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Book A Week in 2009 *Week 46 Book 47 *

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Tomorrow is the start of Week 46 in the quest to read 52 books in 52 weeks and starting book # 47. Guess what? The count down - We have 6 weeks left.


I'll be off line tomorrow so posting this early. Even in the midst of nanowrimo I've been managing to read since I don't watch much tv. Currently reading J.D. Robb's Kindred in Death. If you are looking for book challenges for 2010, there is a whole host of neat ones listed on Novel Challenges.


Insanely enough I have signed up for 13 challenges, some of which are carry overs from this year, a couple perpetual challenges and my very own challenge reading the Hugo Award books - science fiction. Crazy but I'm a book lover. My challenges for 2010 are listed here. Some books I haven't decided on yet and I'm making an effort to read ones that have been sitting on the shelves for a while. And a lot of them are crossovers.


What have you been reading this week? And are you making any plans to join any challenges next year or have a goal in mind. Please share.

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Currently reading The Shadow of the Wind.


Next up: The Lost City of Z and Cotton.


I didn't join any reading challenges this past year (even though I keep posting in this thread lately, lol). Don't know that I'll join any next year either. I'm in a book club, so I try to read all those books, plus others. I'd like to gradually increase the # of books I read each year. I also feel like I've been fortunate this year to read a lot of books that I have really, really enjoyed. (I've learned to ditch ones I dislike pretty quickly.) So, I'm hoping I find & enjoy as many (or more) wonderful books next year.

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I'm still reading old Grass Roots magazines and am working on craft, so no books for me. I have read more than 52 though, so I don't feel I'm piking! I have enjoyed posting here. It's fun especially when you see you've read the same as others are, and it has encouraged me to keep reading when I would have gone off it. Even now, being November, I am usually off reading in favour of Christmas presents, but this challenge has helped me keep up with it, albeit by reading magazines. (Self sufficiency content, not Cosmo or something!) If we're going to do this again next year, I'll be in on it, though I don't think I'll achieve such a great long list. I won't be breastfeeding a new baby! That gave me lots of reading time! I am also intending to start on WEM, but with two toddlers, I'm not sure how successful I'll be. Anyway, it's more about the journey than posting a book a week on this forum.



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Just finished Charlaine's Harris "Living Dead in Dallas." Next up "The last ember" by Daniel Levin.


Procrastinating - should be writing, but hubby hovering and I'm hungry, plus james is playing mario on the computer. Too much distraction. Have to go lock myself in a room to write.

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Currently reading The Shadow of the Wind.



Finished The Shadow of the Wind. I liked it overall, though it got a little too gothic horror in a few parts (& a little to convenient/unbelievable in parts), imo. It's an unusual, sad, atmospheric tale that's pretty clever w/ many twists & turns. There are also a few great characters in the story. I recommend it, but I do know it's not a book for everyone.


Last night, I started The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I'm also planning to start The Lost City of Z.

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I haven't counted up, so I'm not sure what number I'm on. I finished Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card (way outside my box, but fascinating -- I really enjoyed Ender's Game a year or two ago). I read The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde through DailyLit.com.


I'm on a memoir kick now. Maybe it is that I grew up in a girl household and I have a need to see childhood through male eyes (now that I have a house full of boys). I finished Boy: Tales of Childhood by Roald Dahl (loved) and have Going Solo (his story of his years as a WWII pilot) on my towering book stack. I read The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid by Bill Bryson (hilarious and extremely irreverant). I am reading 26 Fairmount Avenue today (it's a short one) by Tomie DePaola.


I've also started The Trumpeter of Krakow and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. I need a separate lifetime just for reading.

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Insanely enough I have signed up for 13 challenges, some of which are carry overs from this year, a couple perpetual challenges and my very own challenge reading the Hugo Award books - science fiction. Crazy but I'm a book lover. My challenges for 2010 are listed here. Some books I haven't decided on yet and I'm making an effort to read ones that have been sitting on the shelves for a while. And a lot of them are crossovers.


About the Hugo challenge . . . did you know there was a tie in the novel category for 1993? I haven't read A Fire Upon the Deep, but The Doomsday Book (the other winner) is fantastic. If you haven't already read it, you should make room for it.

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About the Hugo challenge . . . did you know there was a tie in the novel category for 1993? I haven't read A Fire Upon the Deep, but The Doomsday Book (the other winner) is fantastic. If you haven't already read it, you should make room for it.


I saw that, but forgot to add it to my list. I'll probably be adding lots of books to the lists. Side trips reading all the nominee books, etc. So many to choose from.

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