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I'm having a no good, very bad, horrible day.

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1) I left work last night @ 1:30 am. After a new wait staff provoked a bar tender, the bar tender decked the wait staff. The wait staff ended up face planted in the parking lot in front of the police "scared to go back to jail". :001_huh:


2) I had to tell poker player that if he doesn't stop making my players miserable with his behavior, he's gone.


3) I left my planner at class this morning; 40 minutes on the other side of town. I don't have class again until Wednesday and need it sooner.


4) I forgot to tell DH to pick up the Angel Food order. That means my already paid for food has gone to a "needy family". I'm all for that, but I am in charge of my own needy family.


5) My homeless friend texted me (yea, if I weren't so grump, the irony would have me rolling) "please pick him up". EXCUSE ME? REALLY? I have given him a job, clothes, meals, allowed him to do laundry and take showers at my home. Please don't ask me to be a personal taxi service. He's recently been ousted from his "place" where he sat reading all day due to the behavior of another transiet. (True story) and feels he's "lost his job and income". :001_huh::confused:


6) I feel.......um.........like I should have to do the least around the house since I have 2 jobs and am a full time student. My other 4 family members don't seem to have the same perspective.


7) My scholarship reduces the cost of attending school and therefore my aid available. Instead of operational cash, my student loan debt will be reduced and I'll get *LESS* cash. Ultimately, less debt is good. Except when your life is like (see number 4).

Edited by Joanne
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:grouphug: Joanne - you have so much on your plate. Push off the stuff that doesn't belong.


1) I left work last night @ 1:30 am. After a new wait staff provoked a bar tender, the bar tender decked the wait staff. The wait staff ended up face planted in the parking lot in front of the police "scared to go back to jail". :001_huh: Right now - focus on keeping yourself safe.


2) I had to tell poker player that if he doesn't stop making my players miserable with his behavior, he's gone. Does your boss back you up on this? I hope he does.


3) I left my planner at class this morning; 40 minutes on the other side of town. I don't have class again until Wednesday and need it sooner. Perhaps a nice quiet drive with no one else with you could be relaxing? Trying to make lemonade here, work with me!


4) I forgot to tell DH to pick up the Angel Food order. That means my already paid for food has gone to a "needy family". I'm all for that, but I am in charge of my own needy family. That's tough. Perhaps you could make this his normal job. Write it ahead on the calendar so he can just pick up the orders each time.


5) My homeless friend texted me (yea, if I weren't so grump, the irony would have me rolling) "please pick him up". EXCUSE ME? REALLY? I have given him a job, clothes, meals, allowed him to do laundry and take showers at my home. Please don't ask me to be a personal taxi service. He's recently been ousted from his "place" where he sat reading all day due to the behavior of another transiet. (True story) and feels he's "lost his job and income". :001_huh::confused: Right now - this doesn't belong on your plate.


6) I feel.......um.........like I should have to do the least around the house since I have 2 jobs and am a full time student. My other 4 family members don't seem to have the same perspective. Use that planner to assign them chores.


7) My scholarship reduces the cost of attending school and therefore my aid available. Instead of operational cash, my student loan debt will be reduced and I'll get *LESS* cash. Ultimately, less debt is good. Except when your life is like (see number 4).

That's rough. I remember that happening to me in school.



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:grouphug: Yikes. You are taking on a lot. I agree wholeheartedly in pushing off the stuff that doesn't belong. Seems like the family needs to have a meeting and be made to realize how much you are already doing and how they need to step up. Boundaries...good book to read and have them read. You have such a generous heart, Joanne. Praying you can get some R&R very soon.

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have you called the church to see if it's actually been given away?


I forgot to pick up my angel food once and they were real nice about it. They put the food in the fridge until I was able to pick it up the next day.


Yes. They don't have refrigeration. The policy (and I understand, I'm not angry at the church) is to give it away.

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