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It's Christmas eve, 11:24 p.m. and DD5 is still awake. Anyone else?

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Our two went to bed near 10pm, but 8 yo dd was just up at 12:30am, saying her "tummy hurt". She *snuck* out here. Hoping she didn't see too much, but there is only so much mom & dad can do if one is bound and determined to see something :glare:.


Lets just say we'll be tired tomorrow :D.

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I just finished wrapping stocking stuffers and some presents. Dh is at the late service and should be pulling in any time now. Ds have both gone to bed, and dd9 was in bed almost 4 hours ago! We give them their stockings in bed so they can have something to do until about 8:30 or so in the am!


Here's to a happy, sweet Christmas for everyone!

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Dh is still not home from church yet. He was one of the last staff members to leave tonight after the Candlelight service. We live 35 minutes from the church,he left an hour ago, and the icy roads are slowing him down so much that it looks like it will be another half hour before he gets home (2:30am here).


I can't sleep with him out on those bad roads, so I am just waiting and praying for his safe arrival home soon.

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Dh is still not home from church yet. He was one of the last staff members to leave tonight after the Candlelight service. We live 35 minutes from the church,he left an hour ago, and the icy roads are slowing him down so much that it looks like it will be another half hour before he gets home (2:30am here).


I can't sleep with him out on those bad roads, so I am just waiting and praying for his safe arrival home soon.


Hope he gets home soon.

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I had to stay up until 2AM for my kids to be sleeping.

However, this is the first year that everyone knows there is no santa and that is SOOOO freeing!

But still, how fun is it if you hear mom putting everything out and in the stockings? I love them waking up and seeing everything and having it be a surprise.

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Well my two were asleep until I took my Mother up to bed who insisted over and over to suddenly having LOUD conversations even though I kept saying, "Shhh! The kids are right down the hall." (dementia)


Then it took 4 attempts after they woke up to get everything wrapped (15 min interruptions for each sobbing cry from one of them). It was way past 2:30 a.m. before I made it to bed. 7 a.m. sure came early.


Now, I just had to order my Mom to take a nap, as I need one, and so do the kids, and my husband just needs some down time. (For the record, she's always been a napper, so it isn't like this is something mean to ask her to do). I feel like a toy that's running out of battery life. :)

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James (10) was still awake when I went to bed at 12:30. He's a night owl but has to stay in his room once prayers are said and I leave after reading. I snuck the gifts out to the living room, put the stuff in the stockings, munched the cookies. When hubby came to bed an hour later, kiddo still awake. He tried the old "can I come out and kiss you again routine" so he could see what we were watching. We told him no since watching Harry Potter. He's not allowed to see it yet.


I had to wake him up this morning to see what Santa left under the tree.

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