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Somebody help!! I've ruined dh's tv!!!

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Dh is gone and has no idea... We have a big screen Sony HDTV that is only about four years old. There is a yellow discoloration on the left side of the screen.. It sort of looks like a smear from a distance. I had cleaned it with an all natural window cleaner the day before this showed up, but it's also possible that my 3yr old took a magnet to it.. I never saw him with a magnet in the living room though, so I don't know. I'm pretty sure it was the window cleaner that did it..


How do I fix this?? I have two weeks till he gets home and I don't want him coming home to this!! Help!!

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I've had experience with that!!!! My overzealous 3 year old who was cleaning the fridge with Windex decided to clean the TV with windex, too. It left a terrible mark. I did some research and found out you should never use liquid cleaners on a tv. Liquid is behind the screen. Ours had a terrible dark spot in the corner. The good news is that it does dry out on its own. Bad news is that it takes several days (up to a week). We can't see it anymore at all.

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A magnet will have no effect on most big-screen TVs.


However, the face of many TVs today is actually plastic, not glass, so only a soft, damp cloth should be used for cleaning. I use a Costco table napkin since they are fairly lint-free.


Please tell use what type of TV this is. Model number? If you don't have that, is it Plasma? LCD? DLP (rear projection)? Something else?

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Dh (the techno geek) says to look in your TVs menu to try and find a "Degaussing Setting." When older TVs got that smear, you'd get your friendly neighborhood repairman to come over with a gadget called a Degausser and he'd fix it right up. Apparently the newer TVs have a built in one.


Not a permanent issue.

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Thanks everyone.. It's been about two weeks and the mark is still there with no sign of leaving any time soon. Dh flies in in 2 days... I will look for the degaussing thing on the menu.. I don't know if a magnet caused it though so don't know if that would work... If nothing else, dh will try to fix it himself when he gets here.. I just hated for him to come home to that!


Thanks again!

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