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I'm tired and I quit.

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I was having a jolly good time reading all of these replies and then...my 14yodd started crying because she is tired of waking up drenched. Her depression medication causes night sweats. Three months is enough. I guess it's time to call the doc and ask for something different. boo hoo.


I'm tired of her depression. Oh how I WISH we could quit it!


Tomorrow will be better. We'll get through this. I'm thankful to live in this day and age when there is help for my sweet girl (OK, so sometimes she's a crank ;)).

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Guest MommaTED

Thanks for all the laughs ladies! I don't start home schooling until next school year and I know there are going to be some tough days. It's nice to know that when I feel like this, I won't be alone.


Gosh, kids can be such pitas. :tongue_smilie:

I thought I was the ONLY one who used this term but I use it in reference to my dogs. :D

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I was having a jolly good time reading all of these replies and then...my 14yodd started crying because she is tired of waking up drenched. Her depression medication causes night sweats. Three months is enough. I guess it's time to call the doc and ask for something different. boo hoo.


I'm tired of her depression. Oh how I WISH we could quit it!


Tomorrow will be better. We'll get through this. I'm thankful to live in this day and age when there is help for my sweet girl (OK, so sometimes she's a crank ;)).

:( I hope she finds something that works.


If it makes her feel anybetter, we're a family of sweaty heads. My dad wakes up soaked, so do my sons. So, she's not alone either (and their sweating is "normal" so they're stuck with it).

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I am tired of my kids constantly fighting with each other.


I am tired of my dog thinking my floor is a bathroom at random times when he has been potty trained for the last 4 years!


I am tired of worrying so much about things over which I have no control whatsoever.


I am tired of the rain. I want to see the sun...for more than a day or two, please.


I am tired of my husband being in a bad mood but failing to tell me so much as WHY.


I am tired of letting our anniversary go by without so much as a dinner together (Happy 7th anniversary to me tomorrow. I will be celebrating alone, apparently).


I hate how eating at some restaurants causes your entire wardrobe (and your hair) to smell like said restaurant. Gag.

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I say we all move on the same street so that we can enjoy people who enjoy us, babysit for those who need a break and fill an empty spot at a table that has one. Teach each other to garden and share organic cows milk, cheese and eggs (not from the cow). Or just give great veggies to those who have black thumbs or the observers.We can share curriculum, do field trips and save gas, tell each other the inlaws are crazy if they think what you do is, and therefore have a modern Utopia. Except we would not be mean and we would like old people, animals and babies. Teenagers would have to farmed to those of us who can stand them that day. :D


All in favor, say "Aye"


Don't they call that a commune?? :D Sounds good to me!

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