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My almost 9 y/o ds informed me today that he's, "outgrowing toys".

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I've been noticeing lately that both boys (8 & 6) haven't been playing with their toys much at all lately. I keep telling them to go play toy's before I get rid of them (in my mind, they must not want them if they're not playing with them at all). My 6 yr. old promptly ran upstairs to play. My 8 yr old (who will be 9 a week before Christmas) informed me that he doesn't like playing with toy's and that he's "outgrowing them".


Is this a common occurance at this age???:001_huh: My step-son played with toys alot up until about 1.5-2 yrs ago (he's now 15). I'm kind of at a loss wth where to go with this new found info. He loves to read and draw, but that really leaves his 6 yr. old brother out of the picture:glare:.


I'm not even sure what I'm looking for here. What do I do with this kid now;)? I've never heard of such a young boy NOT liking toys:001_huh:.

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My son is 8, and when he stops playing with his toys it is almost always because his room is a terrible mess. He's getting better at getting it clean on his own, but sometimes when we've had a couple of busy weeks it just gets out of control. He has two sets of indulgent grandparents and a 10x10 room; toy storage is not easy!


Usually what I do is grab my daughter as a helper and we all get in there and tear the place apart. We throw away every broken toy and all the little bits of paper crud that he accumulates. We put all the Lego in the Lego box, all the Kaplas in the Kapla box, etc. We usually put a boxful of toys into "suspension" somewhere up high in his closet and bring down whatever got put up last time.


After his room is looking good he usually hunkers down in there for hours at a time, playing with the things he "forgot" he had. :)


He does go through phases of playing outside instead of playing with any of his stuff. This fall, for example, when we've had nice weather he's been out tromping through the woods or riding his bike whenever he can.

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I've been noticeing lately that both boys (8 & 6) haven't been playing with their toys much at all lately. I keep telling them to go play toy's before I get rid of them (in my mind, they must not want them if they're not playing with them at all). My 6 yr. old promptly ran upstairs to play. My 8 yr old (who will be 9 a week before Christmas) informed me that he doesn't like playing with toy's and that he's "outgrowing them".


Is this a common occurance at this age???:001_huh: My step-son played with toys alot up until about 1.5-2 yrs ago (he's now 15). I'm kind of at a loss wth where to go with this new found info. He loves to read and draw, but that really leaves his 6 yr. old brother out of the picture:glare:.


I'm not even sure what I'm looking for here. What do I do with this kid now;)? I've never heard of such a young boy NOT liking toys:001_huh:.


I saw in your status that this is your "book eater," and I think that makes a big difference. My 13 yos is a voracious reader too, and he stopped being interested in most toys around that age. He just prefers books so much more, and that is fine with me. I did (still do)require him to play with his younger brother at least once per day, and they mostly play with action figures together. For a while he was interested in Legos and Bionicles, but they lost their appeal within a couple more years. My 9yos still loves playing with action figures, but also really loves drawing, so often he will draw while his older brother reads.

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