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Do you give gifts to teachers/instructors/etc.

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There are several people I was thinking of giving Christmas gifts to. My 5 year old attends a homeschool group and her teacher is really good with her. Also, she loves her AWANA teacher at church. Plus, our postman is really nice, plus the lady who coordinates everything for our homeschool group. I know it takes her a lot of time and she doesn't get paid or anything. Would you give gifts to these people? Of course I can't get them anything big, but I do want them to know that they are appreciated. Do you get gifts for people like this in your life?

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No. Stop the insanity.


What I do is write an appreciative note specifically mentioning those qualities about the person or their teaching that we especially like. I have been told more than once, by more than one teacher, that such a note is cherished far more than cookies or trinkets, and often saved for years afterward.

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Yes, but then I take alot of photos throughout the year and help the kids make a collage or something out of the best ones with that teacher. I also give them some money with it.


I think a teacher would appreciate photos of her in action, and/or a note that expresses how impt her role is.

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No. Stop the insanity.


What I do is write an appreciative note specifically mentioning those qualities about the person or their teaching that we especially like. I have been told more than once, by more than one teacher, that such a note is cherished far more than cookies or trinkets, and often saved for years afterward.



I love this, thankyou.

Yes, I give gifts to our two music teachers, but that is all.

I really like the idea of the note though.

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Teachers are the only people I give gift cards to. I give them gift cards to a bookstore. My brother and sil are both teachers, and I know how much they do for how little pay and how much they buy for their classrooms with their own money. I don't give gift cards to anyone else, but I do to the teachers at my dd's enrichment school, and I usually package it with some cocoa mix.

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We have 2 tutors/teachers who come to our home on a weekly basis. I am getting a nice Christmas bouquet of flowers for one of them, and the other is getting a book (related to the subject they are teaching) that they mentioned they wanted, in an off-handed way a while back. I do not think either is expecting a gift, but I do appreciate that they come to my home, and how much they do for my dc. The dc have put together their own home-made cards and thank-you notes as well.

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I give gifts to music teachers and those who do extra services for us like the mailman who has to bring my numerous homeschool book orders:lol: up our realllly long driveway instead of leaving it by the road to get damaged, and our mechanic who has been piecing my dh car together for years and not charging an arm and a leg (he does the work from his house). These people go beyond the regular services so I believe in giving a gift to show our appreciation. I give gift cards or cash.



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I got a Starbucks gift card for our Sunday School teacher. She has done so much to revamp the program at our Church, and drives from far away, and has a full-time job and three little ones. So, I thought it would be nice to show our appreciation from the kids.


But, I know it can get hard, there are always a bunch of people that can turn up that you think it would be nice to get something for. I guess the big thing is whether your budget can handle it or not. And if so, it is a thoughtful gesture.

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We do thank you letters. Attach to the top of a giant ($1.50 size) candy bar and tie it with a curly bow. Dark chocolate for the ladies and traditional Hershey bar for the guys. The chocolate is affordable and shows we thought of them, but it is the written words they most appreciate.

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