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Meaningful Composition - anyone use this? I would like more info

Tami in CA

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We used CQLA Level B and C. The method is the same as IEW for writing. Meaningful composition (I have a friend that's using it now.) is very much a "use it on it's own" program. There is no need to see the IEW dvd's first. Everything is explained well. We love this program!



I didn't use the DVD's at all; though, I have them. If you have reluctant writers I would go with Level A. If not, you might be able to do Level B. CQLA is very meaty! Most people find it hard to jump in at the level they think their children will be able to do because it demands a lot of writing. Look at the samples and see if you think they can handle level B. I'd probably start with Level A anyway. My friend has a 6th grader and she chose to start with Level A. It really gives a good foundation.



I watched both sets of dvds. you use Meaningful Compostition. Meaningful Compostion tells you step by step how to do it. There is no need to get IEW at all. I consider IEW to be a waste of money, if you use Training for Triumph products. I tried to use IEW for 2 years before switching to CQLA. They are the same method. CQLA has daily lessons that are everything you need to do the program.


My children and my friends (I have two of them using MC) are liking it. I'd give it a try. You can always get the DVD's later if you think you need them.




Tue Jan 16, 2007 5:55 am (PST)


I really like Meaningful Composition from trainingfortriumphhomeschool. com. It is similar to

IEW in its approach but in daily lessons.





From the website: (notes…)

There are at least eighteen weeks worth of assignments in each Meaningful Composition book as stand-alone curriculum books for one semester of instruction.


Levels B & C will require one or two one-hour? meetings each week with the teacher to discuss the assignment, introduce the outlining technique, check the student's rough draft, review his Checklist Challenge, and grade his final composition. In addition, he will need to work approximately one hour a week or four days a week by himself in MC in order to complete all of the essays contained therein during a one-semester period of time.


All MC books have two levels within the levels: Basic and Extension (A not until the multiple-paragraph writing near the end of the book).


The first part of A contains a lot of grammar and usage. Students will be able to complete the Key Word Outlines much more effectively if they understand the functions of subjects and verbs.


Can use Easy Grammar or Jensen's with it and slow down (says 2 weeks, give 4 weeks). A - don't recommend using an additional grammar program. The optimal way to learn grammar and composition is to combine the two-- using the Checklist Challenge for each composition written.



Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:42 am (PST)


If you don't want the whole program, they do sell only the writing part. It is called Meaningful composition. It begins with grammar basics and by week 8 (I think) begins writing assignments using the IEW method. I am using it with two of my kids to get them caught up in writing. So far, I really like it. One caution, don't expect to receive anything quickly. It took almost two months for me to get my order, which I did express my disappointment to them. I was told twice it would go out the following week and it didn't happen.

Once it was mailed, it was here in a week. They are in the midwest, I am on the west coast.

Karen in WA



Mon Feb 19, 2007 3:54 pm (PST)


I bought Meaningful Composition to use with a struggling writer and have been pleased. It is very basic to begin with, but what we needed.

My only reservation in recommending it, is that the company is rather slow in mailing products. It is a homeschool family business, which

I love supporting. If your client does order from them, it may take a while to receive. Here is the web site:

http://trainingfort riumph.home. mchsi.com/


Karen in WA


…doesn't cost an arm, leg, and left ear? One that is easy for mom and student. One that tells you what to do each and ever step of the way, step by step and not all in one lesson.

You need this program! http://home.mchsi.com/~r.reish/meaningfulcomposition.html

We've used QCLA which is the same thing but includes grammar and spelling. Their method is just like IEW but it's in daily lessons and completely student based.


I am just starting to use Meaningful Composition Level A with my 5th grader. It starts out very basic (sentence formation, etc). I am looking forward to using the course though as I like the writing portion of CQLA which my 7th grader is using. Sorry I can't help you more since we just started. If you have specific questions about Level A, feel free to email me and I can look ahead.



HiddenJewel at homeschoolreviews.com



I am really liking Meaningful Composition this year. I am using Level

A with my 5th grader as she had had little writing instruction before.




Cynthia in AK


> Anyone have a curriculum they love?

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