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Just did the Heimlich on my blue baby...

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and a penny came out. I can't stop crying.


I completely emptied my wallet, double checked it and then handed it to him to play with. I missed a penny stuck in some crevice I guess. I feel horrible, but baby is fine now. I was sitting right next to him and happened to be on the phone with a friend who is a nurse. Thank God.


I just had to tell someone.

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Oh, how awful! I'm so glad it all turned out okay, but I'd be shaking for the rest of the night.


Once when DS was a little over a year old, we were visiting some friends who had a garden pool. I carefully locked the door to the garden, removed the key, and left ds playing with some blocks in the living room while I went to make lunch. About 5 minutes later, I thought everything was too quiet, so I went to check on ds, who was GONE, and the garden door was wide open. Then I heard his screams. I sprinted to the pool, where ds was hanging on by his finger tips. (He had just learned to go down stairs by turning around, thank God!) The once-a-month window cleaner had unlocked the garden door and left it wide open. I didn't even know she was in the house—she was supposed to be outside.

Needless to say, I remember every second like the horrible yesterday it was. :(

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Thank you all so much for the support. The whole time I was sreaming "I don't know the Heimlich. I don't know the Heimlich." Apparently, I knew more than I thought. It popped right out. If I can just get my heart to stop pounding we should be ok.


Thank goodness you were right there. I hope he is okay. I'm not sure I would even know how to do the Heimlich on a baby. I know you must be shaken up, is there someone there with you (grown up)? Prayers for a peaceful and safe night.


No I am home with the three little ones tonight by myself. My dh works two jobs so that I can be at home and homeschool the kiddos, so he is at work tonight. He is usually the calm one under pressure, but I surprised myself.


Once when DS was a little over a year old, we were visiting some friends who had a garden pool. I carefully locked the door to the garden, removed the key, and left ds playing with some blocks in the living room while I went to make lunch. About 5 minutes later, I thought everything was too quiet, so I went to check on ds, who was GONE, and the garden door was wide open. Then I heard his screams. I sprinted to the pool, where ds was hanging on by his finger tips. (He had just learned to go down stairs by turning around, thank God!) The once-a-month window cleaner had unlocked the garden door and left it wide open. I didn't even know she was in the house—she was supposed to be outside.

Needless to say, I remember every second like the horrible yesterday it was.


WOW, so sorry you went through that. That just gives me chills.


It has been an unbelievable week of close calls. DH fell half way through the ceiling while putting ornaments up in the attick a few days ago.


I guess all of those prayers that we have prayed for protection were heard.

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You're amazing! You acted fast and did all the right things. Take a deep breath, things are all well now.


Wow. In relation to this thread... did anyone else audibly gasp when they saw 2cents' avatar? Startled myself!


Sorry... oh my goodness I'm so sorry you went through that today! I agree, those images will stay with you for a while. Thank God you acted! :grouphug:

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Laurel, I can only imagine how scary that was! :grouphug: I'm so glad you were right there and had the presence of mind to act quickly. God was truly watching out for you.


I had a scary incident (although not quite as scary) which happened when my girls were younger. They were playing the game "Mousetrap" in our family room, and I was sick and feverish in my bedroom, napping. All of a sudden, my middle daughter came in, bawling, and said, "Mommy, I just swallowed the marble!" Unbeknownst to me, she had been playing "catch" with the little metal Mousetrap ball in her mouth! (She was five years old at the time.) I bolted out of bed---and was so thankful that she didn't choke on that metal ball!


Hugs to you and your dear baby. :grouphug:

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Goodness! Tonight I accidentally crushed my little guy's finger in the sleeper sofa. He was trying to help me pull it out of the couch, and his finger got stuck in some metal pieces on the side. I was pulling on the bed, not realizing his finger was in there. Finally when I realized it I just started shrieking. He was shrieking and pulling on his arm, I was shrieking and couldn't see the finger, so didn't know if I should keep pulling or push the bed back in. (It's awful to see your little one screaming in pain and you know that you're accidentally causing it and you don't know how to get his little finger out of there.)


I thought that was bad, but yours certainly tops mine.


I'm still shaken up by it. And that would have just been a broken finger. (It didn't break--it's not even bruised. It was just a bit smooshed.) He was pretty upset for a long time afterwards, but part of it could be that he was terrified by my shrieking.


