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California weather question

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Between the earthquake in Eureka and the rain in the south, CA sure is catching it! How are all you Californians faring? I hope everyone is safe and not having to deal with too much.


We were planning on visiting CA (LA to SF), but may have to hold off for awhile as the weather sounds crazy right now! Is this a bad time of year to visit? When would be a better time? Or is it too hard to tell?


Thank you!

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Between the earthquake in Eureka and the rain in the south, CA sure is catching it! How are all you Californians faring? I hope everyone is safe and not having to deal with too much.


We were planning on visiting CA (LA to SF), but may have to hold off for awhile as the weather sounds crazy right now! Is this a bad time of year to visit? When would be a better time? Or is it too hard to tell?


Thank you!


We are wet.



This reminds of El Nino 10 or so years ago. Normally, there is no rain...no rain so it's not a bad time of year...just this year. :tongue_smilie:

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We are wet here too. The forecast says we will get a break for a few hours on Saturday. I am looking forward to seeing sunshine.


About your visit, earthquakes are unpredictable. I don't think there is a season to avoid them. The weather is wet right now, unusually wet. If you can wait until March it will be beautiful.

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I am LOVING it!! In fact, I saw a spot of blue sky earlier today and went into an instant depression. It quickly covered over again though...thank goodness! ;) I fear waking up tomorrow to sunshine. Yuck.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, I realize sunshine is a wonderful thing, but it sure gets BORING after 350 days a year of it! Of course, I suppose that depends on what part of SoCal you live in...we are in the dry, dry, dry (did I mention dry?) desert. :tongue_smilie: There ARE places in Ca that do get more rain....like the whole Northern half of us. :)


Hey, speaking of El Nino, that was one of my favorite years. :D I just love the rain. I truly think I was meant to live in a wet overcast place like Seattle, WA. Yet, for some unknown unfathomable reason God saw fit to have me live here all my live. long, days. :001_huh:<sigh>

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...have been quite unusual. We had significant thunder and lightning over the last 2 days, which we don't often get in the winter--some years we don't have real thunderstorm at all. We had a tornado warning--I only remember one of those before here in my life! We had a BIG amount of hail in the south part of San Jose--white yards--not unheard of but not common either.


There is an email that has been floating around that originated 1/14 from somewhere in the USGS raising the expectation that the following 2 weeks would have extremely serious and unusual and severe weather, meaning significant flooding, wind shears, etc., and that we could be establishing an El Nino and Pineapple storm season that could continue in severity for the rest of the season.


So, to summarize, it's unusually severe, we are not all that great at handling severe weather here in the San Jose/San Francisco area, and it might continue for a while yet.


I would say that March might be a good time to come, more so than February. April is always nice. Don't wait until summer--summer is not a great time to be in San Francisco itself. Feb would probably be OK if you're willing to be flexible, but if you have the ability to adjust easily, I would wait another month or two.

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I am LOVING it!! In fact, I saw a spot of blue sky earlier today and went into an instant depression. It quickly covered over again though...thank goodness! ;) I fear waking up tomorrow to sunshine. Yuck.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, I realize sunshine is a wonderful thing, but it sure gets BORING after 350 days a year of it! Of course, I suppose that depends on what part of SoCal you live in...we are in the dry, dry, dry (did I mention dry?) desert. :tongue_smilie: There ARE places in Ca that do get more rain....like the whole Northern half of us. :)


Hey, speaking of El Nino, that was one of my favorite years. :D I just love the rain. I truly think I was meant to live in a wet overcast place like Seattle, WA. Yet, for some unknown unfathomable reason God saw fit to have me live here all my live. long, days. :001_huh:<sigh>


You are my long-lost twin except I haven't had to live here my ENTIRE life just the last miserable 12 years of it! I completely agree with you. :iagree::iagree:

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Although intellectually I know we need the rain since we've had a drought the past couple of years, I hate it! I actually wish it would drop another 15 degrees because then it would snow & be pretty. As much as I complained about snow growing up in New England, I prefer it to being in the mid-forties and rainy...


The spring is a lovely time to visit CA. If you come in mid-April, you could see the cherry blossoms in Japantown in S.F.

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The weather right now (coastal southern CA) is totally unusual for us, though they say we are in an El Nino pattern until April or so. We've had 2 confirmed tornadoes over the last 3 days! Tonight we've had some lightning and thunder, which isn't something we tend to get in the winter. And we've had record rainfall. I love it. Like a PP said, sunny and warm gets old after a while. ;) It's nice to have some "weather" once in a while. Normally, any time really is a good time to be in L.A. We have some heat in the summer, but overall, it's pretty temperate. :) Earthquakes ... well, you never know when or if one of those will hit. But, at least for now, it seems like the wacky weather will be around for a bit. They are saying we may have two more storms next week. But, on the flip side, the rain at least means the air quality in the greater L.A. area will more than likely be clean! :D

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My favorite time of year here in So. Cal is spring. The hills and everything else is green and beautiful, the temperature is throw-open-the-windows wonderful, and there are no winds and fires.


