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Can you please recommend the BEST brand of probiotic?

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Dd is on 4-6 WEEKS of antibiotics, or more, due to Lyme disease. I can't get her to eat enough yogurt or kefir, as she doesn't love it.


She's only been on antibiotics once before, and I really want to keep her good bacteria levels up. I don't care if it's pills or capsules or what form, I just want one that's really effective. I remember reading that some of them are not stable or something and lose a lot of their effectiveness. Thanks!

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These are two brands that have been shown to survive the stomach acid and make it alive to the intestine. I'm sorry not to have the links to where I've read this, but Prevention magazine online had something about it, and you could probably find it by searching the website.


Good luck!

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ProThera also makes a very good probiotic called Abx Support.


It is best to switch up brands from time to time, every 4 weeks or so. Different probiotics carry different strains bacteria. We rotate through Culterelle, Klaire Labs/ ProThera, Custom, and Kirkman.


Also, drinking kefir (homemade is best but store bought is good too) is great and is very hardy so it doesn't matter when you drink it. It has more probiotics than yogurt. But if prefer or want yogurt in addition, Seven Stars brand is great. (It may be Seven Farms, I can't really remember exactly)

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Nature's Way or Udo's are the only brands that I would personally buy.

Just make sure it's interic coated, sot that it survives the journey to the intestines.


For what it's worth, I wouldn't use Culturelle if it was free.

(Kind of like Centrum vitamins~)

My degree is in Holistic Nutrition. ;)

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  • 1 year later...
Nature's Way or Udo's are the only brands that I would personally buy.

Just make sure it's interic coated, sot that it survives the journey to the intestines.


For what it's worth, I wouldn't use Culturelle if it was free.

(Kind of like Centrum vitamins~)

My degree is in Holistic Nutrition. ;)


Thanks for sharing this!

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So sorry your daughter has Lyme. I hope they caught it early, and checked her well for co-infections.


Even if her co-infection tests were negative, you might want to familiarize yourself with pediatric symptoms of them and keep an eye out, as there can be false negatives. Some co-infections require different types of meds.


I've had 4.5 years - yes, years - of abx treatment because of Lyme and co-infections. I know - there's controversy there. But I have a great, great doc, and have been off abx now for 2 years. The strides I made were amazing - so it was needed and worth it. (I can walk again!)


Anyway - as for probiotics... VSL #3 is wonderful. Theralac is great, too. And in a pinch, I use Culturelle.


Please consider adding in Saccharomyces Boulardii - a beneficial yeast. It can help to prevent developing C. Diff while on abx. C. Diff is a serious and hard to treat GI infection. S. Boulardii can help to prevent it. Very worthwhile. It's available in several forms, or you can even pick it up at CVS. Florastor is a common brand, and has been well tested.


Oh, and do take them 2 - 3 hours away from the abx.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Nature's Way or Udo's are the only brands that I would personally buy.

Just make sure it's interic coated, sot that it survives the journey to the intestines.

I love Nature's Way. Haven't tried Udo's, but have heard great things about it.


For what it's worth, I wouldn't use Culturelle if it was free.

(Kind of like Centrum vitamins~)



My degree is in Holistic Nutrition. ;)

Please share more and post more often. I LOVE Holistic Nutrition. :)

Do you have a blog?


Whatever brand you get, make sure it has been refrigerated during shipping and shelf time. :001_smile:

I can't because of travel and where we live. We have to ship all our supplements down here.


Here's what I've read:


Any probiotic you take should contain at least 1-5 billion colony-forming units (CFUs).


Several probiotics that make the grade are:

Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics 12 PLUS is known to be the one of the strongest, most effective probiotics

Try it for at least 1-2 months – then you can either take a maintenance dose of one capsule a day or switch to a good, less-potent, and less-expensive formula

The biggest problem with this probiotic is that it’s rather expensive. Yet it’s well worth the price if you have severe digestion or immune problems. But if not, you can get one of the less expensive ones below.

Udo's Choice Adult's Probiotic – 12-36 billion CFUs

New Chapter Organics Probiotic All-Flora – 8 billion CFUs

Jarrow Formulas Enhanced Probiotic System, Jarro-Dophilus EPS – 5-20 billion CFUs

Puritan's Pride Probiotic Acidophilus – 3-9 billion CFUs

Jarrow Formulas femdophilus – 5-10 billion CFUs

Advocare Probiotic Restore – 2-4 Billion CFUs

Kyo-Dophilus – 3 billion CFUs

Nature’s Way Probifia Pearls

Enzymatic Therapy Acidophilus Pearls

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Nature's Way. We've used this brand for many years. They have both refrigerated kind and the pearl kind. We take the ones that require refrigeration at home and the pearls when traveling. Very very effective.

I absolutely LOVE pretty much everything I've tried from Nature's Way.

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Dd is on 4-6 WEEKS of antibiotics, or more, due to Lyme disease. I can't get her to eat enough yogurt or kefir, as she doesn't love it.


She's only been on antibiotics once before, and I really want to keep her good bacteria levels up. I don't care if it's pills or capsules or what form, I just want one that's really effective. I remember reading that some of them are not stable or something and lose a lot of their effectiveness. Thanks!


