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Schedule question for 2 children: 5th and K

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Hello, All ~ Just wondering what your days look like with 2 children spread out in age so far. I know compared to some it is nothing, but I am struggling lately to get a good rhythm/schedule (which really, really needs to be written down for this box-checking Mama) for our school days. Part of the difficulty is being busier than usual lately (Truth Project, family gatherings and a couple of et ceteras) and wanting/needing a bit more uninterrupted time for some thought/reading/crafting/general recharging for myself. I know that there is the danger of being unrealistic in my expectations for our days in general as well as overindulgence in alone time. My goal is to be balanced and I'm not achieving it.


Our littlest is a sweet girl who loves being around people and tends to work longer on a craft/project if she is around us. Her attention span is much shorter than her brother's at this age.) However, I do believe I need to stretch her a bit in this area, but I also can help her by creating a schedule where she knows when to expect time alone, presence time (sitting near me doing something separate from me that doesn't require my assistance every 2 seconds), school time and play time w/Mom-Mom. I always struggle with guilt about should be doing more, should be doing less, should be playing more, should be teaching them to entertain themselves better, should have a more organized house, endless et ceteras. BTW, ds tends to be a dawdler and is easily distracted so I go back and forth between encouraging him...ahem..fussing at him about getting back on his work (and that little sis is OK), to trying to keep sis quiet. Sigh.


Suggestions, anyone? Thanks so much!

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Well, I can tell you what I would probably do in your situation. I would open with something you can work on together - Bible time, memory work, etc. Then I would split them up. Have your son work on some of his independent work while you work with your daughter. I typically spend 30 minutes alone with my 1st grader while my others attack their independent work or do their chores. Then I sit him down to complete his seat work (math, Miquon, ETC, copywork) while I work with one of my olders.


I keep my youngers at the table quietly doing puzzles, painting, etc. while I work with the olders. Also, my youngest 2 spend 45-60 minutes playing quietly in their room every morning - usually listening to books on CD.


We do a mid-morning snack while I read aloud to everyone.


Quiet time in the afternoons can also be great for getting to some of your work/projects. In the past we have had 60 minutes of quiet reading time - each of the kids in their own separate place.


Just some ideas. Hope it helps you some.

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I guess I needed/wanted to vent a little. I know our family is 'small', but sometimes it is still overwhelming for this only child who has been used to a quiet homelife. But, there is much I want to do and much that needs to be done in regards to rearing and teaching our children. Thanks for the suggestions. I really appreciated your taking the time to answer. :001_smile:

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