Let's both try slow deep breaths. (I'm still shaken up and it was over 2 hours ago.)

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I'm glad everything worked out...:grouphug:


My dd2 swallowed a penny in Nov. and while she coughed a bit while it was going down she managed to pass it, thankfully. Things happened in an instant! With my dd both my mother and I were standing next to her and she opened her mouth, showed me the penny and when I went to get it out she swallowed it.....terrifying!

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I had a scary incident (although not quite as scary) which happened when my girls were younger. They were playing the game "Mousetrap" in our family room, and I was sick and feverish in my bedroom, napping. All of a sudden, my middle daughter came in, bawling, and said, "Mommy, I just swallowed the marble!" Unbeknownst to me, she had been playing "catch" with the little metal Mousetrap ball in her mouth! (She was five years old at the time.) I bolted out of bed---and was so thankful that she didn't choke on that metal ball!


I am so scared of that little ball. I know exactly what you are talking about. I make the older ones keep that game on the top shelf like it is a weapon or something. As parents we remember the close calls forever.

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Goodness! Tonight I accidentally crushed my little guy's finger in the sleeper sofa. He was trying to help me pull it out of the couch, and his finger got stuck in some metal pieces on the side. I was pulling on the bed, not realizing his finger was in there. Finally when I realized it I just started shrieking. He was shrieking and pulling on his arm, I was shrieking and couldn't see the finger, so didn't know if I should keep pulling or push the bed back in. (It's awful to see your little one screaming in pain and you know that you're accidentally causing it and you don't know how to get his little finger out of there.)


I thought that was bad, but yours certainly tops mine.


I'm still shaken up by it. And that would have just been a broken finger. (It didn't break--it's not even bruised. It was just a bit smooshed.) He was pretty upset for a long time afterwards, but part of it could be that he was terrified by my shrieking.


Let's both try slow deep breaths. (I'm still shaken up and it was over 2 hours ago.)


So sorry for you guys. Im glad everyone is ok. I agree a deep breath and a cup of tea are in order.

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I had a close call with a 1yo sitting inches from me as well....I was cutting up grapes into small pieces and setting them in front of ds (who is now almost 7yo) to eat, and chatting away all the while....ds must have reached over to my plate unnoticed by me b/c he got a whole grape. Hearing you, I re-live that.:grouphug:


Hug that little man and remind of the scare when he's 7yo and sassy LOL.

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My now 12yo son choked on a piece of banana when he was 1. My son was securely buckled in his brand new high chair with shoulder straps, so it took forever to get him out of the chair. I was doing the Heimlich while my Dad (who was visiting, thank God) called 911. It took three attempts for the Heimlich to work and my son went limp from lack of oxygen. The banana finally flew out of his mouth, and he was left with little bruises all over his face and scalp where blood vessels had burst from the pressure. I could not stop weeping or shaking after it was over. To this day my Mom, my Dad, and I will all jump up like it's a fire alarm if we so much as hear a child gag. Everyone thinks we're crazy, but we're ready to react!


Thank the Lord for his mercies!

Go snuggle your baby!


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I'm so glad that your baby is ok. Take a deep breath and pat yourself on the back for knowing what to do.


When my oldest daughter was 2 or 3 she was sitting in her high chair eating a bologna sandwich. I was sitting next to her talking on the phone with my mom. All of a sudden dd was making a clicking noise. I realized that she couldn't breath. I threw down the phone and started the heimlich. A piece of bologna shot out and she started to breath again. My poor mom heard the whole thing and was was in tears wondering if my daughter was ok. It was so scary but thank goodness I knew what to do.

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Oh, I'm so glad he's ok! Don't beat yourself up, I know it's hard. I've lived the guilt ridden road for my son who will be 18 in a couple of months. I gave him campilobactor (sp?) and he was SOOOOOOOOOOO sick. Bloody diarrhea that scared the heck out of me! When I was making his baby food one time I had a HORRIBLE cold and couldn't smell a thing. Apparently some meat was stuck somewhere in the Vitamix and got mixed in with the veggies. Poor baby. I still think about it 17 years later!


I know your traumatized, but he's fine and you need to tell yourself you didn't intentionally harm him!


