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1st Grader ??? Worked ahead in CLE, now what?


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My 6yr. dd worked ahead in CLE Math 100 and is now done with it. I am unsure whether to move her right into Math200 or use supplements for the remainder of the year. It doesn't seem too easy and yet she doesn't struggle either. She simply likes school. Has anyone else ran into this situation and if so could you let me know what you chose to do?

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I have one that pretty much finished kindergarten and 1st grade math in 6 months, and I just took him forward. He did slow down over time, and I'm stalling him this year (7th) in pre-algebra because I don't think he's ready for algebra even though most placement tests say that he is.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
My 6yr. dd worked ahead in CLE Math 100 and is now done with it. I am unsure whether to move her right into Math200 or use supplements for the remainder of the year. It doesn't seem too easy and yet she doesn't struggle either. She simply likes school. Has anyone else ran into this situation and if so could you let me know what you chose to do?


We use Singapore but had the same thing happen. DS got it and finished. My choice was to move on. We'll keep on going until we hit a road block. I think that would be a better time to pull out supplements, you know? If you hit a brick wall with understanding, maybe it's time to pull out some other resources to see if teaching it another way would help kiddo understand. Alternatively, if it's a developmental block, that's a good time to pull out supplements for what you've already covered to make sure there is no loss of that material.

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I would move on. If she is finished with the 100 and is ready for the next level go right ahead. If it were much closer to the end of the year I would of said to supplement but its only almost December so I would just move her on and if you hold a typical school year just end where she ends with it. If you school year round just take a little while and do some fun stuff ( like cooking , measuring things) or work on a subject that she isn't moving as fast in.

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This recently happened to us with Singapore also. I made her stop and start one of the Kumon books - just to get a little more drill in there... I worry about going through material with her too quickly... Although she's 7 and almost finished with Singapore 2a, so we probably should slow down. :confused:

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Same with us. My 5yo is almost done with Singapore PM 1B (after already completing Horizons K this year) and shows no sign of slowing down. After asking a lot of questions on the accelerated board, we're forging ahead. There are so many fun supplements and programs out there if we need to slow down before algebra. I'd just make sure that she understands the material and wouldn't worry about it.

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My second grader will be finishing up CLE Math 2 this month and I plan to move right into CLE Math 3. I don't mind her working a grade level ahead, but if she goes through 3 as quickly as 2, I will start to slow her down and just have her do math 3 days a week. I don't want to rush ahead and then have to try to kill time before starting algebra.



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Another "move ahead" vote here because we are doing the same thing...


If you take out the days we worked on just our math supplement (CTC math Level A), dd will have completed Singapore EB in about 4 months (I anticipate completion in January). I'm considering that our "PreK" math then we are moving onto Horizons K as our "K" math. DD doesn't officially start K until next fall so she will be "ahead" in math too. I couldn't imagine just stopping math to keep her aligned with age and grade level.

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We chose to move ahead as well. Ds worked *very* quickly through early elementary math, and has only slowed down (still on pace to finish a book a year) now, doing algebra, several years ahead of his grade level. On the other hand *if* he ever slows down more (completing less than a full "level" of math in a year with good comprehension and retention), we've sure got a cushion there to allow him to slow as much as he needs to.


We *have* added in lots of supplements along the way. We did two programs (Horizons and Singapore with CWP and IP) most of the way through elementary math. We used a lot of games (RightStart card games, Muggins Math, etc), lots of books (Primary Grade Challenge Math, Challenge Math, Penrose the Mathematical Cat, Number Devil), ds participated in Math Olympiad...


But I wouldn't stop a child who was doing well. Let him or her continue to progress and learn new concepts while also giving them challenge through supplements alongside...

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Move on!! I have struggled with the same thing in CLE, but have decided we'll move on until he gets stuck. N. turned 7 last month and we're in LU 307--


I do slow down a little--we finished LU 306 yesterday, and my goal was to finish it by the end of December (I had counted on a LOT off off days around Thanksgiving and Cmas--too many off days--so we're way ahead in everything). So we will be doing Miquon and Critical Thinking Activities:


more often this month than we have been doing them. I wanted to do 3 or 4 days per month of those supplements, but haven't been able to.


But the good thing about going straight on in CLE math is that you can probably skip the first Light Unit, which is all review of the previous year.


Best wishes!


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I would move on. If she is finished with the 100 and is ready for the next level go right ahead. If it were much closer to the end of the year I would of said to supplement but its only almost December so I would just move her on and if you hold a typical school year just end where she ends with it.


May I just mention one caution?? If you do opt to move ahead and you break over the summer, be certain to maintain skills throughout the summer. My son finished his K math by Christmas last year, and we moved on to First, and he did great. Then we took the Summer off; had an unexpected move and didn't do any school for two months. When we returned to school after the break he was totally floored. Stopping in the middle of the curriculum was a terrible place to take a break, and he had a terrible time jumping back in mid-stream. Instead of starting the year ahead like I expected, we had to take a big chunk of time to regain those skills, and we are now a bit behind.

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Exact same thing here. My 6 yo (7 in Jan) ds will finish in early March - I'm just going to start 202. As long as they get it and are doing well, I say move on and then feel free to slow down as needed.


I am stalling my 12 yo 7th grader - would be 6th in public school - and just cementing foundational math before starting Algebra. Just don't want to rush him! He's going to start Videotext in Jan.

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I'd just go ahead and hand over the next book/level. You could throw in some extra fun stuff like math games (Peggy Kaye's books are fab). . . and make sure she's making good progress memorizing facts. . . but so long as it's fun and she's keeping up with her facts. . . I'd just move her right ahead to the next level.


All 3 of my dc have zipped through K, 1, and 2 math in a year or two max and have stayed "ahead" all along, ending up completing Gr6 math around mid-4th grade.


IMHO, if your dc are reasonably bright without learning problems, and you have had a math-rich environment (mathy games, talking about math, working problems, math play) all along during the early years, most of that K-2 math should go quickly (assuming a good curriculum). My 1st grader is closing in on finishing Singapore 2B and is in the middle of the Miquon (blue) series as well. I estimate she spends 1 1/2 to 2 hours a week MAX on math. Honestly, the vast majority of the days, she does her math in about 10 minutes. MAX. The only days she spends more time are the days she wants to tear through a whole bunch to complete a book (to get the celebration that comes with that!) She is the 3rd of my dc to follow this pattern.


FWIW, none of them have particularly slowed down. :tongue_smilie: So, what? I always just hand over the next book unless there is sth I want them to review first. In that case, I hand over some OTHER book/game/whatever that will provide that review and have them do that for a few weeks/months until I feel they are fully ready to go on to the next level in the main curriculum.


Works fine for us!

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