Yes, the weather has been crazy! I've heard it will rain for the better part of January. I'm not complaining, it does tend to zap my motivation but it's so nice to curl up in a warm bed with a cup of tea, safe from the cold and rain and wind right outside your window. And we sure do we need all the rain we can get right now.

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Melissa, my dh always thought I was nuts for loving the rain and winter weather. I just read him your post and he shook his head and chuckled.

Thank you for posting - now I know I am not the only one.


Our little town was hit quite hard by winds and tree branches broke through a number of roofs. I did not ask for this. I do love the rain though, especially after three years of drought. It means our well will have water in it next August!



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We are in Southern California, and we are loving it! I think my favorite part of the storms is the thunder. My kids are enjoying the hail we are having right now, and even though it is quite late, I am allowing them to run around outside in it because it is so unusual to see. My parents, on the other hand, have had enough of this weather. They live up in the mountains, and they had a tree fall into their house. It went right through a wall, created a big hole in the ceiling, and they had water and snow come in for two days. I posted pics of it on my blog if anyone wants to see. Fortunately no one was hurt, and they do have insurance, so everything will be ok in the long run. :) Right now though my mom is feeling very overwhelmed by all the damage.

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We are in Southern California, and we are loving it! I think my favorite part of the storms is the thunder. My kids are enjoying the hail we are having right now, and even though it is quite late, I am allowing them to run around outside in it because it is so unusual to see. My parents, on the other hand, have had enough of this weather. They live up in the mountains, and they had a tree fall into their house. It went right through a wall, created a big hole in the ceiling, and they had water and snow come in for two days. I posted pics of it on my blog if anyone wants to see. Fortunately no one was hurt, and they do have insurance, so everything will be ok in the long run. :) Right now though my mom is feeling very overwhelmed by all the damage.


Earlier I was talking with my 5.5 year old about how light is faster than sound, and how counting-off the seconds between seeing lightning and hearing the thunder gives one a good idea for how far away the lightning struck.


And we were getting way up there in our count. 15-20 seconds, and I was like: "see how far away it is?"


Then we settled down for the bed time story, and there was a FLASH/BANG as the whole house shook. We weren't hit or anything, but we had an eye-opening close one.


The little-man was impressed :D


Bill (who likes rain, but would rather not have a years worth all packed into 5 days in a row)

Edited by Spy Car
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Boy, I had never noticed I had so many "neighbors" here on the boards!


A friend of mine who has grown up here in Southern CA had only heard thunder 6 times before yesterday! Now she's up to 8 times!


As someone who grew up on the East coast, I can't get over the fact it never rains in the summer here! When we were living in the mid-west for a bit, my native CA husband couldn't believe it rained all through out the summer time!

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I'm NOT enjoying the constant downpour!! I'm glad we're supposed to have a break from the rain on Sat for a short while as we have to drive to Sunnyvale!


I don't mind the rain in smallish 1 day doses but I can definitely do without week long rain storms.


I too find it odd that there is no rain in the summer. That was always when it rained in New England. Seems odd to me for the rain to all be in the winter!

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I too find it odd that there is no rain in the summer. That was always when it rained in New England. Seems odd to me for the rain to all be in the winter!


I grew up here, so no rain in the summer seems natural to me. This past summer we had a day with some rain, and that was so unusual that I was a little "freaked out" :lol:



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I grew up here, so no rain in the summer seems natural to me. This past summer we had a day with some rain, and that was so unusual that I was a little "freaked out" :lol:



:lol: The only rain I'm used to in the summer is the rare (and much loved) thunder storm in August. For some reason, I remember that happening more frequently when I was a kid than as an adult.

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I think this is an especially el-nino-y year. I agree with the other poster who likened it to the el nino of 10 years ago. This series of storms have been doozies. Here in Santa Clarita (far north LA county) we are very soggy, but not in particular danger of mudslides like areas SE of us. Woulda been fun to see some snow, but oh well. Thats *really* rare. I'm personally ready to see sun. It will be SO beautiful and clear and sunny and green and shiny!! All the creeks and washes (dry riverbeds) will have water for awhile. There are some very nice local hikes to waterfalls that will be nice to do this spring. I do love rain, but it wears on me. I'd have a hard time living in the Pac NW. Frankly, a 2 day dose every 2 weeks would be just about perfect :o).

