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I talked to a chipmunk today.....hey, whatever works.

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My two DD's are into the Alvin and The Chipmunks movie. They are collecting all the chipmunks from McDonalds Happy Meals.


Anyways, today, I let the chipmunks do school instead of my kindergartener. The chipmunks did wonderfully! Waaaaay better than DD usually does. Instead of my DD reading the short 'a' words that we are working on, the chimpmunks took turns reading them (DD voiced them, of course). The chipmunks also got every single sight word correct (which has never happened when DD has been doing it). The wrote their words more neatly than they have ever been written.


I think I have discovered something that just might work! There was no wiggling. DD did not melt out of her chair, onto the floor, and wallow around like she usually does. She did not complain about anything that I did or said to her (and she is usually very much a complainer). She did her work (making the chipmunks do the talking and helping them write) efficiently, neatly, and amazing well.


So yes, I spent a while answering to the name Dave (the chipmunks human father) and listening to high pitched chipmunk voices at times. And I also wasn't allowed to refer to my daughter, I had to refer to Alvin, Simon, and Theodore about anything to do with the school work we were doing, but hey, it worked and she had a great time. And she thought is was a riot when Alvin fell into the pencil jar and I yelled "Aaaaaalllllvviiiiiiin", in perfect Dave form. :D


Hey, whatever works, right? :tongue_smilie:

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It's so much fun when an idea actually yields awesome results!! Sounds like you are a very creative teacher! Glad those chipmunks are so good at their sight words and handwriting....


I like the part where you describe her melting out of the chair, onto the floor, and wallowing around...I can picture that. Fortunately mine haven't done that in a while now....



Glad you had a fun and productive day!

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