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How fast to move in piano?


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I am starting my 9 year old on piano on my own (I had 11 years of lessons). My question is: how fast does a piano teacher typically move a kid along? We are doing John Thompson's series (Teaching Little Fingers to Play and Theory Drill and Games) and because I am his teacher, we can work through 1-2 songs a day in 15 minutes. He does show frustration but keeps plugging away. We only started last week and I can't gauge how to respond to him yet, which is why I ask. I can't remember that far back and I don't want to have ridiculous expectations and frustrate him long term.



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My six-year-old son has been taking lessons for about three months now. He practices for fifteen minutes a day and usually works on four to six songs (depending on how challenging they are) a week. In addition he does one workbook page a week. Of course he is a beginner so the songs are very short. I am sure as he progresses that will change.

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Do you mean that he works through 1-2 different songs per day? Or does he work through 1-2 songs per day until he can confidently play them and then you move on to different songs? If the former, I can certainly see why he'd be frustrated.


I teach my 2 eldest kids piano. My 8 yo practices 10 minutes per day and I'm gradually increasing his daily practice time. He works on 1 rep piece (sometimes 2, normally just 1), 2 practice pieces to cement technique, and has theory once a week. Sometimes the technique book will have a page requiring writing. I usually move him ahead on his practice pieces every week; i.e., each week he has different pieces. He moves on to a different rep piece every 2 or so weeks depending on how hard the piece is and how long it takes him to reach mastery (and let's face it - at this level we're not talking van Cliburn).


My 6yo just started piano and practices 5-6 minutes per day. She doesn't have any rep pieces yet as she's practicing technique right now. Of course, she also has theory once a week.


If I were you, I might consider slowing down a little bit. Let your son work on the same pieces for a week or however long it takes him to cement whatever technique is being taught. Also, although to you and I 15 minutes isn't a long time, think about starting with a shorter practice time. Yes, he's 9 and you've also just started with a new skill. The days I introduce new pieces/techniques to my kids (the lesson days) take 30 minutes or so. The daily practice is what I wrote previously. Theory day also takes about 30 minutes. (I don't always have theory day the same day new pieces are introduced.) Good Luck. It can be difficult reaching that balance between challenging and pushing too hard. At the early phases I'm really aiming for a love of music.

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My older son (ds9) usually has 3-4 songs a week. One is very old and is working on getting fantastic. He usually picks the song that is getting this treatment. Then he has 1-2 songs that he is still learning. He can play them but very very roughly. He probably has these memorized but makes mistakes in tempo and notes. And finally he has a new song, one that he is working out how to actually play the measures. This one he is still reading the music on the page. He loves piano and can practice for 30-45 minutes without me doing more than reminding him to do it.


My younger son (ds5) also usually has 3-4 songs a week. He usually has 2-3 that he has learned before and is now adding something to. Right now this is working on left hand chords. He learned right hand several weeks ago. And he has one song that is still in the learn right hand part state. He practices for 15-20 minutes or so. I am usually sitting with him and helping him to figure out what needs to be done.

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