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LOST - So what did you think? (Caution may contain spoilers.)

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Why the ash around the cabin? It supposedly keeps the smoke monster out but from what I understand the man in black couldn't directly harm Jacob so why did he need protecting from Smokey (who appears to be the man in black). And do the rules of them not being able to harm each other play into the same rules regarding Ben & Charles.


Where is Daniel? He was there in 1977 but not in 2007 after the bomb exploded.


Shoot, when was the ash there...I can't remember. Is that after Claire went there? Maybe the ash was to protect Claire.

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I was thinking that too: perhaps a Roman slave ship that was shipwrecked. Every other major ancient culture is represented. Why not Rome? It would explain the Latin spoken a couple of seasons back.


OH! That makes so much sense to me! Besides, this whole thing appears to be some kind of society in a bottle that Jacob and Flocke/MIB are watching/influencing. Who better than Romans and the slaves who were rowing their ship?


Now, what do people think about this:




Look at the parts on their birth, sale of the birthright, and deception of Isaac. That would explain all the Egyptian symbology on the island, as well. Of course, it would not explain what they're doing on the island in the first place, when there are biblical references to Jacob's death and burial...

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when Locke said he went on a walk-about, I fully expected him to be walking! So when he wasn't I assumed he must have lied about it. Similar with Sun - because of the expression on her face while Jin had the run-in with customs, I assumed she spoke English, as before, but thinking back to Hurley's and Boone's changes, maybe she actually didn't????


I thought the same thing about Locke! I was so sorry when I saw the chair. I sort of hoped Helen would be waiting at the gate.


I think Sun didn't say anything b/c she's planning to run for it while Jin's being questioned. I mean, could there be a better opportunity? AFASK, she's still trying to get away from Jin.


I also think that Flocke chose Locke b/c Locke was the best vehicle for getting to Jacob. No one else would have been as effective in getting him there. Oh, and the wiki says that Albert Richardson was the name of the real first mate on the Mary Celeste...

Edited by Saille
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I don't understand why -- parallel timeline or not -- Desmond was on the plane! He wasn't on the plane in the first place. He was in the hatch, pushing the button.


Many, many questions...but it made for interesting viewing! :lurk5:


IF the island was blown up, Charles Widmore would have been blown up with it (I think he was on the island at the time, but if not, he wouldn't be searching for something that no longer exists), thus changing Penny's life, thus changing Desmond's life. Desmond ended up on the island because he entered Widmore's boat race. No Widmore = no race. The entire course of Desmond's life was changed, so he could have been on the plane in *that* reality.

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Something else......wgat's the deal with Richard? Was he a slave on the Black Rock.....MIB as Locke said something to him about being out of his chains...which means he was a slave. Also, some people call him Ricardus....so maybe he goes further back than the Black Rock.


I'm wondering that too. Maybe it's meant literally (Black Rock chains) and figuratively (being emotionally chained to Jacob). I read on one of the fan sites that someone was speculating that Richard was Prometheus, bound to the rock.


I'm also wondering if Flocke is really evil or not. Remember how Lupidis (the pilot) makes some comment to Sun about how the people who claim to be the good guys never are? All along, Ben has been saying he was a good guy. The people trying to save Jacob claimed to be good guys.


I watched Jimmy Kimmel last night and he had the producers on there. They said that it was significant that Shannon wasn't on the plane, and Michael and Walt weren't on it due to "life circumstances." The fact that Rose was comforting Jack also meant something, they said.

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Wow! My head is spinning here. I not sure I like what they did but all the stuff that is happening on island, Wow! Is it possible that the one person who died and is no longer dead is the other person who died? And how the heck are they going to reintegrate everyone?


So many questions! I wonder if Sayid is now Jacob?


I don't know if I think this is the case or not. What was it Miles was feeling after Sayid's death? I think it hangs on that. Was he not feeling Sayid's presence because Sayid was not dead or was he feeling Jacob's presence?



OH! That makes so much sense to me! Besides, this whole thing appears to be some kind of society in a bottle that Jacob and Flocke/MIB are watching/influencing. Who better than Romans and the slaves who were rowing their ship?