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So. Cal. came be breathtaking in winter when the winds blow the smog away to show snow on the San Gabriel Mountains. No. Cal. can see weeks of rain during the winter. This past week of lightning storms were spectacular and devastating to our local infrastructure.


Best advice: See California in the spring. In summer SF can be so foggy that it feels like winter.

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I guess I have never paid attention to how many Californians there are on the boards.


We even had a tornado watch here in South San Jose. The weather service said the safest place to be is in the basement. Here in earthquake country I don't know a single person with a basement. Apparently the next safest place to be is in the bathtub covered with blankets. By the time I had finished trying to imagine the 5 of us that were home squished in the bathtub under blankets, the tornado watch was over.


I read that it would take three more weeks like this one to replace the water we have been missing in our 5 years of drought.


You know you are from California if your lawn is only green in the winter.


Amber in SJ

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I guess I have never paid attention to how many Californians there are on the boards.



Population, California, 2008: 36,756,600


Population, U.S., 2008: 301,621,000


Of course, states and cities do vary in their homeschooling rates. Albuquerque had a high homeschooling rate when I lived there in 1992, that was when I first heard about homeschooling from people I knew and worked with.

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We're a little soggy here, but fine. Lots of puddles for the kids to play in this afternoon!:) It's just a little aggrivating to know that more than 75% of our much needed moisture is going into the ocean because our idiot legislaters care more about the Delta Smelt (a small fish that is not even indiginous to the region) than the farmers. I'm sorry. Water is a huge issue where we are. Thousands of acres of land just dried up because the farmers couldn't get the water they need because of environmental politics.

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Love the rain, love the hail and love simply having weather! I'm with Mister Spy Car, though -- I'd prefer not having a year's worth of rain fall in one week!


My 80 pound Golden Retriever is a sissy when it comes to thunder, but fortunately there wasn't any thunder after midnight so I got some sleep!


The thing that freaks me out is the crashing eucalyptus trees. I'm in a neighborhood that is forested with them, and we have a gauntlet of debris to get through when heading out. I worry about a gust of wind blowing them down and crushing me me when I'm out walking the dog or driving down the street. Our house is safe, but several blocks away a tree fell into someone's house.


The best part of this rain is that the wildflower season should be spectacular. We're already planning on heading out to the desert to enjoy the show in March.

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we are in Orange County, and it hasn't been that bad. We are enjoying a change, it's nice to actually get weather.


The only part to give me pause is the fact that our area is not really built for weather, and we don't know how to drive in weather, really. The storms were not the reason I thought twice about going to a meeting last night...it was the possibility of roads getting blocked because they are not built for lots of water, and other drivers driving badly.


it's been raining/sunny/raining/sunny here. Sunny right now.

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Huh. It wasn't raining a few minutes ago. I guess that's over, as the pounding has resumed.


Is this the last day?



From what channel 7 says, it's the last main day, though there might be showers tomorrow morning. But then, Monday night in through Tuesday, there's another storm forecasted, though it sounds "small" in comparrison (1/2" forecasted). On some channel, I saw a long-range forecast (10 days maybe?) that made it look like we are expecting smaller storms off and on for the next week plus. Currently, we just have very gray skies. It was coming down a few minutes ago though.

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From what channel 7 says, it's the last main day, though there might be showers tomorrow morning. But then, Monday night in through Tuesday, there's another storm forecasted, though it sounds "small" in comparrison (1/2" forecasted). On some channel, I saw a long-range forecast (10 days maybe?) that made it look like we are expecting smaller storms off and on for the next week plus. Currently, we just have very gray skies. It was coming down a few minutes ago though.


Oh no. Not more.


Hey, the rain just stopped. What's the old saying about if you don't like the weather wait a few minutes? :D



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Huh. It wasn't raining a few minutes ago. I guess that's over, as the pounding has resumed.


Is this the last day?




It's supposed to last through tomorrow morning, then Sunday will be clear. :D


Here is a link to the National Weather Service discussion for the LA area, I have been checking this every day this week. They update it a few times a day.

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Northern California rainy season is in full swing. It's pretty normal to hardly see any sun at all in February. Towards the end of March the sun comes back, but it's still pretty wet through April.


I am really missing the sun right now.


Me too. It hasn't stopped raining for more than a couple of hours for several days now. My kids think all the puddles and flooding are exciting, but I'd like a break from it!

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The rains postponed our moving into the house we just bought :glare:, but the lighting and thunder was fun to watch. The side yard of the house that we are currently renting is 6" deep in water, and there is no where the water can go. I always did want a pool.:D

Oh no! (On both counts - postponing moving into your house and the "pool" on the side yard!)

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