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Where to find Zhou Zhou pets?

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I recommend to wait until after the holidays. If you really want to buy one, you'll probably have to pay extra to a reseller. They are about $8 and about $35 sold by a reseller. You could check the store that you frequent. Our Walmart keeps them behind the counter and you need to ask for one(and know the secret handshake:D) You are only allowed to buy one or two per person, I think. But the store rarely has them in stock. Luckily, dd doesn't want one that badly.

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I've been watching these since about August and they've been flying off the shelves since them. I bought some for my girls way back then. I only got them 2 hamsters each, along with 2 beds and carriers. I'm not doing the whole she-bang because I dont think they would get played with in their cages and stuff. I can totally see my girls just toting them around though.


Check Wal Mart early each morning...they usually get their shipments at night and stock them overnight. At least I know ours does it that way.

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Just got an email from Toys R Us about them being in stock and the stores open at 6am tomorrow for Rewards Members...or something like that. Good luck. I don't know what they are, but hear they are "the" toy to have. That tells me that they are insanely overpriced and will likely be half as much NEXT year when another toy becomes "the" thing to have. Ask me how I know...:glare:

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Brilliant, Sue!! THANK YOU! I went over at the crack of dawn (tried walmart at 5:15 am, no luck), and got some at Toys R Us! THANKS SO MUCH!

Btw, TRU has 60% of the company or something, so they are the most likely to have them....they only let you get one, so take a friend or spouse if you want more than one.


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