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Haiti Update--1/20 from Tom Osbeck--missionary in Haiti

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Here is a Wednesday noon update from our Missionary Tom Osbeck in Haiti. His main ministry area is 6 miles outside of PAP. His stories might not be as dramatic as you see on TV but he is touching lives 1 by 1 there in Haiti and will be with these kids for the weeks, months, and years to come.


January 19, 2010



New family members at the Osbeck home.


Two weeks ago I sent an email to my board saying "I don't plan on taking any new kids in this year", today is January 19th and just took number 3, 4 and 5 into my home to live permanently --also 5 short term). I guess God didn't check his email or He would have known what I said.





This morning at day break we were off to pick up supplies, from a wonderful mission named Haiti for Christ run by two wonderful missionaries, Pastor Joel and his wife Yvonne Trimble. We picked up blankets, cots, tarps, food and were on our way home.





We then came home, unloaded and then headed off to pick up the two little ones who lost their mom, Kimberly and Bony. On the way we stopped and gave water to the garbage dump people collecting rebar. I saw a young teen boy looking at me. He had scarf covering most of his face, and he was covered with dirt. He came to the truck and said, "Pastor Tom, you were in my village two weeks ago. Because of my bible knowledge, you called me pastor." Of course I remembered. I found out his house had collapsed and his mom died. Then the trucks took the debris away, with his mom inside. He had been homeless under a tree.



This was a no brainer. I asked if he would be my son, he said yes and into our truck he crawled. We then went to pick up the two siblings and headed home. The only thing they still had to bring along was their Grace School bag. We then stopped to deliver some of the supplies we had picked up that morning.



When we arrived home, all of the children welcomed the 3 new ones. Bony and Kimberly have been running around this house smiling from ear to ear. Not sure what will happen now as my house grows daily--sure wish God would read my emails.









For Contributions

Jesus in Haiti Ministries, Inc. | Suite 155 | 10214 Chestnut Plaza Drive | Fort Wayne, IN 46814



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There are some nice pictures of these kids and others in his family there--as well as earthquake ones at http://www.jesusinhaiti.org


There are links on the main website to see the school (where the 2 kids came from---their mom was the school cook and was killed in the earthquake), the garbage dump (where he is bringing water every day), and his other areas of ministry.


We found out Monday that the family from church that was supposed to go to Haiti next week can not go at this point. They are hoping to go in several months when things settle down as the needs will continue to be great for years to come.

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