Now, what do people think about this:




Look at the parts on their birth, sale of the birthright, and deception of Isaac. That would explain all the Egyptian symbology on the island, as well. Of course, it would not explain what they're doing on the island in the first place, when there are biblical references to Jacob's death and burial...


Yes, that's interesting.



Anyone notice what was on the tapestry that Illana found on the wall of Jacob's hut? I could tell it was an Egyptian god but couldn't tell what god it was supposed to be.


Is the MIB Osiris or Anubis? They are both gods of the dead.


If MIB is a god of the dead can he take on the form of any dead person? We know he used Alex's form to influence Ben. Is he the one who has been appearing to Hurley in various forms? We know as the smoke monster, he serves as a judge, just like Osiris or Anubis. But Osiris is also the one in charge of the life-giving Nile. He's also supposed to give people eternal life through ritual. He's not evil, not like Set. While we're comparing Egyptian and Christian symbolism, Osiris is given the shepherd role in Egyptian mythology, not Ra.


If Jacob is Ra and MIB is Osiris, are there other members of the Egyptian pantheon being represented? Isis? Set? Sekhmet (Illana?)? The show said that the statue was Taweret but she has the body of a hippo and the statue didn't? She was a concubine of Set which may add something.


Set was involved in a war between himself and Horus (Jacob's tapestry had an eye of Horus), Osiris and Isis. Set and Horus eventually made peace when Egypt was united.


Are they fallen angels? Egyptian gods? Jacob and Esau? A combination? Something else? Gah!

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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Daniel had died in 1977, so he wouldn't have been moved forward. Or if he did, he's laying on the ground dead somewhere.


He died a bunch of times! Didn't his mother kill him last season? Also, when the island blew up, his mother was pregnant with him, so he wouldn't have even been born.

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The ash was there the very first time Ben and Locke went to the cabin and saw Christian and how exactly does he work into this?


I was kind of thinking that maybe the ash wasn't to keep the smoke monster/MIB out, but to keep him in? That would explain why they saw Christian there, not Jacob, and why they were so upset when they saw that the ash had been disrupted. It seems like it had been awhile since we had seen the smoke monster, maybe Richard or some others trapped it in the cabin? Just a thought.

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He died a bunch of times! Didn't his mother kill him last season? Also, when the island blew up, his mother was pregnant with him, so he wouldn't have even been born.


lol that is quite a paradox! If he died inutero, he wouldn't be born to go back in time and initiate blowing up the place.


And, yes, I was refering to him dying in the past when his mother shot him.

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I was kind of thinking that maybe the ash wasn't to keep the smoke monster/MIB out, but to keep him in? That would explain why they saw Christian there, not Jacob, and why they were so upset when they saw that the ash had been disrupted. It seems like it had been awhile since we had seen the smoke monster, maybe Richard or some others trapped it in the cabin? Just a thought.


I don't think so because Illana and crew clearly thought the ash was protecting Jacob.


lol that is quite a paradox! If he died inutero, he wouldn't be born to go back in time and initiate blowing up the place.


And, yes, I was refering to him dying in the past when his mother shot him.


A paradox, a paradox, a most ingenious paradox, hahahahahaha, a para-dox!



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I'm also wondering if Flocke is really evil or not. Remember how Lupidis (the pilot) makes some comment to Sun about how the people who claim to be the good guys never are? All along, Ben has been saying he was a good guy. The people trying to save Jacob claimed to be good guys.


I was wondering about this myself. How come Locke always saw the smoke monster as light and good? But wasn't he afraid when he was in that cabin with Jacob? Am I remembering that right?


My head is spinning!

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I have never paid that much attention to who the smoke monster took. Is there a pattern?


according to this: http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/The_Monster


It killed Nadine (from Danielle's group) and dragged Montand to the temple. It killed the pilot on the plane. It killed Mr. Eko, but only after he said he wasn't sorry. In the form of spiders it killed Nikki.

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I was kind of thinking that maybe the ash wasn't to keep the smoke monster/MIB out, but to keep him in? That would explain why they saw Christian there, not Jacob, and why they were so upset when they saw that the ash had been disrupted. It seems like it had been awhile since we had seen the smoke monster, maybe Richard or some others trapped it in the cabin? Just a thought.


