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Websites & books for baby development exercises???

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I think the best book for stuff like that is Slow and Steady, Get Me Ready. It's broken down by weeks, from week 1 of life to the fifth birthday. Every week has age-appropriate activities to do with your child. Some are pretty basic (for example, half of one year is spent learning the alphabet, a letter per week) but others are quite helpful.


Good luck!

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I love this one, but it is OOP. I adopted a 10 months old son from the NICU, with severe delays. This book was so helpful.




We've used this one, too. Also, you may want to check into any Infant & Toddler programs in your state. If the child qualifies (for us, the child who tests 25% or more behind in development qualifies), you'll be able to receive services without charge. We've had great experiences with our PTs and OTs at our local program, and they've always been willing to give us lots of exercises to do at home with our little ones.


Good luck and congratulations!



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Is the Left Brain Always Right? by Claire Cherry. Available used on Amazon.


My mother gave this to me when my girls were little. There was a lot of information about brain development, right-brain/left-brain activities, and lots of games for gross and fine motor skills.


We did delayed academics. (Does anyone remember Better Late Than Early.) We waited for seat work and played tons of games and had wonderful adventures, I remember looking through the Left Brain book for ideas.


Good luck, hope everything goes great.

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