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Exactly how long does it take

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Um... erm... our move-in date was Dec. 27... and I still have boxes in the garage. They're mostly books, and the non-daily books, but somewhere in there is my electric pencil sharpener, and we have at least 50+ broken/dull pencils that are driving us crazy.


And those little hand-held sharpeners... :lol:


(((HUGS))) One box at a time. You'll get there!

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OK, I'm a total nut, I hate not having things "done". Our last move, almost four years ago, I had us packed and ready a week before the actual move, and unpacked (totally) within three weeks after moving. But, I have older kids, so who knows if I would have been able to do that with toddlers or even a baby in the sling. For our next move, I hope to sell most all our stuff an just bring our music, bks, and a tooth brush.



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Well, after unpacking necessary articles, I just worked on one room at a time (those rooms we needed to be in most, first). It does take a while, but you'll see the light one day and then it will be all done before you know it. It's funny to me whenever we're cleaning/reorganizing - there'll be such a huge mess, but if you keep on pluggin' away, suddenly the pile will be diminished and then before you know it, it's gone. Good luck to you,



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I like my spaces to be "situated". That does not mean I'm the tidiest person on the planet. But, I don't function well when I don't have my you-know-what together. That said, the magnitude of unpacking, when you've just given your all to pack, can be overwhelming. When we moved last year, a friend came and helped me unpack my kitchen and arrange the furniture. That was a huge jump start for me. If you're new to your town, that may not be an option, but perhaps dh and the kids can pitch in. After that initial dent was made, I stayed up late many nights just getting to the rest of it. It took me about a month until I felt like it was "mine".



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I like my spaces to be "situated". That does not mean I'm the tidiest person on the planet. But, I don't function well when I don't have my you-know-what together. That said, the magnitude of unpacking, when you've just given your all to pack, can be overwhelming. When we moved last year, a friend came and helped me unpack my kitchen and arrange the furniture. That was a huge jump start for me. If you're new to your town, that may not be an option, but perhaps dh and the kids can pitch in. After that initial dent was made, I stayed up late many nights just getting to the rest of it. It took me about a month until I felt like it was "mine".




Dh has given me until Friday to get our school room situated. I still have piles of stuff. I wanted to be methodical about where I put everything. Instead of just chucking somewhere.


Oh well, wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to worry about finishing painting. And I don't know a soul down here.

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Dh has given me until Friday to get our school room situated. I still have piles of stuff. I wanted to be methodical about where I put everything. Instead of just chucking somewhere.


Oh well, wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to worry about finishing painting. And I don't know a soul down here.



Where'd you move to (love that grammar)? And, what's up with dh setting the deadlines for you? Huh? ;)



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3 Days for everything to be out of the boxes, 2 weeks for everything to find a place. Navy brat, Pastor's wife. If you don't unpack the minute you get in a new parsonage, visitors will be amongst boxes. Last boxes on the truck, first to be unpacked: survival kitchen box, survival bathroom box and a box of toys for the kids.

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3 Days for everything to be out of the boxes, 2 weeks for everything to find a place. Navy brat, Pastor's wife. If you don't unpack the minute you get in a new parsonage, visitors will be amongst boxes. Last boxes on the truck, first to be unpacked: survival kitchen box, survival bathroom box and a box of toys for the kids.


I couldn't imagine two weeks for everything to be put away.

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I didn't read the other responses, but I'm sure mine will be different:). My dh is a cleanee! He cannot sit down and relax unless everything is in it's place. So for us, 2-3 days tops! Of course, we declutter, quite often, so we don't have much to move to begin with:) The other factor is that I'm not much of a decorator, so we don't have a lot of knick knacks or even stuff for the walls, that helps!

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In my experience it takes least a month to get everything in place, and a total of six months before you feel really settled


This has been my experience in the past. We have averaged one move per year of marriage so we never really get to sit down and enjoy the fruit of our moving labors.


Laurel T.

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