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Immediate prayers for ds20 at VCU needed pls

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Ds20 is threatening suicide. He is still distraught over the girl who doesn't want to see him at all. He wrote her a letter (I saw it, and it was under the guidance of his therapist) and did not receive a reply.


We are trying to reach him on the phone, but he's probably gone to dinner. Pls pray for his safety and for his healing.


On a good note, we have found an autism clinic at VCU in their psych dept that helps young adults with Aspergers. He's probably going to get an evaluation (does not have a diag yet, but we've long suspected he has ASD) very soon. He will need to continue therapy, also (his therapist has recommended long-term--he only has 12 sessions of student health center counseling, so we are helping him find another therapist, and this looks like a good option.


UPDATE Sunday 7:30am


Thanks so much, everyone, for your encouragement, good thoughts, prayers and hugs.

We did locate him--he came back from dinner and was exercising in his room when dh contacted ds' roommate to find out if he had seen ds. Dh is going down today to VCU to talk with him and just be with him for a while.

It's so draining. Too much family drama. Our dear friend Michelle, who is also a counselor, says dh should handle talking to ds and I should be still and let God work. I have been taking over the emotional aspects of our marriage/family, and dh needs to step up and show ds how a man handles strong emotions. We are all getting healthier, but family systems therapy theory sort of "warned" us that, if someone has been the focus of family drama for a long time (which was ds18) and then gets well, there will be a gap of sorts that someone else in the family may try to fill. I totally agree--it's subconscious, but it's happening with ds20.

There's such a fine line between being a good parent and letting go enough for ds20 to take ownership of his health--At any rate, he is ok for now. He'll be calling the VCU psych clinic and talking to someone Monday. He still has 2 weeks of counseling sessions before they run out (with Student Health, another entity).


I feel like some of you may think I'm a "drama troll" b/c my life has been so, well, dramatic! Pls know I really, really appreciate you all sweetly embracing me and sharing your own stories of both pain and hope. I'm not sure SWB truly realizes the impact of this community. I have great friends and community irl, also, but you are special. Thank you so much.

Edited by Chris in VA
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I have a sister who was very suicidal in college. My mom moved out of state and after a childhood of absent parents, she just collapsed. She even had bouts of hallucinations where something was telling her to kill herself, jump off ledges etc. Her BF and I would have to stay with her to keep her safe.


She went on medication and the suicidal ideation went away in a couple weeks. She had to live with me for a couple yrs afterwards as she didin't feel able to live on her own yet.


She grew up and is doing wonderfully. She is the most beautiful, happy person you'd ever know. She's still on Paxil and the blues come back heavy if she tries to get off, but she's now living a wonderful life.


I hope things work out for your son as well.

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Ds20 is threatening suicide. He is still distraught over the girl who doesn't want to see him at all. He wrote her a letter (I saw it, and it was under the guidance of his therapist) and did not receive a reply.


We are trying to reach him on the phone, but he's probably gone to dinner. Pls pray for his safety and for his healing.



Chris, I will definitely pray, but I urge you to try to locate your son. Try to reach his friends, go to his apartment or dorm room, or do whatever you need to do, but try to find him and help him to get started on that path to healing by finding a good counselor or psychiatrist. I don't want to frighten you, but please----try to locate your son right away.



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Chris, I will definitely pray, but I urge you to try to locate your son. Try to reach his friends, go to his apartment or dorm room, or do whatever you need to do, but try to find him and help him to get started on that path to healing by finding a good counselor or psychiatrist. I don't want to frighten you, but please----try to locate your son right away.




please let us know!~

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