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Sleep Apnea-- some more background on dh's sleep study

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I've received a few PM's from very kind folks, and some replies here, and I just wanted offer a bit more background on dh's sleep study--



Dh did have a sleep study done, at a major hospital's sleep center, under the orders of a pulmonologist. He slept for the first two hours with the electrodes, etc., then they took them off and put him on a CPAP machine monitored him for the next four hours of sleep. He said that the next day work he felt better than he had in YEARS, with only four hours of CPAP time. So we waited for the results, confident that once he got on the machine, he'd be a new man. But he's a GREAT man, even without it, which makes it all the more upsetting--- he's hanging on by sheer will alone.


He got the results back yesterday, and even though I knew he was BAAAD, I was shocked to learn that he stops breathing over 100 times every hour. That means that he gets barely 30 seconds of uninterrupted sleep at a time, which the doctor says puts him in the "extremely severe" category. Frankly, the dr. was amazed that dh is able to drive, hold down a job, and function normally, as this has been going on for so long. He shouldn't be driving, let alone driving a commuter van with eight other riders like he does. (He works for the finance portion of a huge insurance company, incidentally!) And honestly, dh is NEVER in a bad mood, is never cranky or short or even exasperated. Truly, I don't know how he does it.


But anyway.......the doctor called in the prescription to the local medical supply center, who dealt with our insurance company. The long and the short of it is, our deductable is $1000 and we haven't used any of it, because it's like the second week in January, argh!


The medical supply company claims that the machine is over $1000 and so we'd have to pay the whole $1000 before the insurance company will kick in their 90%. So basically, dh has to go tomorrow to pick up the machine and write a check for $1000. That seems pretty excessive to me, and frankly, at this point in the month, we cannot write a check for $1000.


It really, really ticks me off that we need to shell out this money for a machine dh so desperately needs. I'm terribly worried about him ALL. THE. TIME. And you're right, I don't sleep well because I"m always listening with one ear to listen for him to start breathing again. And his snoring? Yeah. THAT doesn't keep me awake!


Anyway, I'm really surprised to see that it cost some of you just $200. If we needed a hospital bed, we wouldn't have to BUY one outright, would we?


Sigh. I just want my sweet husband to feel better!



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I don't know if there is any way to get around the deductible, but if you end up having to pay out the whole $1000, you could see if the company will take Care Credit. Often times medical providers will if they are dealing with high $$ equipment or treatments.


You can google Care Credit and get all the details. We were very happy with their service, and we paid no interest since we paid off the payments within the 12 mo contracted period.



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Be sure to ask the supplier if there is a refurbished one availlable or if they have a payment plan.

If not , check around for another supplier. The supplier I work with understands that these machines cost a ton of money and offered each of the above options when I had to buy a new machine. I had already met my deductible for the year, so I only had to pay my copay portion of the bill. And BTW, mine was brand new and it was under 1,000, altho it was not top of the line either.

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Astrid, I've been reading your threads about your dh's sleep apnea, and I finally have a minute to respond...


We *just went through all of this with my dh. He had the sleep study, the electrodes, the cpap; sounds like everything just like your dh.


He started going through it all in October last year, and we made sure to get his machine and his six week follow-up visit with his pulmonologist in before the end of the year. We also have a $1000 deductible per calendar year per person on our insurance, and a 20% co-pay after that. We have BCBS, too. Anyway, I believe my dh's cpap was something outrageous like $1600 or something. Part of our $1000 deductible for dh last year went to the hospital for the sleep testing, and part went to the medical supply company for the cpap. Had we waited until this month to get his cpap, we'd be shelling out another $1000 for it, too.


All that to say, we feel your pain. It's a tough situation. We're still paying off the very last bill from the hospital. The suggestions I have:


We actually have a friend who cleans out houses after they are foreclosed. He found a cpap machine in one of the houses, and tried to sell it on our local craigslist. I know he recently donated it, or else I'd contact him for you. But you might try checking out your local craigslist. I know he couldn't sell it on ebay, since it's a prescription item. In fact, I just checked my local craigslist, and there's quite a few for sale on there, for anywhere from $30 to $250 dollars.


I believe our medical supply place also rents machines. Perhaps you could rent one for a few months until you have the cash to pay your deductible? Also, I would think that some medical supply places would have used ones to sell, too. Maybe those would be cheaper?


Check out different medical supply places. Shop around for the best price. Check on-line, too. So long as it's from a reputable company that will take your prescription and bill BCBS, your insurance should cover it, I would think. But of course, check that out before ordering from anywhere.


It's frustrating, knowing your husband needs help and you can't afford it. I'll keep you guys in my prayers. If I hear of anything, or think of anything else, I'll keep in touch.

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We actually have a friend who cleans out houses after they are foreclosed. He found a cpap machine in one of the houses, and tried to sell it on our local craigslist. I know he recently donated it, or else I'd contact him for you. But you might try checking out your local craigslist. I know he couldn't sell it on ebay, since it's a prescription item. In fact, I just checked my local craigslist, and there's quite a few for sale on there, for anywhere from $30 to $250 dollars.

I'd be leary of doing that. The CPAP *is* prescriptive; it's calibrated to each person's needs, and if you don't have one with the right calibration for your specific needs, it wouldn't be as effective.

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I feel your pain. :grouphug: I hope y'all can work something out financially.


My CPAP wasn't that expensive, but the sleep study was. I'm thankful that I had health insurance at that time--I don't now--because even though my apnea is mild, the CPAP has made all the difference in the world to me.

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I would call around to a few places--even check with the insurance company if they have a "preferred supplier" or the doctor's office for ideas.


My dh did the "rent to own" thing. The insurance paid for him to rent the machine and then after x number of months it was his.


I would keep calling and asking questions as there has to be a way to get payments, a rent to own, etc.

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I am the person (RPSGT) who watches persons sleep and put the CPAP on them at night what ever you do do not purchase on craiglist/ebay ect. It can kill you. To much airpressor is just as bad for you as not enough


Talk to the vendor see how they can work with you. They are typically pretty good about at least around here.


Until he gets his machine have him sleep prone (on his belly) apnea is not as bad typically on the belly


I have seen people stop breathing once a minute to two three times a minute and the scary stop having airflow for almost two minutes

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