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The Pause

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We were at a large Christmas activity in our town yesterday and were waiting in a long line for the women's bathroom. I was standing in back of two strangers chatting with each other. One was an 8 year old girl with her dad....the other was a woman. The woman was chatting with the 8 year old girl. Then came the question from the woman: "What grade are you in?" And then, there it was....The Pause. I immediately knew why the girl paused LOL! I knew she was going to say she was homeschooled. And she did! She informed the woman that she was between 3rd and 5th grade, depending on the subject.


No one could say this girl was not socialized, she could carry on a conversation better than I could!

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I love it! My kids always do "the pause" and look to me, despite the fact that I stopped answering for them many years ago (and we usually just give their chronological grade equivalent:).) They know that the followup questions will be the hard ones - who is your favorite teacher? is it a day off from school? where do you go to school?

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I love it! My kids always do "the pause" and look to me, despite the fact that I stopped answering for them many years ago (and we usually just give their chronological grade equivalent:).) They know that the followup questions will be the hard ones - who is your favorite teacher? is it a day off from school? where do you go to school?


Same with my ds9! The Pause. I love it. And I too quit answering for ds a long time ago.

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I love it! My kids always do "the pause" and look to me, despite the fact that I stopped answering for them many years ago (and we usually just give their chronological grade equivalent:).) They know that the followup questions will be the hard ones - who is your favorite teacher? is it a day off from school? where do you go to school?


Why didn't I think of that??? My girl does The Pause and, like you, we just settle in on the chronological grade equivalent so when The Pause comes, I'm perplexed. Now I get it.


Can't wait to discuss this with her.


Where do you go to schoo? Our School is St. Scholastica's School for Silly Scholars and we like it (my daughter loves it) but I can see that just leading to more questions.


Why didn't I think of that?

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lol! Lately my kids -- the oldest one anyway -- has developed concern about being seen out and about while other kids are in school. Now this only comes up rarely anyway. When the kids were little, we often ran errands during the day, etc, but now that they're a little older and school takes longer, we don't get the chance to go out during school hours all that often. But when we do, the older one starts to worry. So now, as we're walking out the door, the kids begin to create fantasy cover stories just in case anyone asks, "Why aren't you in school?"


I think it's hilarious, 'cause I they've hardly ever been asked anything of the sort. And I don't think they've ever actually used one of their crazy stories... But the fact that they spend time coming up with them just tickles me.

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The kid across the street tells people he's a "sophju" (sophomore/junior).


I stared at him.


I said "John, do you realize how that combination comes out sounding?"


He said it didn't bother him.


Umm... My kid just sticks to numbers.




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