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I know prayer can do miracles.

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Please pray for my family. I would never ask in a million years, for any prayers for finances. I have always thought that was wrong.


But, I just saw our wages for last year and they are four times less than normal. I do not know how we are staying in our current home.


I am so scared and crying now, that my immune disorder is flaring.


Thank you in advance for prayers.

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When we were teaching ds9 to pray, he asked the Lord for more GeoTrax--toy trains. We uncomfortably explained that you're not really supposed to do that.


Within a week, we were at a thrift store where they had 2 bagfulls of Geotrax--bigger than the leaf & lawn size--for $8 ea, on sale for 1/2 price. Hundreds of dollars worth of trains, in perfect pre-lead (lol) order.


We've been forced more than once by these sweet children to rethink our positions on prayer, faith, so many things, really.


Praying for the best for you, sweet friend.

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:grouphug: You have my prayers, as well.


And might I say...YOU ROCK! You managed on 1/4 of your previous income?? That is no small accomplishment, friend, no matter where you started out. You must feel very empowered by that, and you have my admiration. Just think of all the advice you are now entitled to dispense.


I hope 2010 is easier for you.

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Thank you so much for bringing up the light inside the tunnel.


You never think you are a survivor while you are going thru struggle. But, thank you for lifting my chin.


I have never been one to save. But, this last two years are a rude awakening. Even when I was young in my twenties and not living on much, I could spend w/the best of them.


I guess, all you think of children first, their bare necessities and school.


Thank you for your prayers, I have faith God will hear.

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Good Morning ~

Please accept my reply with the concern in which it is sent. It seems that perhaps you are seeing "the glass as half empty" instead of "half full." If you have been surviving on such a reduced income, hasn't The Lord already proved His faithfulness? Instead of worrying, start rejoicing!

Just so you know, I understand as I was in your shoes 11 years ago. I had just had our only child who was 2 1/2 months premature; I had a very difficulty pregnancy and suffered a seizure; new management came into the organization I worked for and refused to honor the agreement made by the former management to allow me to work from home; shortly after my husband’s salary was cut. Through the entire trial The Lord provided and to this day my husband (the meticulous accountant) still shakes his head in disbelief. Just remember who is in control.

Best wishes and prayers,

Dina :grouphug:

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I have never been one to save. But, this last two years are a rude awakening. Even when I was young in my twenties and not living on much, I could spend w/the best of them.



Me, too, and I am really regretting that now. :(


:grouphug: I will add you to my prayers.

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