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Who has done multiple SOTW books in a short period of time?


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Just wondering how it worked...I am thinking of playing a bit of catch up, and doing a chapter each school day through the summer, to complete books 2-4 by fall. Just for an overview of history, before my son starts a co-op with a chronological 4-year history cycle. My son is almost 10. He loves being read to, reading on his own...I think it will work out well, but wondered about others' experiences....

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We're doing 2 per year, and that's pretty easy. It's also easy to drag out, too, which we have tried in the past! ;)


I think if you're just reading and doing a little notebooking, you could easily do 2-4 books by fall... I would probably supplement with the audio just to help with comprehension/memory, but either way it would be a good overview.

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We only do history twice per week. We usually cover a chapter each day, unless the chapter is four "sections" long. Then, we take two days (one week). We do activities from the AG, narrations, study questions (orally), map, and the coloring pages. My oldest does some extra reading on her own and I do the rest as read alouds in the evening. If we did history 4-5x per week, we'd go through two books per year easy.


This has always seemed like a good pace for us, FWIW. Good luck!

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We are in the same position - I plan to do 2.5 SOTW books this year then fall in line with the 4-year cycle next year, for logic stage.


My plan is to select specific themes from each book and concentrate on those. Maybe 4 themes per book. At the same time we will listen to the CDs, hopefully in the evening as family listening, or in the car, etc. So she will have a good overview of some important periods or peoples (e.g. Vikings, Medieval Life in Europe, etc) but also have heard all of the SOTW books in chronological order.



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It can certainly be done if you aren't doing all the activities and extra reading from the AG. WinterPromise has a program where you read parts from all 4 SOTW books in one year. In order to do this, they do omit chapters from each book. So keep in mind you may want to sit down and pick which chapters you feel are most important to cover and omit the others due to lack of time.

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