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Any suggestions for Thanksgiving-related books to read aloud?


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Hi there! I am in search of 2-3 chapter books to read aloud during the holidays. We'll start a new book next week, and it'd be nice to have something related to Thanksgiving. Any suggestions? For Christmas, I plan to read The Light at Tern Rock and maybe A Christmas Carol but would be open to other ideas, too.


For an idea of DC's listening level, our most recent read-alouds have been unabridged Peter Pan, The Wheel on the School, Five Children and It, The Story of Dr. Dolittle, and Boxcar Children.

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Three Young Pilgrims by Cheryl Harness is terrific. It is the best picture book I have for Thanksgiving even if I cry every time I read it. It follows one family of Pilgrims for a year between 1620 and 1621. It includes the fact that there were Saints and Strangers on the boat, and that many of them didn't make it. It covers the aid they received from the local tribes. It even has a list of all of the people on the Mayflower and charts and maps and nice little real historic details wrapped around a sweet, fictional story.

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Three Young Pilgrims by Cheryl Harness is terrific. It is the best picture book I have for Thanksgiving even if I cry every time I read it. It follows one family of Pilgrims for a year between 1620 and 1621. It includes the fact that there were Saints and Strangers on the boat, and that many of them didn't make it. It covers the aid they received from the local tribes. It even has a list of all of the people on the Mayflower and charts and maps and nice little real historic details wrapped around a sweet, fictional story.


Thanks for the suggestion. My DD and I love to cry when we read books, she might especially enjoy this one. :)

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Margaret Pumphrey


Here's a link to Stories of the Pilgrims at the Baldwin Project:




seriously? I just had a look at this and Im not reading my kids anything like thiat in 2009.


This was just what the Pilgrims were waiting for. Bang! Boom! roared the muskets. One [122] of the bullets struck the Indian chief in the arm. He could not draw his bow again. With an angry yell the savages fled into the forest.



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seriously? I just had a look at this and Im not reading my kids anything like thiat in 2009.






Hum, I see what you mean. However, it does reflect how the pilgrims felt and thought about the Native Americans. Lots of discussion to be had. It was the same when I read the Little House books.

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