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Must Have Books on the Topic of Home Education

Guest mrs. logic

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Family Matters: Why Homeschooling Makes Sense by Guterson and The Well-Trained Mind are my must-haves.


Yes, both of these AND Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto.


I recommend they be read in the order: Gatto, Guterson, SWB; the problem, the solution, the guide. :D


After this, other books are just icing on the cake.

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My first inspiration years and years ago was Better Than School by Nancy Wallace. My next great find, and in a entirely different homeschooling direction has been The Well-Trained Mind. Between these two, I cobbled up my own homeschooling philosophy, inspired by many others, Gotterson, Holt, etc. I think that the "how to" homeschooling genre is a poor place to start, but a source of some help for those already homeschooling.

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My Favorites


1. The Well-Trained Mind

2. Home Learning Year by Year, by Rebecca Rupp

3. Michael Olaf Company catalogs, by Susan Stephenson (her catalogs have so much information, they are like books about the Montessori method of teaching)


These are three of my favorites, too. I'd also add:


You Can Teach Your Child Successfully: Grades 4-8 by Ruth Beechick


100 Top Picks For Homeschool Curriculum: Choosing The Right Curriculum And Approach For Your Child's Learning Style by Cathy Duffy


and, for those planning on homeschooling high schoolers, Homeschooling High School: Planning Ahead for College Admission by Jeanne Gowen Dennis


Also, take a look at this thread:


Need Book Recommendations for a Meet and Greet at a Bookstore




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  • 1 year later...

Kareni, I seem to have very similar taste to you. I'm therefore planning to get the only one that you recommend and that I don't yet have - Homeschooling High School. :)

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