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i am 50 not 20

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I can so relate to that. It sounds like something that would happen to me. Should would be worth seeing on tape though.;) Hope they fix you up real nice at the hospital and your hubby has the rum stocked when you get home. No more snow angels for you for awhile though. Fell better soon.

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You have my sympathies. My husband once had chest pains requiring an ER visit (family history of heart problems so must be taken seriously).


The dx also was that he wasn't 20 anymore. Riding down hills on tubes or sleds with kids on one's chest will tend to cause chest pains. ;)

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I can so relate to that. It sounds like something that would happen to me. Should would be worth seeing on tape though.;) Hope they fix you up real nice at the hospital and your hubby has the rum stocked when you get home. No more snow angels for you for awhile though. Fell better soon.

nicely stated ;)


Get well soon and as pain free as possible!

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dislocated shoulder making snow angels, dd caught it on tape. er visit interesting send rum or morphine


OY!!!! Sending Rum AND Morphine...:grouphug:


I am 45 and past the snow angel thing too.....


Hurt my back rolling a snowman bottom.....My boys were terribly disappointed. I said "Sorry guys...you got the old Mom...but at least you have older siblings...CARL!!!!! Will you roll this blasted snowman butt!!!!"


Feel better soon...



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ER popped it back in after xrays and a few laughs. They laughed, not me. One of them clearly thought I was insane, because he asked me if there were grandchildren involved and couldn't believe I was just out playing in the snow.


This is the third time in about 5/6 years I've done this. Dh says I didn't fight them half as hard as I usually do when I'm sedated.

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Oh my goodness! That sounds horrible! So do you mean they popped it back in without any drugs? :willy_nilly::svengo:

Oh my. Oh my. Oh my!

Here's hoping for a speedy recovery, less pain, more rum and morphine (or at least I bet Impish will send you some strong med-cocktail!) Oh and I'm also hoping you have a speedy internet connection so you can post that video! :tongue_smilie:

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No, they gave me two doses of morph to get my winter clothes off of me. Then something else that made me forget what happened next. I remember saying "Don't anyone touch me, please!" and dh said "Wow, no shoulder!"


I watched and erased the vid this morning. We even had company when it happened. How embarrassing. You couldn't see anything except me on the ground saying "I can't raise my arm, turn the camera off." Company almost broke his neck trying to get his truck out of the way of the car so we could go into er.

Edited by Remudamom
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No, they gave me two doses of morph to get my winter clothes off of me. Then something else that made me forget what happened next. I remember saying "Don't anyone touch me, please!" and dh said "Wow, no shoulder!"


Phew! Well that is SO good to know, that you had meds in you! Still not good in the grand scheme of things, you know... the no shoulder thing.... :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:



I watched and erased the vid this morning. We even had company when it happened. How embarrassing. You couldn't see anything except me on the ground saying "I can't raise my arm, turn the camera off." Company almost broke his neck trying to get his truck out of the way of the car so we could go into er.


Bummer. *insert sulky smilie*

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Growing older ain't for sissies.


Here's a favorite quote to ponder while you heal....


You don't stop playing when you get old,

you get old when you stop playing.



I was 47 the last time I broke a bone. All the folks over 40 wagged their fingers at me and said no more ice skating. All the folks younger than 40 said wrist guards! I very nearly wrote the above quote on my purple cast.


You can do snow angels...just do them with a touch more gentleness next time, sweetie.


Passing you the rum, a stack of horse magazines filled with your favorite horsey eye candy, and the TV remote control. Be well very soon.

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:grouphug: You poor dear! I do hope you now have an ample supply of both pain meds and rum!


I must confess at this point that the rabid scrapbooker in me is dying to ask if you got photos of the snow angel involved, the ER docs, the x-rays..... (Aw, come on, you know that in years to come this will be one of the grandkids' favorite tales!);)



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If I have a toddy for you, you'll feel better.... wontcha? I'm near 50 myself, it should work.


I almost ran headlong into a tree year before last when I swiped my kid's toboggan to go night sledding. What was I thinking? That I was twenty, probably....


Sorry for your injury and hope you are quick to heal.

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dislocated shoulder making snow angels, dd caught it on tape. er visit interesting send rum or morphine


Good for ya. I'm a tad older and "play" too. Isn't it fun! I wonder why more parents don't. We're the oddity on the street. We do NOT see anyone else playing with their kids outside like we do. Obviously we're not the only ones who play with their kids, but we just don't see them.


Hope you're on the mend too.....and YES show us pics!! ;)

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