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Any advice for my sick 2 year old?

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We've never really dealt with stomach bugs. My 2 year old (nearly 3) began throwing up last night. She threw up at 3:30 AM, then not again until 11 AM, then again around 3 PM, again at 5, and most recently a few minutes ago at 5:15. So the intervals seem to be getting closer together. I'm worried about dehydration because she is keeping nothing down.


My mom is getting us some pedialyte. Has anyone used this? Anything else that anyone can recommend? Thanks so much!!

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Only give a teaspoon of liquids at a time (pedialyte...or whatever) until dc can go a good 1/2 w/o vommitting. Then give 1 teaspoon every 15 min...if no vommitting, increase that to a good sip from a dixie cup every 15 min.


If she vommits again, go back to a teaspoon every 1/2 hour. No milk. No heavy foods.


This is what I do...I'm not a trained physician, but it has kept my dc hydrated through a few tummy bugs.


Oh - and I keep my sick kids on towels if they aren't old enough to make it to the toilet. Toss the yucky towel in the wash and put a fresh one down. That saves the furniture and carpet.;)

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Thanks so much!!! The pedialyte just arrived and I had DD drink only a bit. I'll make sure that I only give her very small amounts until she can go for 30 minutes without throwing up.


She can't make it to the toilet, but she will tell me when her tummy hurts and I know that it's time to grab the ol' bowl. Right now my poor baby is curled up on a towel on the kitchen floor. :sad: It's so hard when they are sick.

Edited by ChristusG
fixed typo
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We use activated Charcoal--mix one capsule in a tiny bit of applesauce. They will throw it up, but it will also absorb the "poison". give again, until they stop throwing it back up about every 30 min or so. Then give 3-4 times the rest of the next 24 hr.


Normally they stop vomiting after the second round and don't get the "runs". We use it also for the runs.


On day 2 start probiotics. ;o)

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:grouphug: Stomach bugs are the worst I think. Nothing worse than seeing your Little Love curled up on the bathroom floor :( Only thing I would add would just to be pretty conservative after each vomiting event: it's SO hard to not give them anything to eat, but really let their little tummy settle before you try any food. Keep the electrolyte fluids coming (Pedialyte for sure at that age) at a steady and minuscule amount.

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You can try a tablespoon of the syrup from canned peaches, it's a natural anti-emetic.


Yes! Here's a copy/paste of the post from newlifemom. This has helped my dc, too:

"Give him a tablespoon of the syrup from a jar of peaches. The kind with heavy syrup. I kid you not, something about it helps you hold down stuff when you are sick. Then you can give him something with electrolytes in it. This was the rx given to me by my ped when dd#3 was on the verge of being admitted for dehydration. I still cannot believe it worked. Good luck."

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Sounds like you've gotten good advice already. Hoping your dd feels better quickly!


One tip I learned when my dc were little... when faced w/ things like wetting, throwing up, etc..., put a (waterproof) mattress cover on the bed, a fitted sheet, another (waterproof) mattress cover, then another fitted sheet. That way, if the sheets get messed up, it's easy to pull off the top layer (sheet & pad) & get your sick child back in bed (& they don't have to wait on you to remake the bed).

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If this does not resolve in the next hour or so, you may want to call the doctor. I would not use charcoal without a doctor's advice.


You have to be careful that she does not get dehydrated. Does she appear listless or like a rag doll-if yes then take her to the hospital. Is she her usual self otherwise and interacting with you? Does she have a fever of diarrhea since that places her at greater risk of dehydration.


here is a link to reliable medical info from WebMD.com:


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We have been battling this with my three year old for a week. She refuses to do the pedalyte so we have done the Gatorade. Flat coke works well and you can even buy this syrup and for us has worked better than the peaches.

