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Books that would go along with a Geography Study?

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I have decided to do Geography, World History, American History, Gov't/Economics for our 1st dd's 4 years of high school.


I am trying to put together a list of books to read. We are using Abeka's Geography which is a semester course and I would like to make it a year course. Any suggestions for literature would be appreciated.

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My students both used A Beka Geography, but my daughter also used the Geography Coloring Book by Kapit along with a good World Atlas for a full credit of Geography. She does shortwave radio DXing as a hobby, which has helped her learn her geography more than anything else. The CIA world facts site is a great resource too:


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I am in the midst of planning my 4th ninth-grade geography course. It varies a bit from child to child. Some books that I am scheduling:


No Picnic on Mount Kenya (great book about an Italian POW (in an English concentration camp in Africa) who escapes to climb Mt. Kenya--knowing the whole time they would have to go back to the camp... They travel through jungle up to snow-covered peaks...


The Brendan Journey--another "re-create the trip of" book along the veins on Kon-Tiki. (I also recommend Kon-Tiki, but all my children have already read that one). The author, Tim Severin, has written several other titles as well.


Missionary Bio's--We have quite a few that we have read, but if you haven't, take a look at Sonlight's catalog for some geared for older students (namely, Brother Andrew, The Word Came With Power, In Search of the Source, Bruchko). Also Rainbow Resource (among others) carry the YWAM Heroes of Faith series which covers even greater territory but is targeted for a younger audience (4-8th grade).


Some I am considering: Two Years Before the Mast

The Oregon Trail by Francis Parkman

The Adventures of Captain Bonneville

Walk Across America


(My upcoming geography student is my second son. For my daughter, I would consider adding a book by Isabel Bird--she was a Victorian spinster that took off on equestrian travels around the world to improve her health. Her works on online and free if you want to check them out.)



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