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Anyone want to post your wedding dress photo?

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Speaking of wedding dresses....when I can get back into town I'll do my best to scan something in of my wedding portrait to share. More than that, though, I'd *love* to share something else with you, too. When my dds were 4 and 7 (now 11 and 15), I pulled my dress out of the archival storage unit it was packaged in, loaded up dress, girls, veil, etc, and headed to my favorite photographer to capture my girls having a dress up session with my wedding dress. The results were absolutely priceless to me then and are even more so now. Older dd wore a white slip and younger dd was in her white panties. Picture the 4 yo, wearing white panties, my white high heels that I wore on my wedding day, and holding the dress preparing to don it. Oh. my. (again) Priceless!


Hope I can figure out a way to share!

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How precious!! My dd tried on my dress when she was younger and then again last year at 18. We took pics, not professional of course. She would never wear all that 80's fluff so it may be the only pics of her in it. She did enjoy trying it on though. Girls do like to dream.


The only thing I don't still have are the shoes. They were my favorite part too. We had our pics taken at a museum across the street from the church, outside in the gardens. They were too dirty to salvage after the reception.


We are looking forward to seeing your pics when you get a chance.:)

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My step mom made my dress, and not because I really wanted her to. My friend's SIL managed a hoity toity bridal shop on Wilshire Blvd in LA, and she invited me to attend a wedding expo that her shop was sponsoring. I found this gorgeous dress by Tomasina, with ribbon embroidery. I loved it. The SIL said I could have at their cost, which was $900. My father, however, was not impressed with the price and informed me to find something else. Next thing I know, step mom is making the dress. It was NOTHING like what I wanted, at all. It was nice, she did a great job on it, but it was not what I wanted in any way.


I kept it and after my divorce, when I moved, it somehow fell out of the garment bag. I found it on the basement floor. The cats used it to pee on. I just threw it away. I think, given what a farce the marriage was, peeing on the wedding gown was appropriate. LOL *sigh* (My step mother doesn't know about the dress's demise and I'm not going to bring it up)

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I liked it pretty well, but never found that perfect dress that I fell in love with. I have tried it on every year that I wasn't pregnant or nursing and if I take shallow breaths, it still fits!





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This is the world's dumbest pose (who in hades meditates on their engagement ring? please!), but it shows the dress detail pretty well:




And here's the whole thing:




It was Stephen's mother's dress. I just loved it--it was prettier than anything I could have bought.


Oh, my. That is just beautiful!

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Crissy, wasn't it your dad who helped with your kitchen remodel? I had to grin looking at your picture because, if you'll remember, my dad is assisting us in all of our remodel. Your picture just reminded me all the more just how special he is to me. When we got married (18 years ago), I had to make a tough decision between inviting my natural father to walk me down the aisle, or my "step dad", aka "Daddy". "Daddy" is the one who worked two jobs for as long as I can remember to provide for his family including 3 daughters, two of which were not his biological daughters. He was the one who was there for all the fender benders, broken hearts, etc, etc and, yep, you guessed it, he's the one I *had* to invite to walk me down the aisle! As you already know, he's also the one who's *still* there today - as we speak, he is painting and staining shoe moulding for the old house as we prep it for the market!:001_wub:


Thanks for the memory!


What a sweet story, Sharon!


My mother had a difficult time deciding which of her 'dads' would give her away, so she asked both.

The skirt of her dress was enormous and took up the entire aisle, so they had to walk behind her. The picture is hilarious, but the fact that the two men set aside their differences (oh, my, did they have differences!) for her wedding day was so special.

Daddys are wonderful.

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I admit it, the "meditation on the engagement ring" pose made me laugh.:D (I wouldn't say that if you hadn't poked fun at it yourself, btw.) I just seem to be on a totally different wave-length than a lot of women when it comes to things like this.:001_huh:

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My mother had a difficult time deciding which of her 'dads' would give her away, so she asked both.


I did consider the option your mom went with. As the case may be, my stepdad was actually the one who felt he just couldn't do it (share the aisle). He was fine for me to have my natural father walk the aisle with me. He just couldn't bring himself to share the aisle with him. He's a very private person and I think the added attention was more than he could bring himself to endure. :o


In any case, it all worked out.

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Ok- I give up trying to load pics. I don't know how to resize them yet. :glare:


I put up some wedding photos on my blog.


Mrs. Mungo, was yours a Jessica McClintock too? Mine was similar and around the same price. :)




It may have been, I forget, so long ago!!

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This was in 1996 and I believe the cost was a whopping $1500! Gulp...my poor, poor parents....Fortunately, I still love the dress, and dd does also. Maybe she'll end up wearing it too. Or not. :)


Unfortunately, I couldn't find any decent shots with the veil and train that weren't permanently secured to my wedding album. I know candid shots are great, but honestly, I just looked like a scared little girl, LOL. So I'm offering these to you instead. Imagine a long train, rather than the full bussle as shown here.







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I sold my first wedding dress on ebay and bought groceries.