Her temp has been 102-104 and so long as we can get any liquid in her (jello popsilces crushed ice or even sucking on a wet wash cloth the dr has us just alternating between motrin and tylonal every three hrs

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Children's Dramamine. This seriously works. My dd used to get the stomach bug at least 4 times a year starting when she was about 6 months old! Cut a kids Dramamine in 1/2 (or 1/4 if you want to start with a smaller dose) and let your 2 year old chew and swallow it. As long as there is no vomitting right away, it should work within 10-15 minutes.


One plus is that it will also make her sleepy, so she'll get some needed rest.


My pediatrition told me this tidbit of wisdom when dd first got the stomach flu and I am still ever so grateful for this advise. It even works for grown-ups too (they just have to take more).


Hope she feels better soon.

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When my ds was 2 he had a bad viral dysentery but was fortunately not hospitalized. I gave him popsicles and anything clear that he would drink. Yes just one sip at a time until she can keep it down but every bit of fluid that goes in is a help. You can't get too much in at a time with a popsicle. If she gets listless or doesn't pee take her to the doctor. I hope she's better soon!

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We have been battling this with my three year old for a week. She refuses to do the pedalyte so we have done the Gatorade. Flat coke works well and you can even buy this syrup and for us has worked better than the peaches.

Her temp has been 102-104 and so long as we can get any liquid in her (jello popsilces crushed ice or even sucking on a wet wash cloth the dr has us just alternating between motrin and tylonal every three hrs


So your doctor isn't concerned about the fever and the length of time this has been going on? The reason I ask is because recently my 5yo had vomiting and abdominal pain and a fever of 103. My dr. was most concerned about the fever along with the vomiting...turns out her appendix had ruptured.


(I'm sure that any time we have a vomiting episode in our home I'll be FREAKING OUT after the whole appendix situation!:001_huh: )

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No drinks for an hour after puking.

Then, only 1 tsp every 15 minutes for another hour.

After that you can do the tsps closer together, but no more than a tsp at a time.


It's heartbreaking when they beg for water for that first hour, but you're not doing them any favors by giving them something to drink that they puke right back up.


Use a time and a real teaspoon, so you don't overdo.

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Thanks for all of the advice everyone! She's finally stopped throwing up as often. She's keeping a bit of pedialyte down and she's asleep right now. I think I'll wake her periodically to give her more pedialyte. DH bought the canned peaches but I haven't gotten to try them yet. Hopefully I wont need to, but I'll keep them on hand for the next illness.

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Last night I she acted better but I still ended up calling the doctor-on-call. She said that her symptoms didn't sound terrible and that if she had been like that for 6 days, then it could probably wait till morning to be seen at the office. I took DD over to my parents house for a change of scenery and to maybe perk her up and she acted great over there. And last night was the big test.....no throwing up! Yay!! I slept sitting up in the recliner with her.


Today she has acted totally fine. No vomiting, no laying around, no nothing. Maybe she was just having trouble getting over this virus. I did not end up taking her to the doctor this morning because now Dh and I are sick. :glare: And she was acting totally better. If she had still be acting lethargic, I would have asked my mom to take her in for me.


Thanks for all of the replies and advice!! I will probably sleep sitting up with her again tonight, but if she doesn't vomit tonight, we will go back to bed sleeping tomorrow. :D

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Last night I she acted better but I still ended up calling the doctor-on-call. She said that her symptoms didn't sound terrible and that if she had been like that for 6 days, then it could probably wait till morning to be seen at the office. I took DD over to my parents house for a change of scenery and to maybe perk her up and she acted great over there. And last night was the big test.....no throwing up! Yay!! I slept sitting up in the recliner with her.


Today she has acted totally fine. No vomiting, no laying around, no nothing. Maybe she was just having trouble getting over this virus. I did not end up taking her to the doctor this morning because now Dh and I are sick. :glare: And she was acting totally better. If she had still be acting lethargic, I would have asked my mom to take her in for me.


Thanks for all of the replies and advice!! I will probably sleep sitting up with her again tonight, but if she doesn't vomit tonight, we will go back to bed sleeping tomorrow. :D


Thank God:) The potential aspiration part had me really worried since I took care of many, many people who had the same:(

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