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The Homeschool Classroom

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I am looking to turn my office into a classroom. I want to get any ideas (with pictures if possible) you may have about decorating a classroom. I love the idea of making it look like a real classroom as much as possible and yet with a unique sense of style as well.




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I havent got pictures, but we each have our own desks, a sofa area and TV, maps on the walls, bookshelves, a big whiteboard, a piano, and artwork on the walls. What age are your kids? It makes a big difference what sort of ages you are catering to.

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Since your children are so young, I think you might like looking at the pictures a mom posted here of her large, open, orange! room. It's just gorgeous. Her husband put up rain gutters along the wall to display books. I will see if I can find a link to that.


When my children were young, I was very attracted to spaces that were warm and (relatively) uncluttered, with lots of wood and natural fibers and fabrics, like what you would see in the Nova Natural catalogue, or in any Waldorf type school. Young children, imho, don't need much. But it's sure fun to think ahead.


Years ago I found a really funky cursive alphabet poster, the long kind that you can hang along the top of your wall, going over the doors and windows (does that make sense?). It was at the Dollar Tree, of all places, and was way cooler than the ones at the educational store. I mounted it on red strips of posterboard so that it would be a little sturdier. We still have it up, even though the need for it has long since passed.

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Here's an image of that room I was remembering:




And more of that room:


South facing and part of  West facing walls


And here is one more really neato blog, Wildflowers and Marbles. This is the schoolroom of a Catholic family. The whole blog is lovely, but this post describes her learning spaces:



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I finally got around to taking pictures. This was a bedroom that was painted this way before we moved in. We recently moved dd4 out of this room and into dd6's room. Now it's our schoolroom. We didn't have much choice of where to put the cabinets, so they are covering part of the artwork. There are some Finding Nemo decals that were also there when we moved in. They are peeling now, so I am in the process of removing them. Oh, and some glow in the dark dolphins, moons & stars too--I'll probably take those down too.


Here's a recent thread of schoolroom pics.









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