Ah, but in the cabin the first time, when Ben took Locke there, Ben called the entity, "Jacob." And Jacob apparently said, "help me" to Locke.


I still don't get it.


But it's sooo fun! :D

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according to this: http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/The_Monster


It killed Nadine (from Danielle's group) and dragged Montand to the temple. It killed the pilot on the plane. It killed Mr. Eko, but only after he said he wasn't sorry. In the form of spiders it killed Nikki.


Why would it be in the form of the spiders? The spiders didn't kill Nikki or Paolo....they were buried alive.

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Why would it be in the form of the spiders? The spiders didn't kill Nikki or Paolo....they were buried alive.


To quote from the link:

Nine days later, after Nikki threw a spider on Paulo, the chattering noises of the Monster were heard as a large group of spiders appeared and bit Nikki. Both Nikki and Paulo were paralyzed and mistaken for dead. They were accidentally buried alive, which ultimately resulted in their deaths. After much speculation, these noises, and the subsequent spiders, were confirmed to have been manifestations of the Monster in the Official Lost Podcast of March 21, 2008. ("Exposé")


Note that it was confirmed via the podcast.


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My main thoughts/questions:


Wondered if the plane scenes are actually the final FINAL end...and they are showing us parts of it now.


Clearly in the plane scenes, not only did whatever happen change whether or not the plane crashed, something changed at least most of these people's situations BEFORE they got on the plane. It wasn't just the flight end result that was changed--their paths up to that point had been altered in some way. I really think this illustrates the profound impact of free will and choice. Our daily, and sometimes seemingly insignificant, choices can set off a whole domino effect that we may never have knowledge of. If we choose the opposite way, the domino goes the other way...often unseen by us.

(Interesting to note that it doesn't SEEM that Kate's situation had been altered...time will tell. Wonder if Claire is still pregnant...couldn't see her midsection. On that note...what was the big deal about her baby in earlier seasons, anyway?...that storyline seemed to drop off into nowhere.)


I'm a little unsure of why so many are suggesting Jakob has inhabited Sayid's body...was there evidence suggesting that that I missed? I just thought that the perhaps the waters still were able to heal him in some way. (I don't remember seeing evidence of his wound after they pulled him out). Perhaps he was "reborn" (as is associated with baptism--in Christian faith one must "die" before being "reborn")?


Locke's body is still on the ground. There are 2 Lockes, not one reinhabited.


The whole Jakob/Man in Black conversation reminded me of God and Satan. "The end is always the same" just made me think about how the final outcome of EVERYTHING is already known (to God and Satan), in fact in one sense it has already happened (if you are not bound by time, which God is not, and I presume no spirit would be bound by time). The comment then that "everything before that [the end] is progress..." made me think of the progress of people towards God, their destiny within his plan, the progress in their faith journey...etc., their "evolution", so to speak, as spirits bound by the physical world. ETA: the idea of "progress" to me seems to support the power of choices/as opposed to the inevitable force of fate.


Very random thoughts. I feel better now.:D

Edited by muffinmom
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The whole Jakob/Man in Black conversation reminded me of God and Satan. "The end is always the same" just made me think about how the final outcome of EVERYTHING is already known (to God and Satan), in fact in one sense it has already happened (if you are not bound by time, which God is not, and I presume no spirit would be bound by time). The comment then that "everything before that [the end] is progress..." made me think of the progress of people towards God, their destiny within his plan, the progress in their faith journey...etc., their "evolution", so to speak, as spirits bound by the physical world.


Very random thoughts. I feel better now.:D



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How did Juliet know "It worked" which were her last "intended" words to James (Miles told him, if you remember)?


I thought it was very interesting. IDK about Jacob now being Sayid--maybe!


Oh, and dead is dead, as they say on LOST> so Charlie was supposed to die? Juliet did die? I don't really get it.


I think Miles knows more than he was letting on when he told Sawyer Juliet said "It worked". I think that maybe Juliet was passing between time when she was near death (similar to what happened to Desmond a while back). Anyone notice the odd comment she made about having coffee and going dutch? Maybe they met in 2004 and that was a bit of conversation from that time (so much was different with that flight, maybe Sawyer & Juliet were already together, maybe they were about to meet......maybe it was conversation with somebody else?). Then she sort of came to and said she had something important to say. It worked - in 2004, the plane never crashed on the island.


