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A Meteor Hit Our Dr's Office! No, REALLY!!

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Isn't that cool? :D

Only the fourth time a meteor has been observed to hit VA in recorded history. It's literally 3 minutes down the street from us!

Our dr says he feels "more connected to the universe" now...:lol:

Here's a news video.


Chris, I read this a couple days ago and then checked out the location of the office on google maps. That's when I realized it was right on Rt. 1 a stone's throw from your house!!!! I had no idea he was actually your doctor. We used to drive right by there on our way to piano lessons each week. YIKES!!!

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I saw the story online yesterday and we watched another news channel clip. My 11yods was amazed. He even told dh about it last night (not typical). For some reason, the fact that this meteorite was the closest one ever recorded near DC struck us as funny. I loved how the dr. said it obviously wasn't his time to go yet!



on the other side of the state

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  • 2 weeks later...
Oh brother--now the owner of the strip mall/building where the Dr's office is located says HE owns the meteorite b/c it hit HIS building, and he wants it back from the Smithsonian! The Smithsonian gave the Drs $10,000, which they donated to Haiti.



Some one needs to tell that man "Finders, keepers,...." Geesh.

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