good move on her part to keep her tribe numbers up and provide safety for herself until at least the final five, instead of playing the idols to only save herself twice! AS long as her tribe stays true! lol


I felt bad for Rubert last night because he was trying to tell them...


I just finished watching it.


:iagree: That was the best tribal council.... EVER!

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