They are on the island in 2007 though. If they were supposed to be on that island, what if something happens after the averted 2004 crash to bring them all to the island anyway?


And Miles could have sensed the same thing from Sayid. Maybe Sayid passed between times as well. Was he really even dead after being pulled out of the water? Smokey just took Locke's likeness, he didn't reanimate his dead body. I think Sayid is Sayid.


It may not be two separate realities, just past/future. As for the island being under water in 2004, but not in 2007 with everybody there, I don't know. That does suggest different realities (although, if the island can move through time and space, surely it can make it above water lol).


This show is too much!:willy_nilly: I apologize if my ramblings make no sense at all lol

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according to this: http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/The_Monster


It killed Nadine (from Danielle's group) and dragged Montand to the temple. It killed the pilot on the plane. It killed Mr. Eko, but only after he said he wasn't sorry. In the form of spiders it killed Nikki.



The episode Nikki died was when she had that stuff from the dead scientist that attracted the spiders. She was killing her boyfriend with it and by mistake got it on her.

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The episode Nikki died was when she had that stuff from the dead scientist that attracted the spiders. She was killing her boyfriend with it and by mistake got it on her.


I don't disagree. But the producers have said the spiders were a form of the smoke monster. I'm just the reporter here, it's not my own opinion.

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I think that maybe Juliet was passing between time when she was near death (similar to what happened to Desmond a while back). Anyone notice the odd comment she made about having coffee and going dutch? Maybe they met in 2004 and that was a bit of conversation from that time (so much was different with that flight, maybe Sawyer & Juliet were already together, maybe they were about to meet......maybe it was conversation with somebody else?). Then she sort of came to and said she had something important to say. It worked - in 2004, the plane never crashed on the island.


That. Is. Brilliant.

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We do know that Kate and the others are on the island in 2007, right? Because we do know that the Ajira flight crashed on the island in 2007, right? And they are there the same time as the Ajira people?

Could it be a different time period than 2007?


And I think the PP is right--Juliet was time traveling. Sort of like when Charlotte died and she started saying something like a little girl.


ETA--Oh, forget the first part. I'm so confused.lol

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Oh, OK. Kind of weird....I don't remember smoke monster sounds just creepy music. Now I need to go find that episode and watch! LOL


Another interesting bit from that podcast:

questioner asks them to comment on "monster forms"; whether certain things are human, apparition, animal, dead, etc.


  • Ben's mother Emily = "Apparition."

  • Sawyer's wild boar = "Animal."

  • Medusa Spider = "Monster."

  • Hurley bird = "Oh, I'm not gonna comment on that."

  • Dave = "Figment of imagination slash apparition."

  • Yemi = "Monster."

  • Mikhail's cat Nadia = "Animal. And coincidence."

  • Walt = "Walt the person is a person. But there are apparitions of Walt that may not be Walt, and also monster-related."

  • Boone in Locke's dream = "Dream."

  • Jack = Damon: "Heh. Jack is an apparition. That's gonna be the big twist at the end of this season. He's not only in the future, but he's not real." Carlton: "No, no. He's making a joke!" Damon: "Yes."

  • Kate's horse (and Yemi and Christian Shepherd)= Damon: "We have this, this is actually a funny story. We have this board in the um, in the, in the room. With all the actors in the writers room. With all the actors who are on the show. All of the Oceanic 815ers. But then, all of the sort of recurs, like Penny Widmore, and Charles Widmore and..." Carlton: "We have their headshots. So we can keep track of who we have on the show." Damon: "And Matthew Abaddon and... yeah, so everybody. They go onto a door that says "deceased"; once they die, we move them over there. And then there's the door that says "undead". And on the undead door there's only three pictures. One of them is Christian Shephard, and one of them is Yemi. And the other one is..." Carlton: "Kate's horse. Just a picture of a horse. So Kate's horse is undead."


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I'm completely lost!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:


So what is going on? Is it a parallel universe or not? There were a lot of differences on the plane. In the original episode, Jack comforted Rose on the plane -- not the other way around. It makes sense that Desmond could possibly be on the plane if the island blew up, but where was Shannon? The island being destroyed wouldn't have affected her relationship enough to stay wherever she was staying. And where was Desmond when the plane landed? What was up with the cut on Jack's neck?


