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Is this really true?

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My MIL (who I don't totally trust with everything she says) told me that someone who allows their older child (say 4 years and up) to sleep in the bed with them can get in trouble with the law? Or childrens services? Or something like that. Is this really true???


If so, that's absolutely absurd. She said it is to stop all the weirdos from sleeping with their children. Huh????? I can guarantee that if any weirdo wants to do something to a child, they are going to do it whether they are sleeping in the bed with them or not.


The whole conversation kind of made me go :confused::confused::confused:.

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Not true BUT one of the moms on this board who is having issues with children services (don't know what they call it in Canada) had co-sleeping brought up as a negative by the social worker.


Yes, it's not illegal, but it can be viewed in a negative light for any number of reasons: You're a pervert, you're codependent and making your child that way, etc. It's so depressing. Even BFing has been used against people by the authorities :glare:


:grouphug: to the mama in question. I know she's standing her ground and staying strong!

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Absolutely not. The only thing it can interfere in is if you do a homestudy for foster care or adoption - some social welfare agencies look at it askance. My 6yo has spent a total of 1 whole night in his life in his own bed....we keep trying and he keeps coming back. Oh well, he'll be goign to college in 12 years or so.....

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I thought it sounded a little nutty to me LOL :D


My 5 year old DD still sleeps in our room in her own bed....and in our bed occasionally. My 2 year old still sleeps in the bed with us. I told MIL that if I could get in trouble for letting my 5 year old sleep with us, then they would really freak when they found out I was still nursing my almost 3 year old LOL. :lol:

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It's not illegal, and not considered enough to spark an investigation in and of itself. It is, however, perceived negatively by many in social services and can be held against you in an investigation of other abuse. It's not considered criminal--it's just a factor they put down as part of the family profile. It's on the same footing as extended breastfeeding.


That said, I absolutely would NOT change a thing as it is wrong, wrong, wrong for social services to exert that level of control over families and children.


There are, unfortunately, many things that are perfectly legal but can be held against a parent in a DCFS investigation. They operate by "guidelines." Those guidelines should not affect the behavior of normal, non-abusive families.

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Me thinks MIL may have some deep issues that need counseling. I did not practice co-sleeping -- but do not see any wrong about it. Does she have problems with this, ya think? Her opinion is quite conservative. Yikes. :D

Edited by tex-mex
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Me thinks MIL may have some deep issues that need counseling. Does she have problems with this, ya think? Her opinion is quite out there. Wow. :001_huh: Either that or she is really not up on news and CPS. :D


MIL is......well, her own character LOL. She just flew home today after a 15 day visit with us. She's as nice as can be, compliments me endlessly, is very sweet.....but she has her own ideas about some things. She never criticizes our parenting, but does the opposite....she praises it for the most part. So I have no idea how this topic was brought up.

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I thought it sounded a little nutty to me LOL :D


My 5 year old DD still sleeps in our room in her own bed....and in our bed occasionally. My 2 year old still sleeps in the bed with us.


Pretty similar to our situation. We call our master bedroom "the dormatory." My husband and I start out in our own king bed. By the middle of the night, the kids are in our bed. By the morning, my husband and I are in the kids' bed (which is in our room). This dance is repeated almost nightly! :D


I guess if we ever get called on the carpet, we at least have the defense that we try to get away from them nightly. :001_huh::tongue_smilie:

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