Here is my second. (Note: I lost a size to get into it and I am now nearly 2 sizes smaller!) I wanted something simple, classic, that suggested "wedding" but did not look like a wedding dress. Oh, and it had to be inexpensive. This one was on clearance sale online with JCPenney for $59.00. The highest size it came in was a 16, so I pressed "purchased", prayed and ate well and exercised. LOL.




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It is a picture of a picture so that is why it is fuzzy. :)


Good idea. Since my scanner is not hooked up, I took a few photos of the photos, lol.


Here's mine -- I want to play too. I loved my dress & our wedding day. It was really perfect. :)


I hope you can see the photos. I've had to resize them & I'm wondering how tiny they are...???

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Good idea. Since my scanner is not hooked up, I took a few photos of the photos, lol.


Here's mine -- I want to play too. I loved my dress & our wedding day. It was really perfect. :)


I hope you can see the photos. I've had to resize them & I'm wondering how tiny they are...???


When you click on them they get bigger. You are so beautiful! :)

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I'll play. I couldn't figure out how to scan. And I couldn't get to the actual album. So I took pictures of the 2 pictures that we have out around the house in frames now. I posted them on my blog because I know how to do that (not post here).

I love seeing everyone's pictures. This is fun!


OK - I am going to have to scan and post my pics - I was married in 1991 and my bridesmaids dresses were from Waverly decorator fabric as well!!! I'll post later tonite.

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I kept it and after my divorce, when I moved, it somehow fell out of the garment bag. I found it on the basement floor. The cats used it to pee on. I just threw it away. I think, given what a farce the marriage was, peeing on the wedding gown was appropriate. LOL *sigh* (My step mother doesn't know about the dress's demise and I'm not going to bring it up)




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I can't post a photo, but it wouldn't help anyway. My dh and I wore white t-shirts with pink & silver hearts embroidered on the upper left side with Bride on mine and Groom on his. I wore white jeans and my dh wore blue jeans.




I love it! I got married in bike shorts. We made everyone bike or run up a mountain to the wedding site. (Well, we let old people drive up.)

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Ya gotta love a girl who can match her eyeshadow, earrings, and shoes to her sweater :thumbup:


I would have killed for your skills in 1985.




We had a JP wedding in 1988 with one witness, and sadly I have no pictures. :( I do want to play, however, so here is my Homecoming picture, significant only because I did marry my date. ;)



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Ya gotta love a girl who can match her eyeshadow, earrings, and shoes to her sweater :thumbup:


I would have killed for your skills in 1985.




:coolgleamA: :lol:


And FWIW, dee-aitch was in the Navy when we married in 1988, so he wore his dress blues and I wore a fitted white sailor dress with navy buttons. Probably my eyeshadow matched then, too. ;)

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I'm laughing here at how funny this is to me while realizing that I have to post. Some of "us" look so different than we do now. And, how many of us really are changed from the days when we were newly wed?


Of note:


1. I have exactly one photo of our wedding in my possession right now. The rest are packed away in storage while we continue to live in our "temporary" (right...it's been almost a year) rental.


2. I would never choose the same dress, with all its poof and floof. But it went well with my floofy-poofy hair. Other than a heart which remains pretty much the same, I am a VERY different girl from the one who wore this gown in 1991.


3. This photo appeared in the August 1991 issue (wedding was Feb.) of Town & Country Magazine. You know, the one all the "swells" read? My MIL was a subscriber -- a wannabe swell -- and sent our picture in on a whim. She nearly wet her pants when it showed up on the Weddings page six months later! Now, I think T & C only lets in fellow swells...possibly ones who pay a lot of money to have their photos printed there. Such a Cinderella story that we wound up there at all!


Here it is, scanned from the 17 year old magazine. ~Doran :D



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1991, when, for some strange reason people must have believed that the more material in a dress the longer the marriage?!?


Please forgive the frightening maniquin in the close-up picture of the front, but I wanted to show the heart in the front and the one in the back you can see also. Can I just please say "GAG!!" :-) But, oh did I love it as a bright-eyed 23 year old!!scan-1.jpg

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1991, when, for some strange reason people must have believed that the more material in a dress the longer the marriage?!?


And, I think I just may have you beat on the amount of material. My photo (currently at the very end of this thread) doesn't show the full train, but you can sure get the idea of ABUNDANCE from the sleeves alone!



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Here's my dress (my mom and I made it - rather my mom made it and I added all the lace cutouts to the sleeves and skirt which you can't see in the picture.) This was in 1991. I'm a bit surprised at how many of us had dresses that were made by family/friends/self. Unfortunately - I think I could have bought a dress for what it cost in fabric and lace.


So far, my daughter says that she will want to wear it someday (and this is without my prompting).


Also showing is the Waverly bridesmaid dress - I had seven attendants (DH had 3 sisters!) So in some of my pics I look like I am in sitting in a flower garden. But it was nice for an afternoon wedding.


I have really enjoyed this thread.





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