Gah! I thought we were supposed to get answers this season, but instead they just piled on a ton of questions.


I still love it though!


I think it's a fractured timeline caused by the explosion of the Jughead core. It's not identical to the previous timeline -- Cindy Stewardess Other gives Jack one little minibooze, not two, and so on. I think we're going to see the reintegration of the two timelines, or at the very least, the choice between one timeline and another.

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It's a pretty amazing show!

One question I have: if the idland is on the bottom of the ocean' date=' how are the losties ON the island?[/quote']


Because there are now two timelines.


Timeline 1:

Juliet explodes Jughead.

Island ends up on the bottom of the sea.

Flight 815 never crashes.


Timeline 2:

Juliet explodes Jughead.

Losties end up in exploded Swan station in 2007 (?) at the same time as Sun, fLocke, and Lepidus are at the statue of Tawaret.

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Why the ash around the cabin? It supposedly keeps the smoke monster out but from what I understand the man in black couldn't directly harm Jacob so why did he need protecting from Smokey (who appears to be the man in black). And do the rules of them not being able to harm each other play into the same rules regarding Ben & Charles.


Where is Daniel? He was there in 1977 but not in 2007 after the bomb exploded.


The ash around the cabin was to contain Jacob.

Daniel is dead. He went back to the island in (I think) 2004 and died in 1977.


Heh. Just realized that only in the context of this show could that sentence make sense at ALL.

Edited by Charles Wallace
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Wondered if the plane scenes are actually the final FINAL end...and they are showing us parts of it now.


They are on the island in 2007 though. If they were supposed to be on that island, what if something happens after the averted 2004 crash to bring them all to the island anyway?


These were my two (very conflicting) thoughts. I think we saw something near the end last night. Either the point is that your destiny is your destiny, and they end up on that island (the ones Jacob touched) no matter what they do, or it is a "happy ending" and we are seeing how it will end if the island had been destroyed.


Or Jack will wake up and it will have been a dream. ;)

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longliveLocke is another good site--I think it's blogspot, but I'm not sure.


Ds20 said something interesting--two things--

Y'know the "Whoosh" sound they play when someone's flashback or flashforward is being told? That sound is absent when switching from the plane scenes and the island scenes now! Which may mean some sort of parallel universe. I thought that was clever.


Also, did you notice Locke lost his knives, and Jack lost his father (coffin + body of Christian Shepherd) on the "new" flight? dooo dooooo doooo...something funny going on....


He also thinks Richard (ageless one) came to the island as a slave on The Black Rock. The chain reference was literal, iow.


Can't wait for next Tues!

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He also thinks Richard (ageless one) came to the island as a slave on The Black Rock. The chain reference was literal, iow.


Can't wait for next Tues!


I think that Richard (Ricardus) came on a slave ship, but NOT the Black Rock -- a much older ship. He has spoken Latin before...with all of the other ancient cultures there, why shouldn't Rome (or Egypt...) have visited at one time or another, too? That's pure conjecture, though, and I don't have anything else to support the thought but the Latin...

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Ds20 said something interesting--two things--

Y'know the "Whoosh" sound they play when someone's flashback or flashforward is being told? That sound is absent when switching from the plane scenes and the island scenes now! Which may mean some sort of parallel universe. I thought that was clever.


Your son is absolutely right, this was discussed in one of the podcasts or interviews with the producers. :)


Also, did you notice Locke lost his knives, and Jack lost his father (coffin + body of Christian Shepherd) on the "new" flight? dooo dooooo doooo...something funny going on....


Did you see the quote from the producers where Christian Shepherd is "undead?"


He also thinks Richard (ageless one) came to the island as a slave on The Black Rock. The chain reference was literal, iow.


I think that Richard (Ricardus) came on a slave ship, but NOT the Black Rock -- a much older ship. He has spoken Latin before...with all of the other ancient cultures there, why shouldn't Rome (or Egypt...) have visited at one time or another, too? That's pure conjecture, though, and I don't have anything else to support the thought but the Latin...


I agree with you. Maybe his eyeliner is intended to make him look Egyptian?

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