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Which is less time consuming HOD LHHG or MFW ADV?


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Which is less time consuming HOD LHHG or MFW ADV?


Next year I have decided on doing CLE- LA, Reading and Math with my 2nd grader and CLE LTR and R&S math 1 with my k'er.


I need a Bible, history and science program.


Because of how long it takes my dd to struggle through math and the fact that my ds will be a k'er, I need a program I can use with both that doesn't take too much time. I don't want to use LHFG because it is Ancient Bible history which he will have already done this year in MFW 1st.


I tried SOTW this year, but my dc were not ready. I want to wait a little before trying SOTW again. I also need a program that doesn't depend on the library. I can't take all 3 of my little dc to the library and find anything. It is more like crowd control!!!:lol:


If you have any other suggest, that would be great!

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Which one is LHHG? Little Hearts for His Glory? But, which one is LHFG that you don't want to use?


I was actually coming on to post a question comparing Adventures to Bigger Hearts and I'm dealing with similar ages (mine will be 7 and 5 when we start.) So, I was trying to see which programs you were looking at.

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If you are talking about Beyond Little Hearts (which is after LHFHG and focuses on Amer. Hist), I can only speak from what I've seen of samples and heard from others. BLHFHG is a gentler program. If you are doing this for 2nd and K (assuming the Ker joins in occasionally), I might choose the BLHFHG over MFW Adv. Then again...I do like MFW and was looking forward to doing Adv. at some point but always had older kids in the cycle already! Both are good programs from what I see and hear. Personally, I like the way BHFHG is laid out in the TM. Seems easier to use. And like I said...looks gentler. Just my 2 cents.

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I did not personally like the LHFHG for a k'er and 2nd grader. They have minimal science and it is tied into the History. You skip all around the CLP science book and maybe read a sentence or 2 twice a week and do an activity which often was on the young side.

The history, History for Little Pilgrims, is good; but, the program uses the children's Bible for most of the year for history. If you have done Bible history already this would not be my first choice.

This is my take on LHFHG, it is great for a kindergarten child as a gentle intro to school. I would not use it for 1st grade or to combine with an older child in a higher grade.

I have not done the other program that you mentioned.

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I'm asking about Beyond Little Heart not Little Hearts.


Like OpenMind said, "The history, History for Little Pilgrims, is good; but, the program uses the children's Bible for most of the year for history. If you have done Bible history already this would not be my first choice."


MFW 1st does Bible history and I don't want to repeat the same.


So would Beyond be more gentle/age appropriate for a k'er and (young) 2nd grader than MFW ADV?


I need a program I can combine them in and it needs to be short or "age appropriate" or I won't get it done. So much time is spent on learning to read at those ages, my dc start to loose focus after math and reading/LA.

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Hi, Tabrett! It sounds like you may be trying to compare MFW Adventures and Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory. Is that correct? Both of those programs cover American History and include Bible and Science. You can choose your own math and language arts with either one of them.


I have used Adventures in the past. I am now using both Little Hearts for His Glory (the one that includes alot of bible stories) and Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory. I am combining the guides because my son is a 2nd grader and though he absolutely LOVES Little Hearts, he is at a higher level for math and LA.


In my opinion, if you remove the LA and math factors, and are simply looking at those components that you have mentioned, there really is not a big difference in how much time the programs take to implement. If I were you, I'd make my choice based on the content of the programs.


I think that Adventures is a great program. My son learned alot that year. I am glad we did it. However, I felt drained most of the time. In my opinion, the books that are in the basic package are just not very interesting (my opinion). There is a HUGE book list in the back of the TM. I became a slave to the library that year as I tried to locate alot of those titles, preview them, select a few (I often ended up choosing ten or twelve or twenty!) and keep our book basket stocked. I ended the year wore out. I really did. That was my experience.


HOD, for me, feels very different. One thing that I really love about Beyond is the Storytime. It doesn't feel so frantic. There is a list in the back of the TM of titles that you can choose from for each storytime unit but the list is nothing at all like the list in Adventures. It is much shorter. And, you can purchase your storytime books directly from HOD. (You don't have to use those books, they are just suggestions.) So really, you do not need to use the library at all. I know that those who enjoy MFW say you could also purchase your read alouds in bulk and even just get by with just the books in the basic package, but I could not do that successfully. Again, that's mostly because I really didn't enjoy the books in the MFW package and the book list was just too much for me to have to sort through.


So, I think it really comes down to the books. Atleast, it does for us! I prefer the books that HOD selects and this is consistent for me through all of the HOD packages.


We also prefer the kinds of activities that HOD provides. I personally find them to be very age appropriate as my children can complete them without needing me to do them for them. We do the activities together but I don't have to actually do it for them. HOD includes some active and hands-on learning everyday but the suggestions are very simple.


I am a very visual person and the HOD TM (with all those boxes that drive some moms crazy) just "clicks" with me. It is so easy to plan our day. I just do one box at a time, taking a break between boxes when I need to do something else. The grid in the MFW TM was overwhelming to me. I love being able to see one day at a time rather than having to consider a whole week. That factor plus not having to rely on the library or finding the "best" books at the book store have really helped me to feel more relaxed.


This is just my experience. For me, HOD is much more relaxed but we are accomplishing much more. I don't EVER feel like I'm just spinning my wheels. Be sure to look at the sample TM pages for both programs, consider the books that you will be using (you want to love the books!), and then pray about your choice.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have never used MFW but have used Little Hearts and am currently using Beyond. My dds are a just turned 8 yr. old 2nd grader and a just turned 6 yr. old Ker.


They are both doing great!! They LOVE the history, storytime, poems and Bible. I NEVER feel bogged down with HOD!!! So, they are thriving and I am surviving!:lol:


I agree that the science is not too much at this stage in the manuals but honestly although at times I wish it were a little more in depth I often wonder if I would have the energy to actually do it!


My dds enjoy what they are getting. Today (Unit 15 Day 2) we made ice cream for science since a lot of history was focusing on the cows that the Pilgrims for Holland brought. We will also separate the curds from the whey and make butter. FUN! We don't always do little things like this but we are happy with what we do get to do.


Carrie Austin does state that at this stage the science is mainly a gentle approach...and that is exactly what it is.


You will not be disappointed with the storytime selections either! We have LOVE everything we've done for reading! The girls are getting a gentle intro. to narration, dictation and copywork. It's worked well for my 2nd grader. My Ker is doing penmanship and will do more copywork next year if she is ready.


It is very flexible in that way!


I'm going to have to cut this short, my family wants food but let me know if you have any questions.

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