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Feeling so sad for DD5 tonight....

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Long story short, we adopted a kitten about 2.5 years ago for DD. The cutest little gray cat you ever did see. DD(then 3) named him Armadillo. Fastforward about 2 years and we had to get rid of him because I found out I was highly allergic to cats (never owned a cat before this one so I never knew). My parents decided to take him for us. They live right around the corner from us so DD got to see him often. Soon after, they found out he had lymphoma. This was about 6 months ago. Tonight he is doing poorly and he will be euthanized tomorrow. I got DD out of bed tonight to tell her. She immediatly started crying and wanted to go hug and kiss him one final time. So of course I brought her over there. She's been crying for 45 minutes now. I feel so bad because there is nothing I can do. :crying:

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Long story short, we adopted a kitten about 2.5 years ago for DD. The cutest little gray cat you ever did see. DD(then 3) named him Armadillo. Fastforward about 2 years and we had to get rid of him because I found out I was highly allergic to cats (never owned a cat before this one so I never knew). My parents decided to take him for us. They live right around the corner from us so DD got to see him often. Soon after, they found out he had lymphoma. This was about 6 months ago. Tonight he is doing poorly and he will be euthanized tomorrow. I got DD out of bed tonight to tell her. She immediatly started crying and wanted to go hug and kiss him one final time. So of course I brought her over there. She's been crying for 45 minutes now. I feel so bad because there is nothing I can do. :crying:


Oh, I'm so sorry :grouphug:.

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Awww, so sad. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:



FWIW, lymphoma in such a young cat might well be associated with feline leukemia. The age/time line would be about typical for FeLK fatality. There is naught to be done, in any event, as it is a fatal disease inevitably. If she has it, she likely got it in her kittenhood and there is no treatment.


BUT, if you decide to get dd another kitty at any point, it is highly advisable to test for FeLK during kittenhood and to vaccinate (esp if the kitty will go outside or be exposed to any other cats). Testing pre-adoption is highly advised just to save you this heartache. I advise folks with kids to test prior to bringing the kitty home. . . just so the kids don't get attached.


At least the kitty had a nice life, if a short one. Hugs to you and your dd.

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Our beloved Airedale Terrier, Nittany (almost 12) past away last yr. right before Thanksgiving, it was very hard on the family.


I did just want to let you know, time heals the hurt & we've since found an Airedale pound doggy to rescue. We'll never forget Nittany and continue to think of & talk about her often. :Angel_anim: However our DDs at the time 7.5 & 5, to this day, still let us know they only wished they got to hug her & say goodbye. In our case this wasn't possible as she passed away 1 morning they were staying w/ my mom & at the time I was thankful. Now looking back if given the chance I'd do exactly what you did. Good job Mommy, I'm so sorry for your family's loss! :grouphug:

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:grouphug: So sorry for your dd.


We had to have a beloved family dog euthanized when my oldest dd was about 6. She asked to go with dh and be with Rusty (our dog) when it was done. I was floored. She shed her tears beforehand, and went dh to have it done - held Rusty and loved on him til the last minute. I almost didn't let her go, but she was so insistent. I think she really needed to be there. I was amazed. She never shed another tear.

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