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Need help from Lego moms

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My 9 and 10 year olds have recently become very interested in Legos. I would really like to encourage this, but they are so expensive!


They are into the Star Wars sets and I am searching to find the best deals I can. I was at Target today, and a few sets were $3 off. Is that as good as it gets?


Toys-R-Us had some types Buy 2 get 1 free, but Star Wars wasn't included, so I struck out there.


Any advice for a new Lego mom? :confused:



Cindy in NY

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We really lucked out.


My DH had legos from his own childhood that my kids started with. I have a LEGO fanatic here, and he's recieved legos from most family members on every birthday and Christmas.


I found a HUGE Star Wars Lego collection (and more) at a yard sale one summer. It was easily over $2000 worth of lego kits and I paid $100 for them all. They even included the instructions.


But we always had our eyes open. Looking on Craigslist, at yard sales, etc.


It can be expensive, but you don't have to have a lot to enjoy them. They've graduated from needing the kits to make an item, to using their imagination and the pieces they have to construct their own version.

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My kids had their collection started early as I encouraged this from relatives. They have more waiting from my part of the ones we had growing up but they're far, far away. We've also given them sets for gifts, but I think they have enough now...(not what they think.)

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My 9 and 10 year olds have recently become very interested in Legos. I would really like to encourage this, but they are so expensive!



Any advice for a new Lego mom? :confused:



Cindy in NY


Ebay & Yard sales. My house is OVERRUN with Legos and we have never bought a set *new*....

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We lucked out too. Dh had a ton from childhood (and adulthood ;)), and we've just started *slowly* adding to ds's sets. Grandparents and aunts know that a Lego set is always a surefire hit as a gift, so he's gotten a few that way. Dh and I have actually bought very few for him. Watching for second-hand sets on Ebay or Yard sales is a good idea too. They add up very quickly it seems, our darn things seem to multiply behind my back!



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Thanks everyone for the info.


I am headed over to look on Ebay, I don't know why I hadn't thought of that. Maybe I will find some at garage sales, that would be fabulous.


I am hoping that they will get past the "make the set" phase and use there imagination. I have one that's all imagination but the other one is all about the instructions and the rules.


Thanks again, I'll keep looking.


Cindy in NY

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You could also try the lego website -- sometimes they have sales or free shipping and you can sign up for their free newsletter. www.legos.com


There is also a lego education website which has a homeschool section, in case you are ever interested in legos for science. We used this website to buy the Lego Mindstorm at Christmas and it was the best deal around at the time. www.legoeducation.com

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I signed up for the LEGO store emails also - sometimes they have good sales items, 50% off. The LEGO stores will also have reduced merchandise if you can ever get to a store (without the boys.) You might also want to advertise LEGOS WANTED in a freebie classifieds like craigslist or whatever you have locally. An old friend of mine gave us bins of used legos when she found out I had a young maniac and I can imagine that if we hadn't popped back into her life again she would have ebayed or garage saled them since she regularly does that sort of thing. Let me know how they organize them once they have them!

p.s. We also allow the consumption of Lego Eggo Waffles. They have a deal right now with 2 UPC codes and $2 you get a small Mars Mission kit - a minifig with a small spacecraft. It's an okay deal if you tolerate a little processed food in your household!

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All the men in my family are lego fans (husband included). Anyways what we do is whenever they have a sale we stock up. My guys love all things lego not just Star Wars, so we lucked out with the Toy's R Us sale. Those are generally the best sales... when you can two get one free. We also look at when the stores start the clearance sales. We've gotten some good deals that way. Around Christmas time... we also take advantage of those sales. The day after Thanksgiving Target generally has one big set for half off. Sometimes those are Star Wars, sometimes other things. Also look in to the Creator Sets. They aren't Star Wars but generally the building possibilities are higher. And as someone said before Lego.com has some good sales too. We paid 40 dollars for their Lego club where they give you the magazine, 6 small Lego sets (one every other month), and this month we also got $10, in Lego bucks to use on their site. But like I said... when you see a deal... get it. We literally have a closet full of Legos ready for Christmas and birthdays. (Also if anyone uses Pamper points... you can now cash them in for Lego giftcards... we totally cashed in all our points when they started that).

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most of which they have received as gifts.


The RR catalogue carries some LEGOS in "bulk" - not sets, just the miscellaneous pieces we had when we were kids. I found a similar set once at a teacher's store.


Once my dc build the kits, they don't want to take them apart, or use the pieces for anything else, so while they stimulate imaginative play, they don't really do anything creative with them. That's not bad in and of itself, but I would prefer to encourage both.


If you have a LEGO store near you, or if there is one in an area you visit on vacation sometime, or if you even know anyone who lives near a LEGO store :) they have an amazing selection of miscellaneous pieces in bins on the back wall of the store. You can buy tires, axles, windshields, steering wheels, windows, doors, trees, flowers, I could go on but you get the idea:)

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You guys are a wealth of information!


Thank you so much for all the help. I am going to sign up at lego.com and scour the garage sales this summer.


The Tuesday Morning Idea is great. We have one close buy and I have never been in there, so I am going to check it out this week.


Thank you all!

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