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UTI question....I've never had one before this so I don't know.

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I was diagnosed with the beginning of a UTI at the minute clinic on Tuesday. I didn't have any major symptoms.....just a slight ache in my abdomen (kind of like when my time of the month may be coming on) and needing to urinate often. They prescribed me macrobid (antibiotic) and I've been taking it since then. Two each day, including Tuesday. So I've been on it 5 days. I have two more full days to go.


My symptoms went away after Tuesday. Well, today they are back. I feel the slight ache in my abdomen, I feel tired, and I have to urinate often again. Is this a sign that the antibiotics are not working? Should I go to the urgent care clinic tomorrow to get another kind? Should I wait it out until I'm finished with the full dose after Monday? It's making me not want to do a single thing and I'm scared it will get worse. But I've never had one before so I don't know if this is normal or not.

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If it gets worse you get fever and pain. You shouldn't have a turn for the worse toward the end of your medication. If it were me I would go back to the doctor sooner rather than later. I found drinking golden seal tea helpful. Like the whole teapot full. I think I drank it with honey because it tasted horrible. I pray you're feeling better soon.

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I know everyone is different but, when I get UTIs I have no pain. (I do have pain in my back when I get a kidney infection.) When you have to go often, do you produce anything? Doe is burn? Low production along with the urge to go often and burning are symptoms of UTI.


If you don't have any other symptoms I'd question that the pain is from a UTI, at least in my experience with what happens to me. I'd go to the doctor instead of the clinic.


Oh, there is a product called AZO which will help with UTI symptoms until you can get to the doctor. It is available at the pharmacy OTC.

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The only burning I had, which actually convinced me it must be a UTI, was on Monday night. I used the bathroom twice and it burned some. That's what made me decide to go to the doctor on Tuesday morning. Also, on Monday I ran a 101 fever and had body aches. I was in bed all day. The doctor did a urine test and said that I caught it right at the beginning.


I haven't had real pain at all. It's more of an ache in my abdomen. And yes, I do pee when I have to frequently go......but I'm having to go way too much and not enough is coming out for the urge to be as bad as it is. Pretty much about five minutes after I go, I feel like I could go again. But I don't because I know it cannot be a real urge.

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You might have a couple of things going on at the same time. I say that because I've never had a fever with any of mine. I'll sort of cycle off and on. When I am off I won't get any for a couple of years. Then all of a sudden I am on and get two or three a year.


But like I said before everyone is different.


If it were me experiencing what you have described I'd go to the doctor and ask for a 10 day round of sulfa drugs (if you can tolerate sulfa) and I'd get the abdominal pain checked out and mention the fever and aches as something unrelated to the UTI.

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I have heard that drinking plenty of water, 100% cranberry juice, and eating plain yogurt helps to clear a UTI. Couldn't hurt to try this in addition to the tea mentioned and finishing up the antibiotic until you see the doctor again. Good luck! (Why is it we have medical questions pop up on the weekends when the offices are closed??)

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I just went through this myself. The first course of antibiotics helped some, but they didn't relieve my symptoms all the way. After seven days I was put on a different antibiotic (Macrobid) and the relief was pretty immediate.


Did they culture your urine? If not, they truly don't know which antibiotic would have worked best. There are many that USUALLY work with UTI's but there's no way to know without a culture.


In the meantime, douse yourself with cranberry juice!!!

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The one time mine got worse, it turned into pylo. I'd go back. Oh, and are you doing a big cranberry thing? It is possible, yes, I have seen it, to take in so much cranberry you get a chemical burn in the urethra that feels like bladder infection. If you are doing the cranberry thing, change to just water and some broth (not all water without any salts) and give it tonight. Drink like crazy. Every time you pee, take in 8 more oz.


If they did a urinalysis and it was "just beginning", it could, in an off, off, chance be a red herring and you really have proctitis. I have seen it cause minimal or no rectal pain, just UTI feelings.


Macrobid is pretty mild. You might need cipro or bactrim.


Wow, it seems like it is medical night on the boards!

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My dd gets frequent UTIs and my dr informed me that they are not caused by the bacteria that typically causes UTI, therefore she has to take a different med than what they usually proscribe. Did she culture it to determine the bacteria? I would still finish the meds she gave you and drink tons of water. If you are not better by Monday then definitely go back. Also, speaking from experience, even though you have the urge to go frequently try not to. Drink plenty of water and allow your bladder to fill before going to the bathroom. I find this helps the some.