Sorry to hear your daughter has lyme. I have chronic lyme and have been on antiobiotics for 2 or 3 years now. I have to take probiotics with my meds or I get violently ill. In the mornings, I take Theralac along with a half tsp. of Ethical Nutrients Intestinal care powder mixed into a little water. I prefer the non-dairy version because it mixes easier. In the evenings, I just use the Ethical Nutrients. This combination keeps me from feeling nauseous all day.


I am actually on a pulsing plan with my antibiotics, so I only take them 3 days a week. I still take the Ethical Nutrients at bedtime even on the days I don't have to take the antibiotics.


I'm not sure if these are the best out there, but they are working well for me.



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Do you use milk kefir or water kefir? With water kefir, you can make "soda" (we love grape) & that would be chalked full of probiotics for your little girl. My kids love it. We dislike milk kefir though, it's sour.






How do you make water kefir? And then what do you do to make it taste good? I make kefir with young green coconut water (not regular coconuts that have milk) and it tastes terrible, but has been something my non-dairy son has used for years.



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How do you make water kefir? And then what do you do to make it taste good? I make kefir with young green coconut water (not regular coconuts that have milk) and it tastes terrible, but has been something my non-dairy son has used for years.




It's really simple. I got the recipe from a course I took online at www.gnowfglins.com (she follows a lot of Sally Fallon's Nourishing Traditions). Basically, to make grape soda, it just requires a second fermentation. I do not use coconut water. I use spring water (or you could use boiled water that has sat out to remove the chlorine). For my first fermentation, I just add sugar & an egg shell (I use an old large pickle jar about 3/4 full with 1 cup of sugar - or you can use sucanat, etc). Let it ferment for at least 24 hours - you want it to begin to carbonate for sure. For the next step, you will need to remove the grains (honestly I always leave a teaspoon though to make it extra bubbly:D). For the second fermentation, I add 2 cups of organic grape juice....but depending on the size of your batch, you would add less than I do. Put a lid on tightly and let it ferment for another 24 hours. Remove grains, but do not add those to the batch. They are stained purple now & really can be tossed, eaten, etc. It taste delicious. There are many varying recipes on the web. Just google "water kefir grape soda". We also love kombucha, and to flavor that I use different teas (blueberry, etc) to create yummy flavors.



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It's really simple. I got the recipe from a course I took online at www.gnowfglins.com (she follows a lot of Sally Fallon's Nourishing Traditions). Basically, to make grape soda, it just requires a second fermentation. I do not use coconut water. I use spring water (or you could use boiled water that has sat out to remove the chlorine). For my first fermentation, I just add sugar & an egg shell (I use an old large pickle jar about 3/4 full with 1 cup of sugar - or you can use sucanat, etc). Let it ferment for at least 24 hours - you want it to begin to carbonate for sure. For the next step, you will need to remove the grains (honestly I always leave a teaspoon though to make it extra bubbly:D). For the second fermentation, I add 2 cups of organic grape juice....but depending on the size of your batch, you would add less than I do. Put a lid on tightly and let it ferment for another 24 hours. Remove grains, but do not add those to the batch. They are stained purple now & really can be tossed, eaten, etc. It taste delicious. There are many varying recipes on the web. Just google "water kefir grape soda". We also love kombucha, and to flavor that I use different teas (blueberry, etc) to create yummy flavors.






Thanks for sharing how you do this. I'll have to give it a try. Do you think I could use the Body Ecology kefir starter packets I have or would I need to purchase the grains you mentioned?



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It's really simple. I got the recipe from a course I took online at www.gnowfglins.com (she follows a lot of Sally Fallon's Nourishing Traditions). Basically, to make grape soda, it just requires a second fermentation. I do not use coconut water. I use spring water (or you could use boiled water that has sat out to remove the chlorine). For my first fermentation, I just add sugar & an egg shell (I use an old large pickle jar about 3/4 full with 1 cup of sugar - or you can use sucanat, etc). Let it ferment for at least 24 hours - you want it to begin to carbonate for sure. For the next step, you will need to remove the grains (honestly I always leave a teaspoon though to make it extra bubbly:D). For the second fermentation, I add 2 cups of organic grape juice....but depending on the size of your batch, you would add less than I do. Put a lid on tightly and let it ferment for another 24 hours. Remove grains, but do not add those to the batch. They are stained purple now & really can be tossed, eaten, etc. It taste delicious. There are many varying recipes on the web. Just google "water kefir grape soda". We also love kombucha, and to flavor that I use different teas (blueberry, etc) to create yummy flavors.



I wish we had all these ingredients here :(.

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Check out Jigsawhealth.com for probiotics. I used to use Culturelle, but switched to jigsaw when I realized I could buy a 12 months supply at a time and use one of their coupons....making a 30 day supply a little under $10.00. A significant savings over Culturelle (around $18 a box, I believe?) and I think just as good in quality. They have great customer service, too.


I'm hit or miss about taking probiotics, but always am more diligent when we seem to be coming down with something -- I really believe they work.



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