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Thank you all for sharing your stories with me tonight. We are all fine and I am feeling much better. One great thing that happened was that my writing averse 6 yo suddenly decided to start writing me love notes. He was worried and started writing all over the place. So sweet.

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Oh geez! That's scary! I'm glad you had the presence of mind to do the Heimlich. Try not to beat yourself up over the penny. These things happen to all of us at one time or another. It's amazing what little ones can get into, even when you are being cautious for them.

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I'm glad everything worked out...:grouphug:


My dd2 swallowed a penny in Nov. and while she coughed a bit while it was going down she managed to pass it, thankfully. Things happened in an instant! With my dd both my mother and I were standing next to her and she opened her mouth, showed me the penny and when I went to get it out she swallowed it.....terrifying!


BTDT... My youngest was 4yrs old and he swallowed a nickel around 7pm. It got stuck in his throat and off to ER we went. Since it was in his esophagus and not blocking his breathing, he was admitted overnight. Had to wait 8-10 hours after he last ate before they could knock him out to get the coin out of his throat. That was a long night. The doctors gave us back the nickel... a $4,000 nickel now-LOL.

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Thank goodness you were right there! My ds went blue choking on a chicken nugget when he was 3. I stayed calm enough to help him and when that nugget went flying across the room both he and I started bawling. It was a very sobering experience. I'm so glad yours ended well.

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and a penny came out. I can't stop crying.


I completely emptied my wallet, double checked it and then handed it to him to play with. I missed a penny stuck in some crevice I guess. I feel horrible, but baby is fine now. I was sitting right next to him and happened to be on the phone with a friend who is a nurse. Thank God.


I just had to tell someone.


:grouphug: That is the scariest thing ever! BTDT.

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Wow. In relation to this thread... did anyone else audibly gasp when they saw 2cents' avatar? Startled myself!


Sorry... oh my goodness I'm so sorry you went through that today! I agree, those images will stay with you for a while. Thank God you acted! :grouphug:


Why? :confused:

Edited to add...oh I get it...pennies. I couldn't figure it out since I've had this avatar since like forever. Just a weird coincidence. ;)

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My now 5 year old fell out of our second story apartment window when he was 3. This kids were screaming "mom, mom!" I ran into the bedroom and my little boy was gone and so was the screen in the window. Thankfully he only had a small scrape on his head and little bruises on top of his feet. I couldn't stop shaking or crying. My prayers for weeks were just prayers of gratitude. I didn't care about anything else except that I had all of my children still with me.

I'm so glad your little guy is okay! What a blessing that you had someone on the phone at that exact time who could help you!




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Oh my gosh! I am so sorry that happened to your little one!


I am terrified of choking. My kids are 5 and 2 and I do not let them eat unless I'm sitting with them. If I have to walk into the next room, I hollar back every so often "Are you okay?" People may think I'm a freak but choking scares me. My DD (then 3) choked on one of those little balls of Reese Puffs cereal. I did the Heimlich on her and thankfully it came out.


There have been MANY times where I've had to do a finger sweep down the back of my DD2's throat to get something out. Thankfully for the past six months, I haven't had to do it. She seemed to choke on chicken nuggets and apples the most.


I am SOOOO glad that your baby is okay!!

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My dd needed a Heimlich when she was 3-ish. She put an entire dinner roll in her mouth at once and couldn't move it up or down ... thanks be to God DH took action instead of just sitting and staring in horror as I and both my parents did. That roll came flying out like a baseball.






P.S. Please don't feel horrible. Things happen, even against all our best preparations and preventions. Thanks be to God you knew what to do and could do it :)

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My heimlich story: We were on vacation camping and decided to splurge with a nice dinner out at a very fancy resort. Before going into the restaurant we had taken a walk along the pebbly lake shore. Dd8 (at that time a toddler) had taken a handful of shiny pebbles. I thought I had gently taken them all from her but she had cheeked one of them without me knowing.


I felt a bit out of my element in this fancy restaurant - you know like the country cousin visiting the city. As we were in eating our appetizers, dd started to choke. I did the heimlich and that pebble shot out across the restaurant floor. :blushing: Once I got over the shock of the close call, I was a bit embarrassed. But we did finish our dinner. It was delicious.

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