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Thanks everyone! I'm trying to down as much water as possible. I'm not sure if they took an actual culture or not. At first she prescribed me Bactrim, but I've heard of so many people who have had bad reactions to sulfa drugs that I asked for something else. She seemed kind of annoyed that I asked for another drug, and she prescribed Macrobid. I hope she wouldn't have purposely prescribed an antibiotic that she knew would not work on that particular bacteria. She was not my regular doc, just a nurse practitioner at the minute clinic inside of CVS.


It's 9:30 Am right now and I'm going to give myself until lunchtime to see how I feel. I drank tons of water yesterday and prayed about it last night, so we will see what happens.

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Thanks everyone! I'm trying to down as much water as possible. I'm not sure if they took an actual culture or not. At first she prescribed me Bactrim, but I've heard of so many people who have had bad reactions to sulfa drugs that I asked for something else. She seemed kind of annoyed that I asked for another drug, and she prescribed Macrobid. I hope she wouldn't have purposely prescribed an antibiotic that she knew would not work on that particular bacteria. She was not my regular doc, just a nurse practitioner at the minute clinic inside of CVS.


It's 9:30 Am right now and I'm going to give myself until lunchtime to see how I feel. I drank tons of water yesterday and prayed about it last night, so we will see what happens.


I have always needed Bactrim for UTIs. It wrecks my stomach but solves the UTI. I'd go to a real doc for this, if you can manage it :grouphug:

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I have heard that drinking plenty of water, 100% cranberry juice, and eating plain yogurt helps to clear a UTI. Couldn't hurt to try this in addition to the tea mentioned and finishing up the antibiotic until you see the doctor again. Good luck! (Why is it we have medical questions pop up on the weekends when the offices are closed??)


Yes and blueberries. You can get the 100% cranberry at Trader Joe's and some grocery stores. It's very sour, so you can dilute it with very cold water. (The cold helps disguise the sour taste.) Drink that mixture and it will help clear things up. There is something in cranberry and in blueberries that keeps the bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract.

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At first she prescribed me Bactrim, but I've heard of so many people who have had bad reactions to sulfa drugs that I asked for something else. She seemed kind of annoyed that I asked for another drug, and she prescribed Macrobid. I hope she wouldn't have purposely prescribed an antibiotic that she knew would not work on that particular bacteria.


She wouldn't know, yet, what kind of bacteria. I've met some wackos in the medical field, but never anyone I found doing something purposefully bad....


Bactrim is very standard, and macrobid is the fall back for the fearful patient: very low side effects and considered "mild" in minds of many patients. But you may need something else.


Oh, and I forgot to say vaginitis can give an urgent feeling, and also throw a couple of WBC's in urine and give it the "just about to get a UTI" look.

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The only burning I had, which actually convinced me it must be a UTI, was on Monday night. I used the bathroom twice and it burned some. That's what made me decide to go to the doctor on Tuesday morning. Also, on Monday I ran a 101 fever and had body aches. I was in bed all day. The doctor did a urine test and said that I caught it right at the beginning.


I haven't had real pain at all. It's more of an ache in my abdomen. And yes, I do pee when I have to frequently go......but I'm having to go way too much and not enough is coming out for the urge to be as bad as it is. Pretty much about five minutes after I go, I feel like I could go again. But I don't because I know it cannot be a real urge.

are you ovulating? Is the pain ache on the left side? I had these two symptoms when there was a 6 mm cyst on my left ovary pushing against my bladder. :D It got worse when the cyst grew to 9 mm. But then the doc. did surgery and I've never had that particular problem again.

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I went ahead and went to the urgent care place (not the minute clinic....I think I'm done with that place). They tested my urine and said that it was negative for a UTI. He said that he would send it off to be cultured and that it should be back by Tuesday, but he said that he didn't think it would show anything since it was negative.


I'm going to continue my antibiotic and drinking lots of water, possibly some cranberry juice too. I'll wait to see what the culture says on Tuesday, but if I'm still having issues then, I'm going to go see my regular doctor.

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Oh, I forgot to mention that even though the anti-biotics kill the bacteria it still takes time for the damaged skin to heal so it may continue to hurt for a bit even after the infection is gone. Just like if you cut or burned your skin, it would hurt until it healed even if it didn't have an infection.

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