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Unique gift for 2 year old DD who only plays with Little People

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Seriously, that's ALL she plays with. I'm soooo glad that she loves them and it is so cute to see her toting them around all the time, but she leaves me with zero gift ideas LOL. We have all of the "regular" toys we need like Littlest Pet Shop, stuffed animals, My Little Ponies, dolls, etc. We're good to go in those departments.


I can't just get her nothing. DD5 is SO easy to buy for....I have a list a mile long of things she will really like. Stuff like art sets, an easel, fun science kits, computer/DS/Leapster games, board games, Webkinz, etc. DD5 is covered. I just can't have DD5 opening gifts and DD2 opening nothing.


Is there anything really unique that you've seen/heard about? Or that your dc really loves to play with? She's a very mature 2 years old....she'll realize her sister is opening gifts but not her.

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If you can't find any new Little People that she doesn't have, just wrap up the ones she loves. My kids do that for each other all the time, and they are SO happy to get a present and have it be something they love inside.


DD4 decided she wanted a stuffed kitty for her 2nd birthday while we were at the store, about a month before her birthday. She was REALLY sure that was what she wanted. I got it for her, she played with it up to her birthday, I wrapped it, and she was thrilled to open it!

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Well, if she really only likes those toys, and other toys would be a waste...could you concentrate on gifts that are food or clothing?


Pick her favorite ones of those, wrap them up cute and she would have fun opening them. For clothing, maybe pick her favorite Disney character for pj's or mittens, etc.

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How about something not toy related? Clothes? Handbag? Sunglasses? Shoes? How about a personalized bath towel? Videos?


Or get a Rainbow Resource Christmas catalog and pull it out to look at when she's nearby. She'll climb on your lap and point to all the stuff that she likes. File it away in your memory and order later.

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They were one of those pricier items we typically wouldn't buy, but he gets LOTS of playtime out of them.


THere are a few cute Little People computer games for toddlers--does she have those?


Also, I never would have expected a two year old boy to love it so much, but the play kitchen items (even if you just get food and accessories if you weren't planning to spend that much) get used a lot here!

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As for the Wegits.....she may like something like that. How do they go together? She does enjoy playing with our counting cubes sometimes. Those stick together and she'll just make tall towers out of them. I might have to keep these in mind. I was actually considering some sort of building toy. We had duplo blocks and they never got played with so we recently sold them.


We have a kitchen set with accessories, she has purses and tote bags (these actually get used a lot too because she carries her little people around in them).


I am definitely trying to stick with a lot of non-toy items. I'm going to be on the look out for some Diego clothes (she loves Diego). And she loves princesses as well, so I guess it may be worth it to check out the Disney store online for Princess clothing.


Thanks so much everything! Definitely checking into the Wedgits!

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This year I am gettingmy dd2 natural tree blocks from rainbow resource (they already arrived and are so cool looking). Plus Lauri alaphabet puzzles and fit a shape puzzles. She is just starting to get into puzzles so those should be a hit. I will likely get her some accessories for her baby dolls too which she plays with all the time.


Her newest favorite is to play with big sister's polly pockets and barbies, so I may see if there is a set more suited to preschoolers rather than big kids. We'll see though because we do have lots of those.


I am also getting her leap frog word factory dvd(though our letter factory dvd has vanished so she may be getting another copy of that too).


She is also getting a lot of milegage out of paint with water books. She loves to think she is painting with the big kids. The magna doodle and water painting board thing are big hits with her as well.

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dd3 has liked:


Stroller with babies/blankets/bottles

Unit Blocks

Kitchen with wood food that has velcro seams and cuts apart. She has the bread one, vegetables, birthday cake and pizza. ALso kitchen appliances.

Toy Vacuum

Books, books and more books

Wood puzzles

Music Instuments

Shopping cart

Bicycle/Trike/Plasma Car-she likes to have a traffic cone or two to drive around

Stacking Pegs

Washable paints and apron

Suction cup balls to throw against the windows






For Christmas at 3yo she is getting Quadrilla and a wooden dollhouse. (She dosen't like plastic toys)

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Do you get the Fisher Price Little People Catelog? Do you have all the Christmas Village sets? The Nativity set? Hanukkuk Celebration? The Mayflower set? First Thanksgiving?


There are so many to choose from and they are all so cute. They are wonderful collectibles.


I would second this (unless you already have them). My 9 yo and almost 7 yo still look forward to when I pull out the Thanksgiving Little People, the Nativity Little People, and the Christmas park scene at holidays. Wish they had had the Mayflower back when my kids were a bit younger--don't think I can justify buying any more at this age even though they do still play with them!

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My 3yo dd still plays with her little people but has started to move onto playmobil. They have so many little accessories and she loves anything tiny that she can tuck away somewhere. They have some princess and fairy sets, and both of my girls have been drooling over the cute penguin zoo set.


Does she have a wallet and pretend money?


My dd loved small mini-sized books at that age that she could carry around with her in her purse/shopping cart/etc.


What about a little stuffed dog or cat that comes with a travel crate/accessories?

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We do have quite a bit of Playmobil. And she will play with them when big sister pulls them out. But after playing with them for a day, she'll go back to her Little People.


I love looking through the Little People catalog! But we just have SO many sets that I cannot justify purchasing more when she's perfectly content with what we have. We have the Noah's Ark set, the castle, the family house, the pirate ship, the nativity, the Christmas train, the airplane, the school bus, the playground, and tons of Little People and animals to go with them. She rarely touches the accessories, just carried around and plays with about 30 or so of the actual People LOL.


And we have all the usual stuff like strollers, wooden puzzles, musical instruments, etc.


I think I will check out the Wedgits....and the unit blocks and tree house blocks. Maybe she could build her Little People some sort of structure. :D


By the way, I'm SO excited about the one stuffed animal that I got for her this year. She LOVES llamas. Not cats....not dogs....but llama's LOL (thanks to Diego). Webkinz just released a llama and I got it for her. She's going to flip! She has one lone llama figure that she plays with along with her Little People, so she's going to love that she has one to hug now!

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As for the Wegits.....she may like something like that. How do they go together?


There isn't anything that sticks them together like you would find on Legos or Lincoln Logs, they just sit on top of eachother horizontally, vertically--depending on what sizes you're stacking the results can vary a lot.


When we first got them I was a little underwhelmed, they just seemed to just make a pyramid to an old mom with no imagination. Then my older son started making some fantastic designs with them--and little brother uses them all the time now.


These pictures might give you a better idea:



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